All Chapters of The Most Wanted Luna: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
141 Chapters
Chapter 111. Black Heart
Eva was staring at Jasper, perplexed. He was talking about making friends with Cody as if he had never done something that scared her son so much. However, Eva didn't show her emotion towards his act. Eva maintained a low profile, allowing him to interact as amicably as they had. Jasper also stares at Eva. He recognized somehow that Eva didn't like the way he spoke. She could have reacted more nicely."You must be angry at me." Jasper spoke, then chuckled."Stay away from my son." Eva warned unavailingly. Jasper raised his chin, then pursed his lips, making a small gesture of nodding."I don't hurt Cody." Jasper replied. Eva rolled her eyes at him, which made Jasper hold his smile behind his lips."All I did last night was to protect you.""How could you say that? You hurt both me and Cody. Now you felt remorse!""I don't feel remorse. You are the woman that I love, Eva. I want to save you from someone who doesn't belong to you." Jasper responds with a tone that silences Eva. Eva's he
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Chapter 112. Blow Your Mind
Eva gazed up into Jasper's eyes unblinkingly. She tried to absorb every detail he uttered just now. Although unclear, Eva's mind was actively working to distance itself from Gabriel. Eva was so scared when she found out that Gabriel was not a human like her. What would happen to her in the future if they kept bonding with each other? Moreover, Cody would take it as a bitter fact of his life."Are you okay?" When Eva lowered her eyes, Jasper asked. She looked so anxious. Eva shook her head. Of course, she was so scared. Jasper didn't take it as pity. He even provoked her to let go of Gabriel."You should do that soon, Eva. Do not take so much time to think." Eva shook her head again. She even couldn't cope with these situations. Jasper frowned and almost lost his tolerance. Eva appears to be highly sceptical about anything about Gabriel."I need time," Eva told him in her mind."For what? Are you waiting until he slaughters you?" Eva's eyes turned bigger.
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Chapter 113. Too Far To Leave
"You cannot lead a war, Gabriel. You have created enough chaos by wandering for a hundred years to quest your Luna. Now that you said you found one, she's kidnapped. How hilarious it is to start a war." Brandt mockingly quipped Gabriel, tensing the air. Bernard sighed and then stood to approach them both."It is not funny. She is my queen. It means that you must respect her!" Gabriel replied more sarcastically, annoying."She's not considered as queen unless we crown her," Brandt began to argue fiercely."What!?" Gabriel gritted his rage."Stop it, you two!" Bernard took the dispute in the middle. He spoke firmly towards Gabriel and Brandt. Gabriel scoffed annoyingly, then walked back to his chair to sit. Bernard turned to Brandt until he got back to his seat."Can I speak now?" Bernard spoke sarcastically."I'm the leader of the elder of the Black Canis pack, yet both of you disrespect me," said Bernard with his low, wise tone. Both Gabriel
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Chapter 114. Be Brave Beta!
Cheyne quickly shook his head to reject Gabriel’s idea. He never wants to think about replacing his respected Alpha. Cheyne had so much respect for and loyalty to Gabriel. He had absolute dedication to Gabriel and The Black Canis forever.“I will never take your place,” Cheyne firmly stated with his sharp gaze. Gabriel raised his chin and then slightly scoffed.“Do as I say. That’s the order!” Gabriel stated above, Cheyne. Cheyne turned his face to the left, concealing his annoying scoff.“Now, we have to prepare for the raid. After that, we are going to talk about it soon.” Gabriel added that he did not give Cheyne any more opportunities to elude. Cheyne didn’t speak anymore against Gabriel. Hence, it was not the right time.Gabriel walked before Cheyne to his meeting chamber while Bryan gathered their troops.At the same time, Brandt and other elders would have a close discussion with The Levantine. Brandt has sent his message according to Bernard’s orders.“What if Gabriel raided t
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Chapter 115. The Final Raid?
