All Chapters of The Blood Moon Ascendance : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
197 Chapters
Chapter 101
Mia's POV"Is that Maya?" I heard a cheery voice ask. In a few seconds, the owner rushed into the cave. She froze when she saw me, and surprise followed by distaste flashed across her face. The distaste remained, even when the surprise was gone. "The bear's didn't tear you to pieces?" she asked, scowling at me. "You can go to hell! You can't be the one in the prophecy if you're so stupid!" At the moment I saw her face, I remembered the words she had screamed as I escaped the shack almost as if she just spoke them moments ago. It was the first time I had heard about the prophecy, so I still remembered it clearly. "Hey, they're no bears in hell," I replied. We glared at each other, and I suddenly realised the air was thick with our… enmity? I wasn't sure if we were enemies since I didn't know how I offended her, but I certainly wasn't in her list of favorite people. "What is the fool talking about?" she asked no one in particular. There were only Lycidas, she and I in the room
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Chapter 102
Mia's POV "Mabel tells me you don't know the details of the prophecy yet?" it was more a question than a statement. I looked at the a little too but cheery alpha and nodded. We were seated in the cage we had taken as our sitting room, the same exact one we had first been in when the wolves chased us out of the cottage that night. "That's not right," Alpha Fenrir said, a little disgruntled with my reply. He turned to look at Mabel who was seated at a corner. "She's not strong enough," Mabel muttered defensively. "And she's too dumb for it too," Martha said. To my surprise, Lycidas glared at her. She glared right back and soon, they were caught in a contest of who would look away first. My mind tuned out of what Alpha Fenrir was saying as it tried to contain the absurdity of what it was seeing. Surely, that couldn't be Lycidas standing up for me, could it? I punched myself, just to be sure I was not dreaming. The pain was real. But it didn't make sense. We took every opportunit
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Chapter 102
Chapter 102Mia's POV "Mabel tells me you don't know the details of the prophecy yet?" it was more a question than a statement. I looked at the a little too but cheery alpha and nodded. We were seated in the cage we had taken as our sitting room, the same exact one we had first been in when the wolves chased us out of the cottage that night. "That's not right," Alpha Fenrir said, a little disgruntled with my reply. He turned to look at Mabel who was seated at a corner. "She's not strong enough," Mabel muttered defensively. "And she's too dumb for it too," Martha said. To my surprise, Lycidas glared at her. She glared right back and soon, they were caught in a contest of who would look away first. My mind tuned out of what Alpha Fenrir was saying as it tried to contain the absurdity of what it was seeing. Surely, that couldn't be Lycidas standing up for me, could it? I punched myself, just to be sure I was not dreaming. The pain was real. But it didn't make sense. We took ever
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Chapter 103
Mia's POVAlpha Fenrir turned to look at Lycidas with something akin to humour born of unbelief in his eyes. "Gonzalo told me you lost your memories. He didn't tell me you also lost your dignity, boy," he said. Lycidas's face showed confusion for a moment, then his face heated as he realized what he just did. "Well, it's not like it was my fault…" he mumbled defensively. "And it fulfills the prophecy, doesn't it?" his voice was bolder now. Alpha Fenrir continued looking at him, but there was curiosity in his face now. "What do you mean it's not your fault?" he asked. Lycidas blushed even more. By the side, Martha sniggered quietly, but stopped when Mabel shot her a glare. The corners of her mouth turned down though, and I noticed she was glaring at Lycidas with disdain. "Well…." Lycidas began. "Everything I know was told to me by Alpha Gonzalo," he said. "I can't remember anything beyond when he found me half dead with a knife in my throat." "Alright," Alpha Fenrir nodded. Ly
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Chapter 104
Mia's POVWe all walked in the tunnel for a few seconds before I couldn't hold back and had to ask."So…I really have corruption in my blood?" I asked. My heart was beating hard just thinking of it. The words felt like barbed wires as they scratched past my throat into my mouth and past my lips. I felt my eyes burn and my vision swam with tears, but I cleaned them quickly and listened for his reply. Alpha Fenrir took some time to reply. When he did, it was in an oddly amused voice that seemed so out of place with the gravity of the topic, at least to me. "You see," he said, turning back to give me a quick glance before facing forward again. He was the one leading us through the tunnel system. Mabel had told us on the night we escaped to here that it was connected to the underground chamber of the cottage and may other hideouts of the Sulfur Hands branch in Blood Moon pack. I never expected Alpha Fenrir to know said network, but since he was leading us now with Mabel in the far re
