All Chapters of LOVING HER DUKE: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
137 Chapters
His Torment And Peace
What was the need to be so vexed over his protection? Why was she depriving him the right to protect her? Charles felt the unexplainable urge to smoke. He was her husband! How dare she question that? His breathing became intense.She refused his protection. She denied their marriage. Many women of the ton would give an arm to be affiliated with him in marriage. She teased him with a false hand of friendship, and now she thought the worst of him?! How could she ever think he would use his hand harshly on her?Charles was beyond livid. He only wanted to protect her. He had wronged her in the greatest way possible that night on the hill, and even though he had almost never regretted it, he did sometimes for her sake.She had been drunk that night, but his mind had been clear as the sky on the finest day. He should have stopped her. He should have been sensible enough. Maybe he shouldn't have believed when she promised not to regret it. She left before he awoke and her action meant one thi
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A Celestial Decision
Brand kissed his teeth and sighed, brushing the topic away. "What is to be the agenda for this private council? Is it Lord Denney?""Except he does something foolish, no." They entered the great room. "The pirates seem to pose a greater threat than our overzealous and greedy uncle." He sat and asked them to do the same. "They have grown gutsy. Out." He commanded the servants present. They obeyed."The pirates?"Alexander nodded, the smile on his face vanishing as his countenance switching capriciously. "I need you and your troops out on the sea. We must go to battle.""Battle?""You thought it has not reached me yet, or did you think trade disputes and profit acquisition would make me turn a blind eye to the happenings on the sea?"Brand blinked, shocked. "How did you come about this knowledge?""I am King and news reaches me from my scouts." He smiled wickedly. "You should be punished for insubordination."Brand rose to his feet and bowed fully. "Please forgive me, Your Majesty. I was
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Lifelong Dedication
* * *Carlisle walked out of the room and Alexander was following after him, seeming eager to see the man who was waiting, but Brand wished to speak to him and that he must do. He hurried after him."Edmund." Alexander called his man."Alexander!" Brand called. Edmund came to him as he turned to answer his name. "I must speak with you, now." Alexander opened his hands in askance and he replied. "It is important."Edmund began to exit the room. "He will wait a bit more.""No." Alexander countered. "Send him in. He can wait, but I am too eager to."Edmund bowed. "Your Majesty."As he left, Alexander returned to the room, planting himself again where he had sat before. "All is well, I presume?"Brand walked to stand before him, consciously blinking his left eye with the right. "I met with Lord Denney again, or rather he met with me. He was waiting for me as soon as my ship docked."Alexander scoffed. "He is quite persistent.""He is." Brand pushed his hair from his face and let it hang b
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Back On Westside Hill?
The mist was heavy, causing the air to be extremely cold and humid. The grass was wet under her and the wetness was slowly seeping through the trousers she wore. Abandoning common sense, she continued to sit on the ground even though she was almost soaked through to her drawers.Her nostrils were starting to hurt from the perfect cold, and even though her feet were toasty warm from inside her boots, her hands were numb and her fingers frozen to the point of falling off. But, she was loving it because somewhere deep in her, she knew it would not harm her, at least not today.The lady inhaled deeply and exhaled strongly, her breath misting as well. The cold wind blew against her face and rather than not, it warmed it, caressing her slowly as it passed by. She found the hilltop to be both a place of austerity and a seat of solace. The cold wind froze her in place and the wet grass nourished her liberty, holding her away from everything that troubled her.She did not remember how she got
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Only A Dream
* * *"Eric!!!" Waking up with a start, Beth screamed out of her sleep, stretching out her hand, reaching for who was nowhere before her. Her breathing was rapid and it quavered violently. In her head, she relived the last part of her dream as she froze in place.She saw him fall from the cliff again, as he had done many times before. She still held out her hand, desperately wanting to catch him, to not let him fall, to hold on to him.When it finally came to her that it had been a nightmare, Beth dropped her outstretched hands and sobbed into her pillow, she screamed her life out, beating on the pillow as though it was the culprit. The same, the same nightmare.She wiped the tears off her cheeks and sat up so quickly her head spun. Pulling her legs to herself, she hugged her knees to rid herself of the loneliness, of the sadness. She let her eyes run the entire space of the room it could cover until it rested on the adjoining door to Lord Carlisle's bedchamber and blinked to push bac
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* * *Her shoes pounded lightly on the marbled floor as she made her way to the kitchen. The railing had been cleaned and as she slid her hand past it walking down the stairs, Beth appreciated the maids. They always did a fine job.The Christmas Ball was in two days, she needed to ensure all was perfect, and that the Ball would be a success. It would be her first Ball as Lady Carlisle. She did not wish to fail and set the wagging tongues loose.The halls were alive with activities and outside the gardeners were busy snipping and packing away. She had been so engrossed with the geography book she had found in the library, time had slipped by. She always knew the world was vast but she had never guessed how much. Beth couldn't wait to be done with her chores for the day and return to it. But there was so much to do.She had to ensure all invitations had been sent out, finalize the food list – which she was on her way to do – select the drinks, and meet with her dance instructor. Beth wa
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Gwen Had An Admirer?
