All Chapters of THE REJECTED CHUBBY WIFE, NOW HIS BROTHER'S GODDESS : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
101 Chapters
SIA POV " What do you mean?" I ask intrigued, maybe this idiot is going to turn himself in and do something good for once." Let's go somewhere and talk" He says with a smile " I am going nowhere. Say what you must here or leave" I command.There is no way I would let him boss me around." Surely you don't want to see the video of the crime your husband committed infront of a police station, do you?" He whispers in my ear and that's when I realize. He was the one who framed his brother up." You framed your own brother up?" I ask unsure " Of course I did" He boast and I slap him across the face." You disgust me. The only reason why my husband is in this mess is because he tries to cover up for you and you go around to do this to him" I say bitterly I helds his bruise cheek and look at me with an angry glare." You have gotten accustomed to hitting me. The next time you try this, I will make sure to break your face" He threatens ignoring my before statement ' How typical of him,
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RIEKA POV We stay like that for 2 hours s, before I am forced to leave. I step out and receive an unexpected call from a strange number. I answer and regret it immediately. " I hope you liked my gift" I hear a voice that sounds like Ralph's mock" Ralph" I call unsure " Glad you still remember my voice, my love. How is your husband doing?. Hope my boys didn't badly injure him, even though next time he wouldn't be so lucky " He boast.Making all the pieces arrange themselves in my head" You did this to my husband. What type of animal does that to his own flesh and blood. I assure you, you won't go unpunished" I yell " But I will. You brought this on your husband, you and you alone. If only you had taken my offer, but never mind you still have one chance. So what is it going to be Rieka?. Me or your husband's corpse?" ##############GABRIEL POV It has been exactly five days since my wife last visited, I have tried calling her multiple times via the prison phone, but to no avail.
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RIEKA POV Here I am driving back to my place with my worst nightmare, Ralph. Right now I feel like I made the biggest mistake of my life agreeing to this plan.A few days ago, I had a word with Calvin about filing charges against Ralph, but he suggested that I take the deal, in order to gather substantial evidence against him, he claimed it was the only way to save Gabriel.He was the one convinced me to take up the role of a bad wife, who abandons her poor husband in prison. Earlier I so wanted to explain things to him, but I couldn't because knowing Gabriel, he will never had agreed to this setup, not at my expense or that of our unborn children. I need to explain things to mom, maybe she could better explain things to him in a way that he wouldn't hate me for. " Love are you ok?" Ralph ask as though he cares. How much can one hate another? multiply that time 10 and that's how much I hate him." We are alone, you don't have to pretend like you care" I say nonchalantly" You can'
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RIEKA POV I have been standing outside Gabriel court room, for over an hour now, I can't believe my Gabriel is finally a free man. I am so happy. My heart feels like exploding from ecstasy, and I am quickly moved to tears. Tears of joy. I watch as he walks pass, while I hid. He is all smiles, which makes all my sacrifices worth it. I walk out of my hiding place and bump right into mom Katerina." Mom...." I start say but change my mind midway " I am sorry. I will leave" I say as I turn to leave but the sound of her voice stops me in my tracks " Rieka" She calls " How are my grandbabies doing?" She ask calmly " They are doing good. Healthy actually. The doctor says they are way bigger than fetus their age" I confess with a smile while rubbing my slightly protruded tommy.It's crazy how strong my babies are now, seems like they take after their father. I guess all my babies really needed was for me to stop worrying about their pa so much. She walks towards me, and instead of sla
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GABRIEL POV ' Rieka ' that name keeps echoing in my head. Why can't I get her out of my mind, no matter what I try. I know I hate her, I hate her so much, but unfortunately not matter how much I hate her, I only seem to want her more.Yesterday, after I got acquitted from court, I got myself cleared up and drove down here immediately, because I could no longer fountain the thought of her having sex with my brother.Plus I might never admit this to her face, but I was dieing to see her face. I miss her and want her back at any cost, but I wouldn't show it. At least I can rest easy tonight, knowing she's sleeping in the room next to mine.I wake from my sleep at 3:30 am and hurrily get myself cleaned up, before heading to her room.Her room door is not locked, I guess she's still alittle traumatized by her ordeal with Ralph, then why does she still insist on being with him.I enter to see her still sleeping peacefully in bed, she looks so beautiful with her chest rising and falling,
