All Chapters of Mated in the Shadow of My Sister : Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
276 Chapters
Chapter 0221
“Wait… Brady, is… is Lily the she-wolf that you fell for? The one who you came to Ravenswood to save from her mate?” James let out a low growl, but I put my hand on his arm to calm him down. Brady’s face fell. “Yes.” “So I just had a one-night stand with a wolf who is in love with my friend?!?!? And who came here to break up my friend and her mate?!?!?” “Yes.” Brady looked ashamed, and I could tell that Charlotte was starting to get hysterical. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her to the side, leaving Brady and James to hopefully not kill each other. “Charlotte, take a deep breath,” I urged her. “Did you… did you… did you and Brady ever…” “No, I never slept with Brady. I kissed him, but that is it. And he did not love me, Charlotte. He thought he did, but he didn’t.” “You and James are perfect together. Why would he want to break the two of you up? And why would he fly all the way here to do it?” I took a deep breath. “It is complicated, Charlotte. I have not told y
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Chapter 0222
Hi! We probably only have roughly 10-ish chapters left until the end of this book (emphasis on "ish"). There are a few more surprises coming, but they are mostly things that you have been wondering about so hopefully they will not feel too left-field. Unfortunately, I am finding that the final confrontation scenes are taking a little more time to write, because not only are they highly charged scenes, but also I am trying leave as few loose ends as I can. More writing time + busy holiday season + busy day job means unfortunately I am going to every other day updates instead of the every day updates you had previously been getting. Sorry! The good news is that we really are almost done. And on days that I can post more or more often, I definitely will. Thank you again for all of the love and support that you have shown this story!!!
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Chapter 0223
(Lily POV) “Charlotte, what are you doing?” I asked. We were standing in the middle of the flight lounge while we waited for the flight crew to get the plane ready for us, and she had just ordered a beer from the bartender. “What are you talking about?” she asked me innocently. “You hate beer.” “So does Brady.” “Do you really think that ordering a beer is going to piss him off?” “No. But it will send a message.” “And what message is that?” “That I am mad at him.” I sighed. “Charlotte, I do not think ordering a beer is going to send that message. But even if it is, if you are mad at Brady after knowing him for less than a day, why are you going to his pack with him?” “Because I still really like him. And my gut says that I should.” I reached up and checked her forehead for a fever. When I found none, I turned her around and lifted her hair, checking for any sign that she was wearing a mask. “What are you doing?” she asked. “I am just wondering what happened to my fr
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Chapter 0224
Come to think of it, perhaps Brady really was the right one for her. Somehow, knowing both of them, the thought of them together almost made sense. Just then, Charlotte took a sip of her beer and immediately spit it out. “Goddess, I hate beer. That was a bad idea. Come on, Lily. We need to find some pizza instead.” **** (James POV) We made it back to Black Moon without anyone dying. You may be wondering how the flight went. I encourage you to re-read my last sentence: We made it back to Black Moon without anyone dying. That is about the best thing I can say about that experience. Instead of applying for membership in the mile-high club with me, Lily spent most of the flight either asleep or sitting next to Charlotte at the front of the plane. That left me to sit in the middle of the plane with Brady. We were adults, and so sitting within shouting distance of each other on the same plane should have been fine. Except, of course, it was not. Instead of listening to m
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Chapter 0225
(James POV) Deciding that I was done with Brady’s bullsh&t, I lunged for him. It was not the fact that he accused me of sleeping with Stephanie that bothered me. It was the fact that Brady was continuing to mock our relationship, coupled with the fact that he continued to want to remind Lily about our painful past. Whether his claims were true did not matter; it was his intent that bothered me. “STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!” Lily yelled just before I reached Brady. I do not know if Lily meant to do so, but she used her alpha command —the same one that she had used in Hawaii. I felt the weight of it even though it no longer worked on me. The command caught my attention and brought me back to reality. Instead of giving Brady the punch he deserved, I reached out and wrapped my arms around my mate. “I am sorry, my love. He just went a step too far.” Lily hugged me back. To my relief, she was not angry with me. She was, however, glaring angrily at Brady. “What is with you, Brady?
