All Chapters of Alpha Damon's Redemption: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
129 Chapters
Back To Square One
Silver:The walk back to the palace was quite shorter than our walk to Rogu’s new harem had been. Terah trudged silently by my side and I was thankful for the long way ahead. It offered me more time to think about what to say to the King and to recollect my thoughts while we went. By the time we passed by the streets, it was completely dark except for the slight rays of lamp-stands that covered the streets and came on at night. I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get to see the girls at least for a while, but it wasn’t like I had a say in the matter. I had nothing to say to them anyway. The only person I wanted to see was Mila, but if I did eventually meet her, I wasn’t sure I would be able to hold myself from exposing all the secrets I was supposed to keep.If she had been a part of my meeting with Rogu, she would have looked on at me with disappointment. She would probably call me a traitor for bringing up the idea of accusing Gerald falsely to the King, just to save myself.
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Young Love
Silver:Everything about the harem had changed by now but one thing remained the same- the uncomfortable feeling it brought me. I took a deep breath before following him into the building where all my woes had started.“Remember,” Terah warned me before we entered the dreary building. “Beta Rogu does not know you are here. I only brought you here because that was our arrangement with Lord Damon. If you do anything stupid like telling anyone what we discussed, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, got it?”I looked up at him with a bored expression on my face, although my heart was pounding and I was terrified to be here. He didn’t need to know any of that. I didn’t need him to warn me. I understood everything that was at stake entirely. I was already in a very tight position as it was and I didn’t need to get myself in even more trouble. I had already made up my mind regarding what I would tell Mila if I saw her. The guard was the first person we met and fortunately, he was sl
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Silver: Her words brought back memories I had struggled to hide away forever, memories I never wanted to remember for as long as I lived. I still remembered the first night I had spent with Godon, how happy I had been that he wouldn’t be able to touch me and how that happiness had turned sour when I discovered he had brought his orderly, Drex to tear me apart on his behalf. I still remembered the maniacal smile he had on his face as he watched his orderly shift and get ready to split me in half with his beast cock and how would have gotten away with it if not for the timely execution of on of the councilmen. I felt sick to my stomach. She was wearing the same smile as he had back then. She knew. That was why she had talked about tearing me apart. What was with these people and their excitement at watching people get hurt? Why did watching other people being in unspeakable pain turn them on so much? I tried to act like the implication did not affect me, but she had seen the flash
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Silver: I woke up the next morning, struggling and gasping for breath. Mila tried to calm me down after I was fully awake but I couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling I still had. “What happened?” Mila asked when I could finally control my breath. “I don’t know. I had a nightmare I think,” I said, the details of the dream flooding my memory at once. I had seen that wolf again, the magnificent silver one I had been told was mine. She had tried to speak to me but once again I was so scared I ran away. I was terrified of werewolves in their wolf form, how could I possibly connect with a wolf that was apparently now a part of me. “What was it about?” She asked and I wondered if I was ready to divulge the story, especially in front of the other girl. “I saw a wolf. A wolf I think is mine,” I said and there was silence. “Aren’t you a little too old to not know who your wolf is?” The girl asked derisively. “I heard hybrids get their wolves quite later in life. The body has to choose i
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The True King
Silver: Now we were outside, I finally had the chance to put my plan into action. Since Mila didn’t know much of what had been happening on the inside, I knew I needed to find someone else and convince them to speak with me so that I would have something to tell the King when Terah would eventually return to take me back to him. Being outside was not as fun for the girls as I had hoped. Mila could move around although to a limit, but the other girl could only sit at a place and watch what was going on. She looked like she would deliver soon and after being confined in a room in a bed for the entirety of her pregnancy, being outside now was very difficult for her. Bringing them out here was another proof of my selfishness. I didn’t fight for them to be released because I felt so bad for them. I had done that just so I could meet up with other girls for information. However, I had no other choice and I was done hating myself for my choices. I had been able to kill two birds with one
