All Chapters of My Invincible Husband Has Returned: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
1246 Chapters
Chapter 121
The Stones who entered the cottage with Reginald felt unhappy after Reginald scolded them. However, they did not dare to refute it. They simply left the cottage as they were told and waited.After they left, Reginald turned to Liam with a smile and said, "Liam, hurry up and go accept the invitations. It's Mr. Lynch's order. If you don't go, Mr. Lynch will be mad, and our family can't afford to bear that."Liam ignored him. Instead, he looked at Celena, who was feeling uneasy. He asked, "Darling, do you think I should accept the invitations?"Celena was still dazed. Liam continued, "Darling, we already have our invitation anyway. We have no use of the extras. How about we don't accept them? The extras are just a waste after all."Everyone outside the cottage became anxious when they heard that. Reginald felt the same. He immediately smiled and said, "How could it be a waste? There are so many of us in the Stone family! Celena, say something!“Celena did not understand what had happ
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Chapter 122
Wasyl was annoyed that his limelight was stolen. He rushed out of the crowd, pointed at Liam, and shouted, "Spit it out! Who the hell are you? How could you have known the mayor? You'd better come clean. What schemes or tricks did you use? How could a loser like you get a military truck to deliver the invitations to you?"Wasyl was so angry his chest was about to explode. The admiration and spotlight should have been on him, but they were on Liam at that moment. He was enraged.Looking at Wasyl's exasperation, Liam sneered and said, "You're asking who am I?" The sudden snort sent chills down Wasyl's spine, making his whole body shiver. He had an indescribable feeling. The man before him was still Liam, but he somehow felt like Liam was someone he could not beat. Wasyl felt insignificant to him. This ominous feeling dissipated quickly because Liam ignored him. He had already strode away with Jovie and Celena while the crowd watched."Hmph! How arrogant! I will let you know what i
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Chapter 123
It was after Cheryl made a sarcastic remark at Celena and Liam that she got into the car. She ignored Celena, who was standing next to the car, and had the driver close the door.There were other members of the Stones in the car. They then spoke to Liam and Celena through the car window and poked fun at them."You have money to get a cab, don't you? That would be too pitiful, wouldn't it? I feel a little sorry for them. How about this, Celena? You can beg and I'll give you some money for the cab.""Haha! You're so funny. Cabs are not allowed into the Stone Mansion. How could they get a cab?""Who cares if they can get a cab? They are not cultured anyway. They might bring shame to our family if they were to attend the dinner tonight.""Yes, you're right. Let's hurry up and go."The few cars sped off, leaving Celena, Liam, and Jovie behind in a daze. Celena looked incredibly helpless.The cars were gone, and they had no way to hail a cab. What should they do?Celena was dressed i
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Chapter 124
Celena could not help but be stunned."L-Liam, were you the one called for them? T-These are tanks! You got them here with just a call?" Celena pulled Liam back as he was about to leave. Her eyes widened in disbelief.Liam smiled. He held Celena's hand and said, "That's right. Have you forgotten that I used to be in the army? I have several comrades in Drunham City, so I got them to help. Let's quickly get in or we'll be late for dinner. Also, they will have to return after they drop us off.""Mmhmm. Alright."Celena nodded. She quickly got into the car while Liam held her hand.After they got into the car, Celena surveyed everything inside the car curiously. Jovie, on the other hand, was sitting on the seat in excitement. She had her head turned and was looking through the rear windscreen at the tanks that were following behind them.The people on the road stayed after they took photos of the tanks that were parked. More people were taking photos after seeing three of them enter
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Chapter 125
Reginald was also excited. However, as the pillar of the Stone family, he had to keep his composure. He let out a cough, contained his excitement, and pretended to lecture the Stones."What are you looking around for? The people around are important. Please behave. Don't become a joke and embarrass the Stone family," said Reginald."Yes, yes! Reginald is right, we got it!" The dozen members of the Stones who were following behind all nodded in agreement. Then, they followed Reginald into the waiting area.At that moment, there was an unknown exclamation within the crowd. "Oh, shit! Look, guys! What's that? A tank? Did I just fucking see a tank? Could this be the arrival of the legendary King Pendragon?""I think it's King Pendragon! Who else could roll up with such a convoy?" "Quickly, move out of the way! I want to stand closer to the front!" All the business giants at the venue had diverted their attention toward the tanks that were slowly driving up from the end of the r
