All Chapters of Choosing her heart: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
123 Chapters
“Oh my goddess girl, I needed this. Please thank Parker for setting this up,” Cami moaned as the woman giving her a massage kneaded her lower back. I have to say, I one hundred percent agreed. The woman that has been massaging my shoulders and neck is a miracle worker. Cami was still able to get full body massage where I was far to pregnant. “I am definitely not complaining. This feels amazing.” Cami turned her head towards me, “How are you feeling?” Large, swollen, tired, “Kind of all over the place. Ready to meet our pup. Afraid that I’m not going to be the mom she deserves. The last few days have been a little harder with Parker leaving.” She pouted her bottom lip, giving me a sad look. “Girl, I’m missing Kai so f*cking much. I can’t imagine being nearly five months pregnant and him leaving. I think I’d chain him in the dungeons, though a part of me thinks he might enjoy that,” she winked. That earned a laugh from everyone in the room. “Cami, I swear I hear way more tha
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Fear(Parker POV)
After meeting with Alpha Stephen, I understood Kai’s dislike for the man. He had very little compassion for the situation and didn’t seem to be bothered at all by the fact that six of his own wolves have gone missing. He explained that they didn’t have very many leads, but that out of twelve hundred in his pack, six was a small percent of that. His attitude rubbed me the wrong way. I understood where Vincent got his ‘I’m better than everyone else’ personality. “What do you think of Alpha Stephen?” Kai asked with a scoff. I'm pretty sure he already knew the answer. I gave him the side eye, “Well. He's uhm, interesting. I don’t like his attitude about this whole situation. Something feels off. They way he just shrugged off the missing members just... doesn't feel right. An Alpha is supposed to consider every member of the pack important.” Kai nodded in agreement, “I feel ya on that one. I think there is more to the story. How is Felicity? Cami gushed about the spa day," he held u
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In my head
How do I respond to her question when I have no idea myself what is happening? Cami leaned her head down and raised her brows, letting me know she was expecting an answer. “I don’t know.” I responded honestly. My mind was still reeling from whatever the heck just happened between Wyatt and I.“What do you mean you don’t know?!” She practically yelled, pinning me with her gaze. “Because I have no freaking idea what that was,” I yelled back, growing frustrated. She ran her hands over her face, “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to yell. I’m trying to process what I just witnessed. Are you and Wyatt having an affair?” I furrowed my brows in shock, “Absolutely not!" I panicked for a moment, "Is that what it looked like?” “I mean, yeah, kind of. Something was going on and Wyatt looked like he had seen a ghost when he hightailed out of here,” Cami rushed out, "You two kept stealing glances at each other. He was asking questions about whether or not you were okay when you ran to the bedroom.
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Wyatt picked us up from the house in one of Kai’s cars. As soon as we buckled in, He turned towards us and flashed a solid black card with a devilish grin. Cami snatched it from him quickly. I shook my head, stifling a giggle, “I think Kai might be in trouble today.” “Think? Uhm, he is most definitely going to feel this one. I've seen Cami's shopping sprees,” Wyatt quipped. Cami narrowed her eyes, “We deserve a leisurely day of no-limit shopping. I think as the Luna and Luna’s best friend/official teacher, we deserve it,” she said with her head held high, fluttering her eyelashes. “Official teacher. That's awesome. Congrats. I thought of being a teacher once, but I don't think all the moms could handle this,” Wyatt wagged his brows, glancing at me in the rear-view mirror. Our eyes locked for a moment before he turned his attention back to the road. "You shaping the mind of our youth? Please," Cami retorted with a snort."Hey now," he tapped his finger to his temple, "This bra
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Uncertainty(Parker POV)
I can’t stop thinking about the book. My sleep was fitful last night, as I tossed and turned, thinking about Felicity. I had no actual proof that she was a future teller, but how could she not be? The signs are all there. When she realized that the nightmare she’d been having for years came true; she said that it happened like a movie. A movie that she’d watched a hundred times. Each time with more detail until the night of. When she was actually experiencing it, she said it felt like deja-vu. And then she died. My mate dreamt of her death countless times, and then it became reality. If I wasn't in the right place at the right time; she wouldn't be here. The woman who brought me back from a life of solitude wouldn't be here. The woman who is swollen with my pup. I felt sick to my stomach thinking about it.The dream she had a few nights ago pops into my mind. She was very vague, but if it was a snippet into the future, they find me. They find me and fatally injure me. She didn’
