All Chapters of One Night With A Billionaire Alpha : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
97 Chapters
My mate's enemy is my enemy
Travis Wise tried his utmost best to convince Silas that what he saw wasn't what he believed to be the case.Even after he tried to ‘clarify’ things with a lot of beautiful nonsense and a jovial demeanor, speaking to Silas as if they were old acquaintances, Silas knew what he saw and wouldn't be fooled. This, and the fact that he could sense his mate's feelings at that time, made him aware that Travis Wise was onto some nonsense.It only irritated him more.In response to Travis Wise's explanations, Silas remained silent. With an unamused expression on his face, he conversed with Kevin in his mind.“Seeing my mate in this state makes me so mad,” Silas complained to his wolf.“At least she seems to be at ease now since I can't sense anything negative,” Kevin stated, surprising Silas.“That's strange,” Silas said. The overall calm situation at his mate's side wasn't what he was expecting. Not that he wanted anything bad to happen to her or for her to feel more gloomy, but the sudden sen
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Was the water poisoned?
Silas placed his hand on the back of her head while her hands remained by her sides because she was still asleep. “Shh,” Silas calmly said. “Shh,” he continued, using his other hand to pat her back. “Shh.” Silas wondered what was going on to cause Tabitha to burst into tears. He knew she was pained by what her family and everyone related to her had been doing to her but right now, she was asleep. Could she be reminiscing about everything through her dream, causing her to hurt this much until she began to cry? However, Silas didn't need a reason to help his mate out of her distress. He continued to pat her back and caress the back of her head but now started to hum a song. Tabitha, though was still fast asleep, despite crying, heard his hum. She was already feeling comfortable in his arms but when she heard his soothing voice, like a newborn baby, she stopped crying slowly. “That's it, my dear, that's it,” Silas said to her. When she stopped crying and he sensed how deep she was
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The smell of leaves
"We're going to die, and it's because of you!" Tabitha wailed, lifting her legs off the bed to check on Silas, whom she believed was dying.Despite feeling weak from hunger, Tabitha suddenly found the strength to exert herself and get out of bed because of the unfolding situation."Look at what you caused. You're dying, and I'm going to die too because you forced me to drink the water. I knew something like this was going to happen, all because of you!" Tabitha hit Silas's shoulder with her hand after kneeling beside him, though deep down, she knew Silas hadn't forced her to drink the water.Tabitha’s mind was filled with various thoughts, driven by her increasing fear of realizing she had been poisoned by the water in Silas’s room.Amidst her concerns, she didn’t pause to ponder why someone like Silas would have poisoned water in his room in the first place or why he would want to poison her while still drinking from it.If Silas didn’t intend harm, considering he drank from it, then
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A little or really bold
Tabitha stared at Silas after he withdrew his hands from hers. With confusion in her eyes, she lowered her gaze to her hands, holding one of her hands with her other hand and pondering Silas's recent actions."Are you a wizard?" Tabitha suddenly asked, unable to comprehend what had just transpired between Silas and her. If she told herself that what she felt a moment ago while Silas held her hands was normal, she would be lying to herself.Tabitha struggled to explain the emotions surging within her—a blend of relaxation, neediness, hunger, and an oddly comforting happiness. It all came at once, which was very confusing and disturbing.Could she have been possessed?Would she become a witch? If possible, she'd use the power to get her revenge, but what can be the consequences of having such powers?No, wait, what really happened?Tabitha drifted her gaze to Silas again to see him staring at her. It was very obvious that he knew she was puzzled and that she had questions.Suddenly, he
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The wedding vows
The final moments of her life were approaching. The reality hit Tabitha once more as the ladies hired by her mother helped her to look as beautiful as a bride should be.Tabitha wished her wedding were a class she could just skip. Unfortunately, this wedding was one she couldn't avoid because she was caged by her family with the assistance of her in-laws.Tabitha released a subdued sigh, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. Surrounding her, the ladies carefully ensured every detail was perfect.'Had I not discovered the truth, I'd be celebrating now, feeling joyous, believing I'm the luckiest woman. I would have thought I was marrying the man of my dreams, but it was all a show. Even now, I still can't understand why Donald insists on marrying me when he's well aware that his heart belongs to Bianca, not me.’Lost in her thoughts, Tabitha felt her heart beat unsteadily with every contemplation."I'm simply doomed," Tabitha murmured to herself, turning toward the door.As it swung o
