All Chapters of Alpha Damon's Redemption: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
129 Chapters
Magical Totem
Silver: Not willing to risk my new-found freedom, I remained by an inconspicuous corner of the room, away from the rest of the women where they wouldn’t notice I didn’t smell like them and somehow remember all that had happened before now, but not so far away either. Apart from one sick-looking woman who kept watching me warily, no one else seemed to pay me any mind. I wondered where Mila was. Maybe if I had someone with me, the odd woman wouldn’t find me so interesting.Coming to think of it, there weren’t many people there our age. No other harem girl had made it into the building. I felt a little chilly. I hoped the people in here weren’t the only people who had survived. A door inside the room burst open and Mila came out. “There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you,” she chastised me, but came up to hug me. I was equally relieved to see her. She sat down beside me as we stared off into space. There was nothing else to do and nothing much to be said. Soon, a silence ove
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The King's Sacrifice
Silver: Everyone was now awake because of the woman and me and I didn't like the attention it brought.“Are you okay?” Mila asked sleepily, vaguely aware of what was going on. “Yeah. That woman just thought she was seeing something," I said, desperately hoping that was all this was about. “Old Lady Ruth?” she scoffed, glancing at the woman. “Everyone knows her. She's crazy. I don't even know why she came here.” My eyes widened. “So she deserves to die because she's crazy and old?” “Calm down. That's not what I meant. She's always saying it's her fault her whole family died and she wants to die with them, so it's surprising how she keeps running to safety.” I glanced at the woman and noticed she was still mumbling something and staring at me. I didn't know her story, and I didn't want to know it. Something warned me against her and inasmuch as I didn't support abandoning people because they were crazy, I couldn't ignore that nagging voice in my head telling me to stay away from h
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Moving On
Tiffanie:It had been exactly twenty-one days since my sister, Silver left us, twenty-one silent days of regret and uncertainty. Our once bubbly house became a graveyard where celebratory visits slowly turned into condolence visits. On the day Silver left us, my mother had just agreed to do something she had been so against from the start, a hypnosis on Silver. Everyone had always been irritated by my sister's complete disregard for our sacred beliefs, but it had never been the plan to hypnotize her, no matter how many times the Sorceress tried to convince my mother. However, something had happened that morning after my mother found Silver in the forest. She never told me what exactly she had seen, but ever since that day, nothing remained the same again. Unfortunately, the Sorceress had come that day to try and convince us, and surprisingly, my mother agreed to go on with the hypnosis, wholeheartedly, and like the subservient and dutiful daughter I was, I agreed with her. Okay, th
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Finding The King
Silver: The Reborn Kingdom did not take the news of their King’s disappearance as well as I had expected them to. On the first day, it was complete chaos. People wailed on the streets, tore their clothes, and scattered around everywhere. No one tried to bring Mila and me back to the harem like I assumed they would. There was nothing but confusion everywhere, I wondered how Beta Rogu would ever be able to put the Kingdom back in order. After storming out of the hideout building, I hadn’t been able to find Mila again. I wondered if she was searching for me, or if amidst the chaos, she had been hurt. I had to carry on without her. Based on everything that had happened, I had a huge role to play now, so I would worry about her later. I hid my bracelet inside my dress to protect it from being stolen. It was very easy for people to revert to crime during times like this and I preferred not to be a victim. I didn’t know where I was going to or what I hoped to achieve by mindlessly roaming
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After making more prayers and watching for signs and saw nothing, I sighed in frustration and released my grip on the jewelry. It was of no use. What had I even expected to happen? We got to a place where the road forked into two roads and Terah silently asked me what to do with his eyes. There were paw prints on both roads, so it was not an easy decision. As I stood at a loss for what to do, three leaves suddenly fell from a tree by my right and I squinted, wondering if that was a sign. Nothing else happened so I chose that road. At the end of that road, there was another fork and just like before, three leaves fell down from the tree next to it. Okay, so this was a sign. “Follow the leaves,” I told him but he gave me a blank stare. “What leaves?” “Can't you see those…” When I looked again, I didn't find the leaves that had just fallen. My eyes widened. If I had doubted that sign the first time, I was sure of it now. I swallowed. This was crazy. I still felt like I was losing