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Chapter 105
Mia's POVI looked at the stretching darkness on my left. Then I turned to look at the one on my right. After that, I looked at the one I had just emerged from. Three different pathways to follow.When Mabel told us that it was easy to get lost in this tunnel system just after we escaped from the invasion, she won the award for the grossest understatement. The real words should have been: in that tunnel system, it's impossible not to get lost. It would have been more correct. There was just no way I could have been lost except it was impossible not to get lost. As far as I could remember, I had only run in a straight line when I left the group. Maybe a turn or two, I had been too broken and my vision too blurry from tears to really pay attention to where I was going. But that shouldn't be the reason for me to get as lost I as I was now. I looked at the three alternatives I had and sighed again. I could go back the way I came and try to find another way, take the left, or take th
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Chapter 106
Mia's POVMy brain struggled to comprehend what he just said. "But …" I started to say. But he cut me off. "There's no but, dear. Your parents, are they your blood or not?" Alpha Fenrir asked. I nodded. "Of course they are," I said. Even if they are corrupted now, they are still my blood. "Exactly," Alpha Fenrir said, clapping me in the shoulder. "Actually, when we interpreted the prophecy, that was our interpretation of that line," he said. "We never thought the case of Lycidas would be possible. In fact, it never occurred to us," Saying this, he turned and continued walking forward. Lycidas smiled at me, but mercifully held his tongue. Martha scoffed and put some distance between us, but Mabel had a gentle smile on her face.A knowing smile. The two men, who walked a little behind Alpha Fenrir maintained a blank expression as they have since I first saw them. We walked in silence after that, with only the echoes of our footsteps bouncing off the tunnels and walls. As we wa
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Chapter 107
Mia's POVMy eyes widened as I looked around the chamber. It wasn't just the corrupted one before us. Every one of the corrupted in their glass cages were convulsing terribly. Their eyes glowed redder than I had ever seen it, and they bared their teeth in a snarl. It occured to me it was the first time I had ever seen a corrupted snarl. Their fangs were surprisingly white, glowing in the dim light of the chamber. They snarled and howled and strained against their chains. "The moonstone!" Alpha Fenrir said, his great coming in short gasps. "I need the moonstone now!" The moonstone? I have heard the name before, but I can't for the life of me remember where. Lycidas looked like he knew what it was though. He darted off to a corner of the chamber. But Mabel beat him to it. She darted to a cabinet at the corner of the chamber and picked out a grey stone. All at once, I remembered where I had first heard the word, moonstone. It was the first day I came down here with Mabel. Then, she
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Chapter 108
Mia's POV"No," Alpha Fenrir said quickly. "Not kill. Just incapacitate them," However, Martha didn't hear it. Before Alpha Fenrir was done speaking, she had already rushed into the tightening circle of corrupted. Sighing, Mabel rushed in after her. And so did Alpha Fenrir almost immediately. Like his shadow, the two men that had been following him rushed in after him too. That left Lycidas and I. We looked at each other. Lycidas smiled. I was fully expecting him to say something mocking about how I can't fight. To my surprise, he didn't. He just smiled slightly, a sincere smile, and said,"You can stay here. I will take care of any one that comes close —" "No, thanks," the words fell out of my mouth before the stun set in. And then it did and my jaws fell open in shock. Was Lycidas sick? That was the only explanation for his recent behaviours. Either that, or Hazel had somehow managed to swap him out with a very advanced corrupted that didn't know how distasteful Lycidas usuall
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Chapter 109
Lycidas's POV We stood, panting. Twitching and snarling bodies of corrupted wolves littered the ground around us, but they were harmless now. Unless of course, you got too close. They could scratch you or even bite if you're too close. I looked up at the trapdoor through which Mia had disappeared. A whirl of emotions churned in my heart, many of them unidentified. It wasn't the first time I had seen her suddenly powerful, or felt that….would I call it aura, from her. I had seen her like that just earlier in the day after all, when she saved me from the Silver Hand. But why do I feel like she's gotten stronger since then? Could such thing happen? It doesn't make sense. Hell, her wolf hadn't even surfaced fully, and had stayed less than an hour the last time. She couldn't have gotten so used to it that there is a noticeable increase in her strength in such a short time, could she? "Let's go," Alpha Fenrir said, his breath coming out in short gasps, as was Mabel's. Martha though, d
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