All Chapters of Alpha Brian’s Beloved Seer: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
130 Chapters
Chapter thirty one
"Thank you so much, I will do all of it, without any delay." She said,while I just nodded with a smile plastered on my face, before she walked away."Call in the next person." I told the maid who nodded immediately, and walked out of the sitting room, while I just relaxed back on the couch I was seated on, and shut my eyes waiting patiently for the next person to come in.A familiar scent hit my nostril as I heard footsteps approaching, making me open my eyes immediately, once to see Lucas standing there in my sitting room."What are you doing here?who brought you in?" I asked him, but he smiled and walked towards me."You shouldn't be asking me those questions, but rather you should offer me a seat first." He said, and continued walking towards me."Leave my house this minute Lucas, I don't want you here." I half yelled, hoping he would just leave right away without making me talk about it again."Is that how you treat your fated mate?" He finally had his seat beside me on the couch,
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Chapter thirty two
"I'm not really hungry." He finally responded, but I'm not going to buy that, because he would start talking about what I was avoiding soon."You have to eat something, I know you are hungry so stop pretending." I told him, but he kept insisting that he wasn't hungry, but I had to force him out of the bedroom.He frowned and finally left my bedroom, while I just took a deep breath. I was finally at peace now, since he was no longer here in this bedroom.He likes asking way too many questions, and I really can't help but want to avoid his questions at all costs. My mind hasn't left what happened the previous day when I went to his bedroom, so I was sure his mind hadn't left it either.He is just waiting for the right time to talk about it, since I haven't given him any time to talk about it. I sighed softly as I finally relaxed back on my bed.Somehow my mind still went to all the trash Lucas was saying about me coming back to him, and somehow a smile found its way into my face."So he
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Chapter thirty three
ARIANA'S POV"Don't try to fool me, because it won't work, I'm smarter than that." He finally spoke up, while I just stared at him, trying to understand why he said that."What do you mean, I should stop trying to fool you?" I finally asked him, and he smiled before turning to me fully, as he tried to take me but I quickly moved away."I saw Brian walk out of the house a few minutes ago, and that's why I came in, so don't try to lie to me that he is still in there, because I know he is not." He explained, while pointing his index finger at the entrance of the house.I felt defeated immediately, but I still won't give up so easily. I really need him to leave this place at this minute, but how was I going to achieve that?"Lucas, have you been monitoring him or what?" I asked him with a frown on my face."I guess so." He smirked evilly, while I just stared at him disgusted with his presence."You have to stop coming here okay, because one of these days Brian will catch you, and trust me
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Chapter Thirty Four
He placed a kiss against the pulse at my throat. Making me feel so good, as I wanted him buried deep inside of me already.He moved to kiss my lips again, and cupping my ass in the process, as he brought my body against his.He deep his hands into my nightgown, and with care, he caressed my breasts, from inside my nightgown bringing a moan from between my lips."Please can I take this off?" He asked me, as he held onto my nightgown."Yes," I murmured in between my moan, and before I knew it, he had pulled it over my head, leaving my body bare before him, as I wasn't wearing a bra at the moment.He circled the dark nipples, and soon moved down my body, smoothing along my stomach before he cupped her pussy, through my panties which I still had on.Sliding a finger between my silken wet folds, he touched my clit. I jumped in his hands, as my head lay on his shoulder."Brian," I moaned."I want to give you pleasure." He kissed my neck, licking a trail of moisture with his tongue. "I w
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Chapter thirty five
After a while I was finally done, and without thinking twice, I got dressed, and made my way over to the kitchen. I ordered the cook to prepare a coffee which I took to Ariana's bedroom.She was still sleeping when I got there, so I just dropped it on the nightstand drawer, as I made my way out of her bedroom when I realised I needed to get my phone and check out some."The coffee might get cold before you return." My wolf spoke up from inside of me, and I stopped on my track immediately, and turned around immediately, as I returned to her.I was about to tap her, but just then her eyes slowly flipped open. "You are awake already, I was about to wake you up before." I spoke up, while she just sat up."Is there a coffee in the room?" She asked, as she scented the bedroom, until her eyes landed on the nightstand drawer."Yes," I answered casually, and she just stared at it for a while."You brought that to me?" She asked, pointing at the cup of coffee beside me, while I just nodded."I
