All Chapters of My Invincible Husband Has Returned: Chapter 1231 - Chapter 1240
1242 Chapters
Chapter 1231
"Yes, they should be the ones apologizing instead! You just arrived, Mr. Lene, so you had no idea what happened before you came! That man was behaving extremely aggressively and slapped Leonie here without warning!" "Mr. Lene, how can you be on their side? Look what they did to Leonie! why should we be the ones apologizing?" "Why should we apologize?"All the sales girls, Leonie included, were all extremely upset to hear this. The last thing they wanted to do was to apologize to the people who had wronged them.Leonie, among them all, was the most outraged. She was already extremely furious at being humiliated so publicly by Liam, and her prideful personality would not allow her to apologize to someone like Celena, who she deemed to be below her. "Mr. Lene, we're your employees! Why are you defending them instead of us? Have you even seen what he did to me?" she wailed, clutching her cheek, and shot another look of hatred at Liam and Celena.Samuel was extremely wary of offendin
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Chapter 1232
Liam immediately turned to glance at Samuel, sneering, and asked, "Mr. Lene, do you think this is a sincere enough apology? Besides, do you honestly think that such disrespectful employees are worth keeping around? Or perhaps rudeness is part of the job requirement, is it, Mr. Lene?"Samuel immediately understood what Liam was trying to get at, and quickly approached him with a simpering smile. "Yes, of course, Mr Cole. Thank you for your reminder. Such disrespectful employees should not be allowed to remain under the employment of the Blissful Bride Boutique, or any of the stores in the Bridal District, for that matter!"Larry, Leonie, and the rest of the sales girls looked horrified to hear this.Samuel then turned around and fixated his murderous glare on them. "From today onward, you will no longer be under the employment of the Blissful Bride Boutique! You are hereby fired!"Then, without even pausing to hear their explanations, he added loudly, "Not only this, I will also sen
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Chapter 1233
Celena lifted her head to meet his solemn gaze and was just about to continue pleading when, on second thought, she realized that he was right. The longer she stared at Liam and the more she mulled over his words, she realized that he was right. She needed to learn to be strong and to say no to people who did not serve her. This was the only way she could protect herself and her little family. However, for some reason, when he said this, she suddenly felt strangely detached from the man standing before her, as though there was a misty fog separating her from Liam, not allowing her to reach out to him.Although she and Liam were just a few feet apart from each other, she suddenly felt as though she did not recognize him at all, like he was just a stranger to her."Liam…" she murmured, gently squeezing his arm.Liam knew that Celena was a kind person by nature and that it was already exceptionally tough for her to step back and take such a boundary to herself, so he was very pleas
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Chapter 1234
Liam only cast a cold look down at Larry, who was pleading and begging at his feet for mercy. Finally, after endless rounds of punishing himself to the point where his cheeks had swollen up like balloons, Liam scoffed and put an end to it. "Mr. Lene, you have full authority on what to do with your own staff. Please punish him as you see fit."With that, he took Celena's hand in his and strode out of the door."Of course, Mr Cole. Have a safe trip…" Samuel said as he followed Liam and Celena to the door with a simpering smile. He stood at the door and watched as Liam and Celena's retreating figures disappeared from view.Finally, as soon as they were out of sight, his smile faltered, and he returned to the store, scowling. Soon, sobs and cries of agony rang out from within the Blissful Bride Boutique.Meanwhile, after putting some distance between them and the store, Celena finally froze and turned to glance at Liam with a puzzled look. "Liam, who was that man in the suit? How did y
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Chapter 1235
"Look at you, I bet I can hang something off your lips right now, from the way you're pouting them. Please don't overthink, my dear. Ms. Bristow is my boss, and I am her bodyguard—nothing more. Besides, why would I have eyes for other women when I have such a gorgeous wife at home?" Liam said as he reached out to pinch Celena's cheek mischievously. The feeling of her soft, rosy skin underneath his fingertips made his breath catch in his throat. Then, trying desperately to prevent Celena from noticing the change in his demeanor, he added hastily, "All right, all right, let's put an end to this overthinking, all right? We should go home now."Celena, too, was beginning to wonder if this was all just in her head. Besides this, they were in broad daylight, subject to public scrutiny, and she did not enjoy being judged by strangers as Liam teased her. Her entire face flushed crimson in embarrassment.Despite Liam trying to make her feel better, she still felt some lingering anger, and swa