She met with Thomas on her way to the Ballroom."Your Grace, I was wondering where you were." He was always searching for her.Beth sidestepped, avoiding the men carrying the miniature stature meant for the Ballroom. The Dowager Duchess had insisted on it. "What is wrong?""Have a care with that." Thomas yelled to the men when they stumbled. They apologized. "The last invitation has been sent out, and this letter came from your Aunt."She received it. "Thank you. Have you asked the tables to be put close to the wall, by the windows?""I supervised it myself." His lips pulled slightly. "Do not worry, Your Grace. Your Ball would be grand."She nodded. She did not need it to be grand, it should not be a flop. But he was right. There was nothing to bother about. "My instructor should be arriving soon, prepare for him. For now, ask Anna to come to my bedchamber.""Of course, Ma'am."Beth made for her room.From the top of the stairs, she took a moment to look at the preparations that were
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His Grace Has Returned
She had been stupid enough to see only how his actions affected her, but blind to how her words affected him. Beth sighed."Will this do?"Beth turned and studied the dress Anna held up. It was the simple grey dress she had seen the other day with frilly pleats at the bottom and extra pleats at the hand and neck. A couple of buttons were added to fasten it properly. She thought it to be beautiful. "It will, very much."Anna laid it on the bed and proceeded to help her unzip. "My Lady, if I may.""What is it?" She stepped out of the dress."This morning…"Beth turned immediately. "Did you speak of it to anyone?""No, no, My Lady. I would never."Her eyebrows rose. "To Thomas?""It is not mine to speak of.""It is no one's to speak of." Beth corrected.Anna held her hands together. "That moment has not visited my lips, Your Grace. No one else knows."She breathed down. "It should stay that way.""Of course.""Thank you." Beth was sorry she had raised her voice at her.Anna removed her g
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His Knowledge Of Her
Beth must be a younger version of his mother.That was the conclusion Charles arrived at when the carriage pulled up at Carlisle Crest. He took his time getting out of it, positively marvelled at how much the mansion had changed in the short while he was away.The hedges had been trimmed to another pattern, the main door had a wreath on it, the windows were all opened and the fountain had a vine twined around the statue. She must possess his mother's spirit when preparation was involved.A neighing horse drew his attention and he turned to the mare being led out into the fields. Clover. She was a calm, obedient horse who was as spirited as a freeman. She would accord you control until she felt you no longer deserved it. She took off running as soon as she was let off her leash, sprinting through the open fields, glad to be free.Beth wanted to be free. Like the mare she must feel caught on a leash. She must want her freedom as desperately too, he thought.Thomas rushed out of the hous
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The Impulse To Go To Her
Charles felt the impulse to go to her, to go search for her, but instead, he walked over to the adjoining door and stood there. His hand grabbed onto the doorknob and stayed. He would not turn, he only stared at it.For how long he was there, he did not know. Was this how close he could stand to her? Would he ever always stand by her with an obstacle repelling him? This time, it was a door. What would it be next time?He removed his hand and sent it to his pocket, his cigar wasting away. He did not want to go anywhere else. If this was how close he could stand to her, he would accept it. For now.She did not need him by her anyways and he had promised to give her freedom to be whoever she wished. He would not go back on that oath."My Lady, Mr. Winston is here."Charles raised his head. She had been in the room all along? While he was standing there pondering about their relationship and useless things, she had been there? Charles almost decided to go to her, but he wouldn't. His oath
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