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The steady beeping sound of hospital machinery breaks through my sleepy fog. It's a sound I don’t think my mind could ever forget. I’ve been here too many times in my life. That dreaded beep invading my brain as I lay here. I feel my lashes flutter against my cheeks as I force my eyes open. My hand feels heavy and warm. I feel a faint tingle under the skin on my hand. I blink a few times trying to focus, but I’m nearly blinded by the light in the room. Everything is white. The walls, the floors, the bed. I see....Wyatt? I blink a few more times, trying to focus. Why is Wyatt here....and....holding my hand, asleep, in the hospital? Where is Parker? I remember we were at the mall, eating lunch, and then so much pain. After that, I don’t remember much of anything. Using my elbows, I try and pull myself up to a sitting position. Wyatt sits up abruptly, releasing my hand. “Hey, how are you feeling?” he whispers groggily, quickly putting his hands in his lap. “The pain is gone, bu
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Make it make sense(Wyatt POV)
I reluctantly left Felicity at the hospital with Cami, even though my mind was screaming at me to stay. The bond was addictive, and despite being in an awful hospital chair, I slept better than I have in longer than I can remember.I have no fucking idea what is happening right now. Felicity can’t be my mate. She’s already mated to Parker and pregnant with his pup. But the more time I spend near her, the stronger the sparks get. The more intense her scent smells. The more I feel the need to be close to her. None of it makes sense. I’m starting to think the witch that I dated in high school put a curse on me. Fucking witches. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I try to massage away the headache that has begun. I wish Kai was back so that I could talk to him. He'd probably smack me upside the head and tell me what an idiot I was, but I'd take that over nothing.I know it could be dangerous to confide in him since Parker has become a close friend, but he’s been my best friend since we w
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The Plan(Elenore POV)
I’ve become increasingly impatient with Tobias on his mission. I need that healer to complete my collection. His partner and the child will be a great bonus to me, but aren’t necessary, as I already have captured a future teller.But sometimes things happen, and it wouldn't hurt to have a backup. I’ve been working for three years to secure these mutts. The first year I spent doing research after I was approached by a business partner with the idea. He knew of the mythical werewolf and his “mate”, or whatever you call them. His mate happened to be able to move objects with a single thought. That mate of his sparked an idea in his mind. Why not make money off of these creatures?Abe exploited her trust and that creepy bond they shared. She confided in him more than enough information for us to make this little dream a reality. He came to me, looking for a business partner, and here we are.Humans were willing to do anything to either see or utilize my collection of mutts. I’ve mad
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Relief (Parker POV)
As soon as our plane landed at the airport just outside of the border of our pack, I bolted, shifting into my wolf so that we could make it to Felicity faster. She's been alone for far too long. Ash has been doing nothing but whimpering since we received the call that she was in the hospital. He wanted to tear the pilots head off when he told us that we wouldn’t be able to fly home until the storms passed through. Then, he wanted to tear my head off for leaving her in the first place. ‘Get us to Felicity before I start losing it,’ he growled with a quick howl and picked up his speed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him move so quickly. As soon as we made it to the edge of the forest outside of the hospital, I forced him to shift so that we could get inside, despite his protesting. He'd argued that he needed to see her to know she was okay, but the more time we wasted arguing the angrier I grew.'They're not going to let you barrel through the halls. Just shift and I'll let you forwar
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I woke up early to find that Parker was no longer at the hospital with me. I tried to link him, but he had his block up, which concerned me.Glancing around the room, I notice he hadn’t left anything, which meant he'd actually left. I checked my phone but had no notifications from him. I tried to link Kai, but again, was blocked out. Usually, Kai wouldn’t have his block up. Being the Alpha meant that he needed to be available if anything important happened in the pack. I pondered for a moment before trying to link Wyatt. Since he’s the Beta, he may know what’s going on. ‘Hey, it’s Felicity. Is Parker with you or Kai?’My link to him surprisingly went through. That's strange. I waited a moment before his voice floated in my head. ‘Yeah, he didn’t tell you he was meeting Kai?’ ‘No, I must have been asleep when he left. That makes me feel better. Thank you.’ A few minutes passed before I heard his voice again, ‘Is everything okay?’ He sounded concerned, which made me smile. ‘
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