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Chapter 0226
(Lily POV) It has been five days since we returned to Black Moon. James and I are now preparing to head back to West Mountain Pack so that we can hopefully put an end to the pain and suffering that has been allowed to exist there for way too long. As we make the final preparations, I cannot help but think back on everything that has happened since we returned to Black Moon. As you might expect, our return was just as eventful as the flight here, if not more so… especially for Brady and Charlotte. My heart originally broke for Brady when he realized that Evelyn —the she-wolf that he had loved and worshipped— had cheated on him. However, I found myself slowly and increasingly coming to the conclusion that Brady’s discovery about Evelyn was a strangely positive development. Brady had spent many years of his life living in a never-ending cycle of regret and longing. Realizing that Evelyn was not the she-wolf that he thought she was could be an important step towards him finally m
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Chapter 0227
(Lily POV) After letting Brady stew for another minute or so under Charlotte’s questioning glare, Dr. Hyder invited us to all sit down. He then filled us in on what happened to Sammy, and about everything that he had discovered about Evelyn. James, in turn, filled Dr. Hyder in on the conversation that we had had on the airplane. Like Brady, Dr. Hyder was shocked to find out that Evelyn and Andrew were chosen mates as opposed to second chance mates. He was also shocked to hear that Evelyn had cheated on Brady for a year before the rejection. Watching Dr. Hyder, I could tell that the shock was doing a number on him. Dr. Hyder does not like to be surprised, and he does not like it when his opponent makes a move that he has not anticipated; those things make him feel out of control. And if there is one thing that Dr. Hyder hates, it is not being in control. Brady, for his part, mostly listened. Charlotte sat next to him, holding his hand. “I don’t get it,” I said after a while
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Chapter 0228
(Lily POV) Brady stood up and Evelyn threw herself into his arms. Charlotte growled, but Evelyn did not seem to notice. “Brady, oh thank Goddess you are back,” Evelyn said through her tears. “I am so scared for Sammy. I have no idea who has him or what they are doing to him. We have to find him and get him back!!!!!!!!!!!” Brady gently pushed Evelyn away, but nevertheless looked at her sympathetically. He even wiped a few of her tears off her cheeks. “We will find him, Evelyn. I know that we will.” “Please tell me we are not watching what I think we are watching,” James linked me. I shook my head in disbelief. I wished I had something to clobber Brady over the head with. “It is like he forgot that it is her fault that Sammy was kidnapped,” I responded to James. “And that Sammy is safe.” Watching the scene, Charlotte growled for a second time. This time, Evelyn turned around. She acted as though she had not previously realized that there were other people in the room.
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Chapter 0229
“I will warn you for the last time, Evelyn. Watch your words,” James said in a menacing voice. “You do know that Stephanie is alive, right? Your mom called Andrew and let him know. They are preparing a large welcome home slash engagement party for her and you. You do not have to settle for second-best anymore.” James let go of me and took several steps towards Evelyn. He looked like he was ready to attack her. However, Brady stepped in between them. Evelyn clung to Brady and started to cry once again. James ordered Brady to move, but Brady refused. “She is pregnant, James.” “I am not going to hurt her, Brady. But I am also not willing to let her sit here and disrespect Lily without consequences.” “Please calm down, James,” Brady pleaded. Suddenly, Charlotte came up and slapped Brady across the face. Hard. The slap caught Brady off guard, and he looked at Charlotte with hurt in his eyes. “What was that for?” he asked her. “Have you forgotten what Evelyn did to you?
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Chapter 0230
(Lily POV) “I have already told you everything that I know,” Evelyn protested for what had to be the twentieth time in a row. James, Dr. Hyder, and I exchanged looks. Without saying anything, we all agreed that it was time to lay out our cards. “Evelyn, I know that were you were offered $200 million for Lily,” Dr. Hyder said matter-of-factly. “I also know that you helped the imposters break into the security positions guarding Lily; I know you helped with the attack on the pack; and I know that you hired a tracker to find Lily when she left Black Moon.” Evelyn paled. “No, I would never do such things,” she said adamantly. “My parents, brother, and nieces still live here. I would never do anything that might hurt them….” Dr. Hyder slammed his fist on the desk. “I want the truth, Evelyn,” he said coldly. Evelyn looked at Brady, tears welling up in her eyes. “Brady, please… you have to believe me,” she pleaded. “The truth, Evelyn,” Dr. Hyder repeated. “I AM TELLING YOU THE
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