Everest threw Cheyne to the ground, but it was tricky. Cheyne landed smoothly, kneeling on the ground. Cheyne smirked triumphantly at Everest. Growling, Everest was getting raspier; he never thought a wolf-rouge like Cheyne could easily smell his sinister coupe de tat."Haha, look at you, Beta Stone! You must be so mindful right now." Chyene mocked him more."What a rouge can do now, aye Ludacris! You don't belong to the royal pack," he snarled, insulting Cheyne to make him mad. However, Cheyne was getting used to all the insults he had received all his life due to his bloodline. He smiled instead of making growls."You will be dead disgracefully, Stone. I'll make sure no one will remember you." Cheyne laughed more, then turned out to be a wolf to attack. Everest also came to his form and fought Cheyne.At Jasper's mansion, Gabriel came to attack with his Deltas and Zetas. The meeting between the elders was still going on, and he didn't want to wait until
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Chapter 116. The One You Chose
Eva was getting panicked when she heard gunshots coming from outside. Jasper Kent has hidden her in a smaller house behind his villa. It turns out that Gabriel came with his people and is now attacking the place. Eva ran to her room to get Cody. She didn't want to take any risk to stay between the war between Gabriel and Jasper. It would be better for her to leave that place as soon as possible."Mommy!""Come on, sweetheart. We have to get out of here!" Eva quickly grabbed Cody's jacket and put it on as quickly as possible. She then pulled her son to the door. The sound of gunshots was getting louder and more dangerous. It makes Eva have to make sure her way is safe. She peeked left and right in front of the door."EVA! DOLL!"The sound of Gabriel's yells made Eva more fearful. She picked up Cody and ran towards the back door. A second later, a shot shattered the front door glass. Eva had only taken a few steps out of the bedroom door."Ah!" Eva shouted as she hugged Cody. She hid Co
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Chapter 117. A Brave Knight
Gabriel held Eva's cheek and then checked her condition. He was so worried that Jasper had hurt her."Are you okay? Babydoll, I'm so scared that he hurt you." Gabriel sounded extremely concerned and continued to hold her tightly. His hand then took Cody to embrace him as well. Gabriel kissed Cody's top of the head to ease the worriedness. He forgot that Eva was running away from him a few minutes ago. Meanwhile, Eva was stunned and said nothing."We have to leave, ah!" Gabriel was in pain when he was about to stand up. Eva was holding him, and the blood was still running on his shoulders. Gabriel could not cope anymore."You have so much blood." Eva was holding his wounded shoulder as blood rushed out. She was scared to see his condition. It was so horrible. In fear, her hand trembled and shook."Oh, this is not good, Doll. You have to help me, okay? I'm in bad condition." Gabriel asked for Eva's help. Eva looked doubtful as she glanced at Cody. Cody look
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Chapter 118. Behind The Wall
Bernard and his colleagues, including Brandt, were pointing their guns at The Levantines elders. The meeting was tense when one of their elders stood and yelled at Brandt."We'd better leave this place now," Brandt murmured to Bernard with gritted teeth. Bernard took a glimpse at Brandt and then looked back at his opponent."This meeting is over. We'd better not see each other anymore." Bernard stated, ready to step back."I don't think we can let that happen, Bern!" the Levantine's elder leader then spoke. His name is Oliver Stone. Brandt chinned up to act more arrogantly. Those were an insult to the Black Canis. They should be the most powerful ones. Now, another pack held their intention to do things which was uncommon."What do you want?" Bernard asked coldly."You must repay for the intervention. The Black Canis broke a hundred-year pack between us. There you must be consequences." Oliver added more."There are no consequences that anyone should pay, Oliver. You know the pack had
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Chapter 119. I Am Your Luna
Eva was running to the door to see what was happening. She was shocked to see Gabriel. Some of Gabriel's men carried him, bloody and half-naked. Eva followed them to a bedroom, though she had no guts to get closer.Gabriel was unconscious, lying on the bed. He looked so much worse, with some cuts, bruises and blood from gunshots. Somehow, it worried Eva so much. She had no idea what to do." Call the doctor now!" Cheyne made an order. A member then nodded and rushed out of the room. Meanwhile, Eva froze at her place, staring anxiously at wounded Gabriel. Her heart thumped hard, and she didn't like the adrenaline rush. It was too much.When Cheyne glanced at pale Eva, he was gasping. Eva was standing behind it, not so far from the door."Luna, please help our Alpha!" Cheyne said he came forward. Eva was startled and then perplexedly stunned. She had no idea at all."I don't understand," Eva answered with a trembling tone. Cheyne took Eva's right han
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Chapter 120. Debt Of Gratitude
Doctor Edgar Vandross was the same man who treated Gabriel when he was shot with the silver bullet. Following the incident, Cheyne set his sights on ensuring they could trust the doctor to remain an ally one day. Cheyne revealed everything about the Black Canis and their Alpha. Since then, over the shock, Vandross has become Gabriel's doctor."Miss Alexander?" Vandross murmured as he saw Eva on Gabriel's arm. Eva widened her eyes and let go of Gabriel, who kept trying to hold her."Doctor Vandross, you need to check on him now!" Bryan spoke but was interrupted. Edgar nodded, then came closer to check on Gabriel's wounds. Eva was taking off from Gabriel, who kept his hand on hers."Alpha, calm down now. I'll take care of your Luna." Cheyne convinced him to let Eva leave the room. After giving up her blood to save Gabriel, Eva was quietly pale. Finally, Gabriel let her go with Cheyne. Cheyne also transported Cody to their previous room."Stay here, Luna. I'
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