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Chapter Thirty Six
"Yes,you are back." I answered him, while he just nodded."So we were able to see him, or he wasn't home when you got there?" I asked him, as he was now standing right in front of me."I saw him, and guess who was with him, when I arrived." He crossed his arms around his body while I just sigh softly."Nicole," I mouthed, hoping I would be correct with my guess."Yes, they were both together in bed when I got there, and I had to warn him in her presence." He told me, and I just stared at him."Did she say anything after you warned him, in front of her?" I asked him."Well she started asking Lucas about it, but he denied coming here to see you, he told her that he had come here to see me and not you." He said, making me laugh critically. Lucas was really so unbelievable, and I really don't know what to think about him."How about the other time he came here, didn't he tell me he knew you just left?" I asked, as my glance remained fixed on him."After warning him to stay off you, I didn
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Chapter Thirty Seven
ARIANA'S POVOnce she had gone, I didn't bother to stay in the sitting room. I made my way over to Brian bedroom, since he had told me he would be there waiting for me."You finished up with that person so early, and I also heard someone yell, who is that?" He asked me, immediately he noticed me walking into his bedroom.I just sighed as I finally had my seat beside him. "Well I didn't really work with anyone, it was Nicole who had come here." I answered him, and he turned to me immediately."What was she yelling about?" He asked me, while his gaze was fixed on me."She came to warn me to stay away from Lucas, when she should be warning Lucas to stay away from me." I finally explained to him, and he sighed softly, and told me not to worry about her, that she was only being foolish."Somehow I wonder why she likes Lucas that much, because I know that Lucas doesn't like her to the extent that she likes him." I pulsed for a while before I continued."The Lucas I know woul
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Chapter Thirty Eight
ARIANA'S POVAfter having breakfast, I decided to step out for a while since there was no one here in the house for me to attend to. I actually needed to walk around for a while."Where are you going?" Brian asked me, and I just told him I just wanted to have a walk."Okay then, but can I come with you?" He asked me, but I declined immediately, making him sighed softly, before I finally started walking away.I left the house and without a few minutes I was already on my way to the Pack square. Honestly I had a vision about Nicole attacking me here, and killing me in the process. And honestly I really just wanted to see how she was going to achieve it, and how I was going to be able to avoid it too.I was trying to glance around to see if there was something that I could use to escape because I knew she would be here soon, but I couldn't see any, and just then I felt something come closer to me. Just then I remembered what happened in the vision, and quickly bent down
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Chapter Thirty Nine
After about a few days, I decided to go over to see Nicole, even though I knew it wasn't really the right thing to do, as she had tried to kill me a few days ago.I still care so much about her, so I really have to go there. I didn't really tell Brian where I was heading as he was busy in his small office when I left the house, so it was really good that he didn't see me.I have told him a day before of how Nicole tried to kill me, and how I was able to escape her, and he told me to stay away from her for now, but I really can't do something like that right now.This was like the time that she needed me the most and I really can't think of staying away from her, she is my only family, and I really have to be around her now.The Time I have seen in my vision wasn't so far away, so I really need to be around her, maybe just maybe my presence could change her fate. I thought as I finally stepped out of the house.I walked faster as I finally walked into town, and somehow I heard people m
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Chapter Forty
Chapter 40"You don't have to be annoyed, because I also want to be with you as much as you want to be with me, so be patient and just work on these things, I promise to return soon." She told me, making me sighed softly and move my eyes from her lips.All the while she was talking, my eyes were just fixed on her lips, and honestly all I wanted was just nothing more than to kiss her, but I really don't have to think about that right now.So I just turned back to my table. "I don't intend to stay long there, so you don't have to worry, because I will be back before you notice I was even gone." She said, making me smile."You haven't gone out yet, but I have already noticed that you are gone, so what are you saying?" I teased her, making her laugh too, before she told me she needed to go now.Honestly I really wished I could stop her from going, but it's not really right for me to do that. She was going to see her only family, so I should allow her to go, besides it's not like she is go
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