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The Choice
Silver:“Already?” I asked. I couldn’t leave yet. I had just gotten such a small bit of information and I just had to know more. “We have to go,” the physician said again, this time more harshly than before. “Now.”“But I haven’t found out what the King sent me here to find out,” I protested. “If I leave now, then my whole reason for coming here would be useless.”He grunted in frustration, coming closer as if he wanted to grab me by my hand. He stopped at the last second, realizing it would be inappropriate. The matron was watching us both, and by us, I mean me. She was probably wondering why I would reject the offer to return to safety with the King, and because I had said I wasn’t done finding out what he sent me here to do, she was probably doubting if I was really on their side or not. It was when I saw the physician’s wild stare that I realized something was wrong. He was frowning at me very deeply and his chest was heaving as if he was trying to hold back his anger. Coming c
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Now Or Never
Silver:My heart was pounding, both from anger and from fear. Alpha Damon struggled to meet my eyes as guilt filled him, but I didn’t care about his guilt. I was concerned about what his guilt meant for me. He didn’t say anything in response to my question and as the minutes passed, my heart became made up against him. “Won’t you answer me?” I asked. “Can you even answer me?” I saw his face change, from guilt slowly into a hardened look. He gave me a steely look, and just then, I knew he was done trying to convince me. “I told Gwyddion not to tell you anything yet. I wanted to tell you myself,” he said and my eyes widened in disbelief. That was all he could say about this?“So you’re more bothered about how I found out than what exactly I found out?” I asked. ‘’What’s going to happen now, then. What’s going to happen now that I know.”He watched me with an expression I couldn’t name for a while before letting out the words that broke me. “I’ve already come this far. A lot is at st
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Double Cross
Silver:“You let Gwyddion say all those things to me. You were willing to use me to achieve everything just to turn around and hurt me like this,” I whispered, too hurt to speak out loud. I hated Gwyddion even more. I hated all of them, everyone that had werewolf blood in them. “He was right about your destiny, Silver,” the King said. “Your destiny is here, with me. You can just open your heart and learn to be with me.” “Learn to be with you?” I asked him, hating more and more with every passing second. “If you won’t kill me, I will kill myself,” I threatened. He furrowed his brows. “You will do no such thing.” Before I could mutter another word, there was a knock on the door and as usual whoever was on the other side opened it and came in without waiting for an instruction to come in. It was Terah. He looked at me for a second as if he wanted to tell me something but moved his eyes immediately away and faced the Alpha. “Your Highness,” he greeted the King, lying on the floor b
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I Dream Of Home
Silver: Terah didn’t let me be even after he called Gwyddion for the King. “What do you want?” I asked him, standing by the door of my room so he wouldn’t enter. “I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you in the past,” he told me, looking sorry for his actions. I rolled my eyes and didn’t bother to hide my true feelings from him. “I don’t need your apology. What I did makes no overall difference in how you see me so please just tell me whenever Beta Rogu is ready to take me back to my people,” I said, entering into the room and shutting the door in his face. The door didn’t close all the way through and when I looked down, I saw his foot was holding it back. He was determined not to let me go. “What do you want?” I asked, swallowing back fear. Now I had easily switched sides, I was scared anything could happen. What if this was their plan from the start and they didn’t want to fulfill their end of the bargain. I was scared. I remembered how easy it had been for Rogu to sacrifice
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A Voice From Within
“Come in,” I said in a lackluster voice.The fact that he was not Terah did not make me regret speaking to him sharply. He had also always known about the plan to destroy my people, yet he decided to use me to save their own agenda. He didn’t deserve my respect either. “Hi,” Gwyddion asked, walking up to me. “May I sit?” He asked, pointing toward the bed. I glared at him. “What do you want?” He pressed his lips together when he understood that I planned to be cold to him. He looked awkward standing alone in the room, where he looked like he would break apart if he didn’t sit down soon, but none of that bothered me. “I just finished speaking with the Alpha and I must tell you, I understand how you feel,” he said, and it only made me angrier. What did he know? “Oh you do?” I mocked. “So you understand what it feels like to know that the people who have always been around you, convincing you to help them and lying about how special you are always had plans of destroying you and your
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