All Chapters of My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
665 Chapters
Chapter 0091
Once we get to school, you can feel the energy in the air. Something is different today. All the kids are buzzing about something. What could have happened in the last hour since training ended? Kaley runs up to the twins who are leading our group up the wide path to school, and grabbing both by
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Chapter 0092
“Sky will be fine. She’s taken down pretty much everyone in the pack who can actually fight. I’m not worried about f*cking Kaley.” Kota finishes. He has no idea, it’s never Kaley who gets her hands dirty and they never come at me one at a time. At least we don’t have school, that will help me avoi
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Chapter 0093
I begin a slow warm up keeping my back to them, I don’t need to see worried gazes. Circling my arms and stretching, then shadow boxing before fully turning to the bag is all that I need, my body still pretty loose from the workout we finished only a couple hours ago. I go through a series of punche
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Chapter 0094
Oliver: Yes ma’am Sam: Do you love the girls more than me now? Kota: *thumbs up* emoji Cam: We’ll see you soon Mateo: On our way “We are all together, why do you all respond?” Sierra asks, looking up from her phone. I was thinking the same thing. All the guys let out a little laugh. “What?” I
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Chapter 0095
She shakes her head as she releases me. “Okay, we have to get you both dolled up a bit, this is not our usual casual dinner. Let’s get started on your hair and make-up.” She claps, changing the subject abruptly. We spend the next twenty minutes brushing, drying, curling, and applying to the Luna’s
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Chapter 0096
“Ladies! Now I understand the wait, you all look beautiful.” The Alpha comes over to us and wraps his arm around Luna Ava, whispering something in her ear that makes her blush and Sierra and I giggle. “Let me introduce you to our guests for the next few days. Alpha King Reginald and Luna Queen Anne
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Chapter 0097
“She’s not wrong.” He confirms walking over to us. “This girl puts me to shame as far as her training time each day goes and she does it all while maintaining her extremely high grades and helping me train our pups.” “Really?” Prince Alexander asks. “I just like to train, that's all.” I shrug my s
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Chapter 0098
The Alpha King sat at the head of the table on our end, the Luna Queen to his left and Prince Alexander to his right. Warriors Nickolas and Thomas sat next to the Luna Queen and Delta Kyle and Gwen next to them. Oliver, Kota and Luna Ava finished out their side of the table. I am next to Prince Alex
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Chapter 0099
“Not really. It started as a joke and then just stuck. They aren’t making fun of me, just stating the obvious size difference and now that all of them have put on more muscle it’s even worse and I don’t think any of them are done growing, but I’m pretty sure I am.” I roll my eyes at Sierra who lau
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Chapter 0100
“Okay, but what do I do about it? And stop laughing at me. This is so weird.” I flop back on my bed, my long hair fanning out around me. “I have no experience with boys like this, give me training and beating the crap out of them any day.” “Well, you can go down, sit back on Kota’s lap, or whoev
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