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Silver:The extremely bright light stunned everyone and for several moments, there was no movement from any angle. I was too terrified to open my eyes in the magical light which blinded me even through my closed eyes. However, when I felt a paw on my hand nudging me, I knew I had to use this distraction to my advantage. When I opened my eyes, I discovered I could see clearly, notwithstanding the light. The wolves on the other end paced wildly around, the light disorienting them and making them unable to see what was right in front of them. Looking down at Damon who had a deep gash on his neck that had been poorly bandaged, I fought the urge to cry. His body felt warm and his chest was heaving slightly, so that meant he was still alive, although barely. “Please wake up,” I begged him, tears falling from my eyes. I felt a steering pain deep in my chest from seeing him this way, so fragile and on the verge of death. Terah’s wolf kicked me on the chest and I turned around in anger, but
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Silver: I froze in my steps after the large man had spoken. He didn't look friendly. How could I be so sure Alpha Damon had truly sent him? What made him think I would choose him over the first man? “Don’t listen to him!” the man who wanted me to come into his house muttered and roughly pulled me to him. “Follow me if you want to live.” The large man sighed in frustration like my skepticism was simply an inconvenience to his afternoon plans. Had he really been sent by the King or was this simply a ruse to get me first? On the other hand, if he was one of the other wolves, I doubted he would even bother to try to convince me to go with him. He would just rip me to shreds, no questions asked. Maybe he wanted me for sinister reasons. That was even worse. I allowed the homely man to lead me to his house while maintaining eye contact with the large man. How did the King expect me to trust such a scary-looking man? Perhaps he was banking on the fact that I would be so terrified by the o
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Kiss Me
Silver: His confession confused me even more. He had no idea about the supposed mind link Terah had sworn he sent. Had Terah made it all up? But why? Just to get me to follow him? How did he know I could even do anything? Something didn't add up here. “Aurelia,” the King called and the puny maid appeared before him. “Yes, Your Highness.” “Call Terah immediately.” She left to do as she was told and I wrapped my arms around my legs. “He's coming here?” I asked. “Now?” He placed his hand under his head on the pillow as he watched me. “Do you have a problem with that?” I did. I had just gotten my faux wolf status. I didn't want to stand out for being with the King in a suspicious way. I was on his bed, sitting down right beside him. Anyone could easily misinterpret the situation. “Not really a problem, but I don't think he will understand what I'm doing here. In your room,” I answered, feeling awkward all of a sudden. I wrapped my arms tighter around myself but it still didn't s
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Great News
Alpha Damon: I ignored the look that Silver gave me when I instructed Aurelia to take her away. As much as I would have liked her to remain with me and finish what we started, I had more important things to deal with than my pleasure. Fortunately, she didn't make a big deal about it but left with the maid without a second’s backward glance at me. My kingdom was under attack and I had to do something about it. This was not the first time my kingdom had threatened to divide or some threat had arrived from somewhere outside the kingdom, yet strangely, this time it felt more serious than the rest. This time, it wasn't just a sudden attack from rogues or a group wanting to secede from the Kingdom. This time, it was a carefully constructed series of events that seemed to employ every kind of force there was. If I didn't do something about it soon, I would lose everything I had worked so hard for, and my kingdom would reduce to nothing. The attack on the rogues had only been a decoy to ge
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Answer To Prayer
Silver:“Let's go,” Aurelia told me with her lips pressed together. I sighed before getting up and going with the woman. There was no need to throw a tantrum over something that I had no control over. When Alpha Damon made a decree like this, it always stood, regardless of who it was for. I didn't turn back to look at him. At least now, I was no longer at the harem but directly under his roof so I felt much safer. Plus, now I smelt like a wolf so it would be way easier to blend in. Aurelia led me through several hallways and we passed many rooms. I wondered if they were all occupied and if so, how many people actually lived in the palace of the King. We kept walking in silence until we reached the last room in the hallway. She unlocked the door to the room which was set apart from all the others and got in. I followed after her and noticed how musty the room smelled. It was extremely dark so she opened the windows which gave off a rickety sound when she did. She lit a candle that
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