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Chapter 126
"Wait! That man looks so familiar! Isn't that Liam and Celena? They're even holding that little scum of a daughter in their arms!"Liam helped Celena out of the jeep, then picked Jovie up in his arms and stood proudly before everyone. Everyone, including the Stones, finally snapped out of their stupor. Their looks of excitement and longing immediately turned to disgust and distaste. "Damn it! I thought it was the King Pendragon, but it turns out it's just that scumbag Liam! What rotten luck! What a waste of our time!""Hey, that's strange… Why would Liam be sitting in a jeep with all the tanks escorting him here?" Celena was so nervous that her palms were covered in sweat. If it had not been for Liam clutching her tightly, she would have turned and left right that minute. She had always been afraid of public scrutiny. It terrified her and made her want to crawl into a shell. Liam could feel her trembling next to him, so he gently squeezed her hand in reassurance. Then, he pulle
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Chapter 127
Wasyl straightened his tie and let out an awfully fake cough, then swept his contemptuous glance over Liam and Celena. Finally, he said loudly, "Liam! Celena! What are you doing here today? Please don't tell me you managed to get in again with some fake invitations! Let me tell you this. The Stones won't bring you inside with them anymore, so there's no point in you even coming here today!"Everyone fell silent upon hearing this, and instantly, everyone's eyes were on Liam and Celena.Did they manage to get in with fake invitations?This was undoubtedly big news as the mayor was the one co-hosting this event with Max Group. The only people invited to the biggest event of the year that day were the elite members of society and important political representatives! How could Liam and Celena have the audacity to think they could sneak in with fake invitations?The consequences were dire if they were to get caught. They could be arrested for fraud!Cheryl had called Wasyl the night bef
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Chapter 128
Liam stared coldly at Wasyl. A glimmer of malice flashed through his eyes as he snarled, "Are you saying that my invitations are fake?""Yes!" Wasyl replied confidently. Then, he took his own invitation out of his pocket and waved it tauntingly in front of Liam. "Mine is the real deal. Why don't you show me yours and we can compare the two? We can easily tell who is real and who is fake by then!"Everyone can step forward and take a look if you like, but I'm sure all of you have the real ones. After all, there's no need for you to sneak into someplace like this with a fake invitation when you're invited! Unfortunately, I can't say the same for you, Liam. Come on. Do you want to compare invitations?" With that, Wasyl wagged his invitation high up in the air as though he was taunting Liam. As soon as he said this, everyone began taking out their invitations and comparing them to those next to them. They all soon came to the realization that they possessed exactly the same invitatio
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Chapter 129
Jovie was just a child, after all. Of course, she would be terrified by everyone who had turned against her and her family!Jovie began to hiccup, and Liam immediately patted her back reassuringly. "Don't be scared, Jovie. Dad is here, and nothing bad will happen to us! Don't worry!"Wasyl sneered. It was playing out exactly the way he had planned it. He pointed at Liam, Celena, and Jovie, then shouted, "Guards! Lock them up! They're trying to commit fraud, but we won't let them get away with this!"All of a sudden, heavy boot-clad footsteps sounded, and four soldiers with guns appeared in front of them, all pointing their barrels straight at Liam.Everyone instinctively stepped back for fear of getting caught in this imminent fight. The man leading the team was a Second Class Sergeant in a military green suit. He stared coldly at Liam, then snatched the two different invitations out of Wasyl's hand and scrutinized them. "How dare you attempt to sneak into this sacred venue wit
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Chapter 130
Sherah was also shaking with rage. The color had drained from her face out of fear, but she quickly took out her own invitation to prove to the soldiers that she was innocent. She wailed, "Please don't arrest me! My invitation is a real one. Please don't lock up the innocent ones!"With that, she pointed at Liam and shrieked, "You scumbag! Why don't you go ahead and throw yourself off a cliff?"Qemal had also received an invitation that looked exactly like Liam's and quickly got onto his knees to beg for mercy. "Sergeant, I'm innocent! Please don't arrest me! I was deceived! Arrest Liam! He's the one who tricked all of us! Arrest that woman next to him, too! She's Celena Stone, and she was also involved in this fraud! Please go capture her instead, and spare me…"With that, he even grabbed hold of one of the soldier's shins and began sobbing as he pleaded for mercy. Everyone was watching with amusement and cast Reginald looks of disdain and taunting. Reginald felt so humiliated by
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