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Chapter 1236
The moment Wasyl caught sight of Liam, white-hot fury stirred within him, and a sneer spread across his face. "Do you think you can get away after messing with Wasyl Abbott?"Cheryl scoffed and sauntered over to Liam and Celena, her arm still snaked around Wasyl's. The moment her gaze landed on Celena, an expression of cold envy crossed her face and she said shrilly, "Liam, Celena, have you asked my permission before leaving? What did I say to you just now? I told you that this would not be the end of this."Liam, you idiot, how dare you humiliate me in public? Do you have any idea what you're up against? Do you have any idea how much it costs to maintain this face of mine?"Boys, get them! Seize them, and break that man's legs if you need to, but spare the woman! I will need her later!"There's nothing you care about more in this world than Celena, is there, Liam? In that case, I will make sure you watch with your own two eyes as I punish this b*tch!" Cheryl's eyes were on Celen
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Chapter 1237
Just as the men were about to reach her, Celena closed her eyes in a panic, waiting for their weapons to strike them and for the excruciating pain that would follow.However…After a few minutes, nothing came. She slowly opened her eyes and saw, to her surprise, Liam standing before her.The men, who just a few minutes ago had been charging toward them with their weapons raised above their heads, were now all lying spreadeagled all over the ground, their weapons strewn haphazardly all around them. Each of them clutched their own limbs, howling in agony.Even though she had witnessed Liam in combat many times before this, it still did not take away from the shock of seeing him take down multiple stronger, faster opponents than he was at the same time. Even though she had seen this play out many times before, she still could not stifle a gasp at the sight of this.Even Cheryl and Wasyl seemed to be utterly stunned. They stared in disbelief at the shrieking thugs for a few moments be
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Chapter 1238
Celena's eyelashes quivered as she looked down sheepishly. Then, after a few moments' silence, she took in a deep breath before lifting her head to meet Liam's gaze again. "I know, but Liam… She's my sister… I–I don't want to get in trouble with Grandpa anymore…"Liam was very pained to see the look of defeat on Celena's face. He gently took her hand in his and nodded in resignation. Then, he turned to glare at Cheryl and Wasyl, who, thinking he was about to attack, shrieked in alarm, "What… What are you doing?"To which Liam sneered and merely snarled, "Get out of here!"He did not need to say this a second time. Cheryl and Wasyl both wheeled around and bolted as fast as their legs could take them. They dived into their car, slamming the door shut behind them, and within seconds the car peeled away, its tyres screeching on the asphalt.Liam watched the car disappear from view with a malicious glint in his eye. By the time Celena craned her head to glance at him, however, the sin
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Chapter 1239
Wasyl's face contorted into an ugly grimace, and he hissed through gritted teeth, "Who would've known that Liam would pick up so many tricks from his time in the military? Who would've thought that wretched scum of the Cole family would turn out to be such a good fighter?"Another surge of fury rose within Cheryl, and she slumped back into her chair, her arms crossed as she stared out the window in front of her huffily. "What should we do now? We can't just let this go! Let me tell you this, Wasyl, you are obliged to stick up for me and get revenge after what Liam and Celena did to me! If you don't, I will call off the wedding immediately! I will not marry a man who can't even defend his own wife!"Ordinarily, Wasyl would have been outraged to hear this, but at that moment, he was so infuriated from their unpleasant encounter with Liam and Celena that he let Cheryl's threat fly over his head. He replied with a snarl, "Let this go? Never! This will not end here! I'm going to get in to
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Chapter 1240
Wasyl could not help smiling at the look on Cheryl's face. "Don't worry, my dear. We won't be ordering their assassination. All we will be doing is giving them a little punishment, so they'll know better than to mess with us in the future. We can order them to break a leg or two, but nothing more than that. It won't be as serious as you think, and we won't end up in jail."Cheryl was rather relieved to hear this, and on the contrary, the thought of sending an assassin to exact revenge on Liam and Celena excited her tremendously. That wretched Liam and Celena! There would be no running or hiding now!All she could think of was the image of Liam laying spreadeagled on the ground, wailing as he clutched his broken limbs, while Celena was being deflowered by another man right before his eyes!The thought of this made her perk up in excitement, and she exclaimed, "Quick, my love, call your friend immediately! Tell him to put the job listing up as soon as possible!"Wasyl sneered and n
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