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I want you to know that you are mine
'Why am I feeling excited?''It's that jumpy feeling again. It feels like I'm on top of the world. It feels like I have nothing to bother about, and I have everything I want, no matter what it is.'Tabitha, while reading the template, thought to herself. The sensation felt like a fragrance that kept approaching until the hall’s grand doors swung open."What's happening?" Tabitha pondered as the door swung open. She was curious about the person behind the door because the opening didn't catch her by surprise. It felt like she had anticipated the door opening.Everyone wanted to see the dummy who interrupted the wedding. It could be a child or a staff member who lost their way.No one expected anything significant because they believed that anyone attending the wedding would have arrived before the bride made her entrance.‘Why am I feeling this anticipation?’ Tabitha wondered as the sensation enveloped her. 'What am I expecting?’Everyone's gaze remained on the space that appeared afte
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I'll protect you
Tabitha felt herself being pulled. She recognized it was Donald, but she couldn't react because his action was unexpected, and her mind was still preoccupied with Silas's behavior towards her.Donald pulled Tabitha to take her out of Silas's arms and assert his claim on her, to tell Silas that she was his.For some reason, Donald couldn't understand why he hated how Silas touched Tabitha; he couldn't stand it, and he didn't know why. The image of Tabitha in another man's arms just didn't sit well with him.Due to not wanting to handle his mate roughly and physically, which could hurt her, Silas loosened his hold on Tabitha. This allowed Donald to pull her out of his embrace, but Silas didn't let go completely.Silas held Tabitha by her other hand and faced Donald, who approached to stand in front of him. They stared hard at each other in the eyes.Tension thickened in the air as the hall's guests watched the drama at the altar, holding their breaths, whispers filling the room."Tabith
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It's no longer yours alone to fight
The intimacy Silas showed towards his bride, even kissing her, left Donald in shock. The punches he had received also left him in pain. He did not know what affected him more—the intimacy currently going on with his bride and another man in front of him or the punches he received.Donald never imagined that a day would come when his role model, Silas Graham, would punch him in the face.When Lucinda reached the middle of the hall, where the red carpet stretched out, she paused. The sight of Silas and Tabitha together stirred anger and dissatisfaction within her. However, any plans she harbored in her mind as she approached them came to a halt when she heard her voice.Behind the altar, a large screen stood, and as Silas turned to take his woman away, amidst the murmurs and opinions circulating among the guests, a sudden voice echoed through the hall. All eyes turned toward the big screen, where a video of Lucinda and Bianca revealing their negative plans and intentions for Tabitha pl
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Won't you let me do that for you?
By the time they arrived at Silas's house, Tabitha had already fallen asleep. After crying in Silas's arms, who comforted her by patting her back and making her comfortable, she drifted into slumber.During the drive to his house, Silas observed Tabitha sleeping peacefully in his arms. Upon reaching his house and parking the car, he carefully lifted her out, mindful not to wake her. However, Tabitha stirred awake in Silas's embrace.Recalling how she ended up in Silas's arms, Tabitha met his gaze, squinting against the sunlight as they made their way to his building.“Tabitha,” Silas smiled at her, and she instinctively raised her hands to hold his neck.“Why are you doing this for me?” Tabitha asked, still finding it difficult to rely on Silas. The fear of betrayal lingered from her family's actions.Thinking about her family made Tabitha sick, so she placed thoughts about them at the back of her mind.“Because you are my mate, and I want to be with you. I want to be involved in anyt
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Inner shirt
“Oh, I love it when she looks at me like that!” Silas exclaimed to his wolf as he gazed into Tabitha's eyes.After hearing Silas's feelings, Tabitha was left speechless as she stared at him. Staring at his face, Tabitha could only secretly admire how handsome Silas was. A closer look made her realize the length of his hair that multiplied his handsomeness by multiple folds.“She's so cute,” Silas said again to his wolf.“I really want to kiss her so much that we both would end up losing our breath in the process, but she still doesn't like me.” The reality that hit Silas after his fantasy made everything he was daydreaming about with Tabitha disappear.“Her green eyes are glimmering,” Kevin replied. “She smells so great, and the mate bond is making me feel stronger because of how close we are. I want you to hold her like that until you kiss her.”“Do you want her to kill me?”“She'll love it. Don't you notice how she looks at your face?”“I think I disgust her.”“Give it a try. Let's
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