All Chapters of My Bully : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
107 Chapters
Unsure Grin
Steve pov: Luca sat beside me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I managed to muster up a smile, but I was completely drained. All the chaos and turmoil had finally taken its toll on me. I was too exhausted to even cry anymore. As I drifted off into my own little world, Matthew emerged from Maggie's room. I could tell by the look on his face that things were not looking good. I had to know what had happened. "How is Maggie doing, Matt?" I asked, trying to mask my own emotions. "She's not doing so well. She's sleeping now," he replied, his voice heavy with sadness. As I watched him struggle to hold back his tears, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation. It was clear that Oliver had left an indelible mark on everyone's lives, and not in a positive way.  His actions disrupted our once-peaceful existence, leaving us all in various sta
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Haunted House
Steve pov: As I stood outside Oliver's hideout with Matthew and Luca, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. The air was thick with the smell of burnt smoke, and the building looked like a haunted house with smoke billowing out of every crevice. We carefully made our way inside, stepping over the burnt remains of bodies and objects. I felt a pang of sympathy for those who suffered in the fire, wondering who could have done something so horrible as to burn down a place filled with so many innocent people.  I searched high and low for any sign of Oliver, but there was nothing. The scene was chaotic and unrecognizable. I turned to Matthew, the fear in my voice evident as I asked him, "Who did this, Matt?" Matthew was standing guard, his gaze roaming across the surroundings, his mind alert for any possible danger lurking around. He turned around to face me and sai
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Emotional Turmoil
Steve pov: With each step I took towards him, my heart started racing faster and faster. The sound of my heartbeat echoed in my ears, and I felt as if I was about to collapse at any moment. My feet felt heavy, and my hands were trembling with fear and anxiety as I approached his bed. When I finally stood next to him, I leaned in and softly touched his face. I could feel his cool skin against my fingertips, and I noticed how he was struggling to take each breath.  My eyes filled with tears, and I tried to hold them back, but they found their way out and streamed down my face like a waterfall. As I wiped my tears away, I noticed that they had fallen on his hand. His hand was fragile, and I could feel how it was slowly losing its warmth.  It was then that I realized how precious every moment with him was, and how much I wanted him to be okay. Then I re
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Wounded Fate
Jeremy pov:As I lay there, struggling to hold on to consciousness, I could hear the muffled whispers of doctors somewhere in the distance. Despite my best efforts to make sense of their words, they all seemed to blend together into an unintelligible jargon. Time passed, and the voices grew fainter and fainter until they receded into an almost imperceptible hum.Suddenly, the creaking sound of a door pierced through the silence, jolting me back to reality. I could hear the slow footsteps approaching me, and then I felt the warmth of a hand placed gently on my cheek. The touch was tender, comforting, and familiar.As I lay there, feeling helpless and trapped in my own body, Steve's voice washed over me like a soothing balm. It was a sound that brought me solace and hope, and for a fleeting moment, I forgot about the pain and uncertainty that had brought me to this place.As I lay there motionless, I desperately wished to open my eyes and speak to Steve, but my body refused to obey m
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Heartbreaking Truth
Steve pov:It had been a grueling two weeks since I found myself spending every single day at the hospital with Jeremy. My heart felt heavy with worry and anxiety as I sat beside him, watching his chest rise and fall with the help of the machines that were keeping him alive. I remained hopeful that he would wake up soon. Every day, I talked to him, read him his favorite books, and tried to keep my emotions in check as I held his hand. But as time went on, the hope began to dwindle, and I couldn't help but feel like we were running out of time.I sat lost in my thoughts, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Luca standing beside me with a sympathetic expression on his face. Luca and Matthew were the only ones who had been visiting me and Jeremy regularly. Maggie was still reeling from the shock of Oliver's death and needed some time to herself. We all understood and gave her the space she needed to heal."Steve, you look like you're about to pass out," Luca said, noti
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Unforgettable Instant
Steve pov:   "You are hurting me, Steve…"    I immediately moved back, apologizing profusely.    "Sorry... I... I got too excited," I said in a rush.   My eyes were filled with tears as I looked at Jeremy. His hand reached up to wipe away my tears, but I could feel the roughness of his calloused palm.   Despite his obvious discomfort, Jeremy tried to smile weakly at me. I could see the effort it took, and it made my heart ache.    I helped him sit up, and he removed the oxygen mask from his face. As he did so, I couldn't help but notice how small and thin his face had become. His cheeks were sunken, and his bones protruded through his skin. It was a far cry from the cute, full-cheeked face I remembered. Seeing him in such a fragile state was heart-wrenching.    "Can I get some water?" he asked, his eyes pleading.
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Steve pov: As Jeremy began to panic, I quickly took charge of the situation and tried to calm him down.  "It's okay, no one is going to hurt you. It's just Matthew," I reassured him.  But it seemed that my words only made things worse as he began to shout, "No, tell them to get out!" The nurse attending to Jeremy rushed into the room, her face twisted in anger.  "You can't disturb the patient. Please go out," she said sternly.  I tried to explain that Jeremy was getting scared, but she was having none of it.  "Please sir, let us do our job," she said, her tone final. Feeling helpless, I started to walk away, Jeremy suddenly reached out and grabbed my hand. His eyes were pleading with me, silently begging me not to leave him alone. I could see the fear and desperation in his gaze, and it tugged
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Cloud Of Confusion
Jeremy pov:   ***Two Weeks Later***   The darkness was absolute, and the only sound I could hear was my own breathing. I found myself back in the same dark room, with no door or window or any sign of life.    My breath hitched in my chest, and I felt a wave of fear grip me tightly. I cried out for help, but my voice echoed back to me in a hollow, empty space.   Suddenly, I heard a loud voice calling out to me, "Baby boy!"    The sound jolted me awake, and I opened my eyes to find myself in bed, safe and sound. I looked out of the window and saw that it was already morning. My face was drenched in sweat, and my hands were shaking with fear. I sat up, leaned against the bed, and took deep breaths to calm myself down. A small tear rolled down my cheek as I tried to make sense of what had just happened.   Then, Steve walked into the room and said, "My b
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Favorite Girls
Jeremy pov: As I wiped away my tears, I took a deep breath and headed towards the living area where Maggie and River were chitchatting about something.  They caught sight of me and signalled me to join them. I walked over and sat opposite them, feeling a bit low. "What are you guys up to today?" I asked, trying to sound upbeat. "Actually, we're planning a girls' night out," River replied. "Whoa, that sounds exciting. Staying at home is getting so dull," I said, hoping for an invitation. "You can come with us if you want," Maggie offered. "Really?" I exclaimed, my eyes lighting up with joy. "Of course," River said with a smile. "Oh, thank you so much, guys. I'm so bored just sitting at home," I said with gratitude. "Get ready quickly. We're going to eat out, then we'll sho
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Electrifying Atmosphere
Jeremy pov: We went shopping first, and River and Maggie wanted to get some lingerie. They asked me to help them pick it out. I waited for them while they tried some on.  I thought why not get one myself, you know, just in case one day I get frisky with Steve. I blushed at that idea but tried not to think about it too much. I'm still mad at him for sure!  Then, Maggie strutted out looking super sexy in a deep red v-neck lingerie with net material that was see-through. It had rose flowers covering her breasts and a hip cut-out showing off her body. She even had on matching red panties with roses. Her dark locks cascaded down her back with her captivating hazel eyes, it was as though I was seeing her for the first time. She looked absolutely stunning, and it's safe to say that I was left feeling completely mesmerized. "Hey, how's this?" She asked, twirling around. "It's f
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