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RIEKA POV A week of pure torture, that is all I can use to classify this pass week with Gabriel. It has been hell, Gabriel keeps frustrating my efforts at getting evidence on Ralph.He is making my life a living hell, with his stupid jealousy and continous effort to make me feel bad.He has been changing women on a daily basis, and at first it bothered me, but after speaking with mom. I can say without a shadow of doubt that he is still faithful to our wedding vows, he is only going that to get on my nerves.I walk into his office, and there he is, with another one of his numerous slut. A blonde who is seated on his lap, kissing him like her life dependents on it. Ok, I know I said I wasn't bothered, but that is actually a lie. I am dieing of jealousy even though I am very much aware that he's only doing this to spite me.I can't help but feel hurt and betrayed. " Good day boss. I brought the files you requested for" I say aloud so as to grab their attention and it walks perfectl
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RIEKA POV " Shut up, Rieka" He says simply, turning to lie on his side, such that he is staring at me and I him. We stay like that for a while in a silence, before I speak. " I missed this" I confess breaking the silence " What?" He ask " Lieing next to you, sharing a conversation" I say " I miss it too. You know, we can always go back to the way we were, that's if you want to" He suggest " I will love nothing more, but I am afraid that is beyond our reach now" I inform " But why?" He ask " You will know in due time. Can we just forget about our predicament, and enjoy the moment?" I question " I guess we can do that" He says with a smile "You know I still love you, right"" I know and I love you too" I inform. " I am tired, I will just go to bed now" I inform before leaning forward and giving him a peck on the lip " Good night"I don't know what came over me, that edged me to do that but it seemed like a wrong move, because it arose something in Gabriel, well more like the t
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RIEKA POV Everyone is in a state panic, and I can hear them calling Gabriel names, a few even suggest they call the police. " Gabriel please stop" I beseech him, pulling him away from Ralph" Let go of me, Rieka. I will teach that bastard a lesson" Gabriel yells. " Gabriel you're going to kill him" I inform " And he deserves it. How dare him hurt you, in your condition" He adds" Gabriel calm down. You really don't want to stain your hands with his blood" I explain Ralph successfully composes himself and rises to his feet, but instead of apologizing, he insults " Stop acting like you care, prostitution. You're so shameless screwing two brothers" He yells at me.I seriously wish he could stop cursing already ." Shut up, Ralph" I command " Don't you dare shut me up, whole" He shamelessly insults, making everyone gasp.Right now I so want to punch that stupid face of his but I have almost successfully gathered all the evidence I need against him, so I really need to gain his trus
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RIEKA POV I can't believe Ralph is so stupid to believe the trash I said. It's true what they say though a fool always considers himself wise.I have to round up with my evidence today itself. I can't start being under the same roof with this jerk anymore. I can't stand his touch, to think he has the balls to hug me after almost killing me and making my life a living hell. 'I wonder where Gabriel is right now. It's almost dinner time and he isn't back yet. I hope he's safe. ' Is he still mad at me'- I question inwardly, as I hear a knock at my door. ' bet it is that annoying Ralph again'- I think before opening the door " Ralph, what do you want?" I ask before seeing who it's. It's Gabriel standing there with a frown. He reeks of alcohol and his eyes are fuming red." Rieka, please can we talk?" He questions calmly " Sure, come in" I give him the go ahead and he walks in. I take a seat and offer him one but instead he just goes down on his knees " Gabriel, what are you doing?"
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GABRIEL POV " Get me a doctor" I shout as I carry an unconscious Rieka into a nearby hospital. Her skin is covered with bruise marks from the fall and her skin looks pale from the excessive bleeding. I carefully place her on a stretcher and she is wheeled into the emergency room. " Doctor please do anything to save my wife and the babies" I beseech him " I will do my best " He says entering the emergency room. I stand there confused in the hallway.God I need your help. I didn't mean to cause all of this. If only I had known that trying to hurt her feelings would result in this , I would have never gone through with it.Last night after I left the pack I was so furious and hurt, because I couldn't fountain the fact that she would choose to stay with my brother, despite the fact that he hurt her so much, in the past and even went as far as trying to kill her. I drove to a nearby club to get my mind off her, but the more I tried, the more I missed her. Eventually, I got to bored a
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