Semua Bab Alpha Xavier And The Legend Of His Chosen Mate: Bab 101 - Bab 110
144 Bab
CHAPTER 101. The Confrontation
AUTHOR'S POV Standing by the water, was Athena herself, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. Athena found solace in the woods, by the serene lake where the whispers of rustling leaves and the gentle lapping of water against the shore provided a natural melody. This was her training ground, a place where the dance of sunlight through the branches fueled her determination. Today, however, she sought refuge not in the art of combat but in the embrace of tranquility.Athena gazed across the glassy surface of the lake, attempting to forget the lingering images of Xavier and Lia locked in an intimate kiss. The turmoil within her mind echoed through the stillness of the woods. She shook her head, as if physically dispelling the intrusive thoughts that threatened her peace. He didn't do it. He pushed her away, even slapped. Athena reminded herself again and again. Suddenly, a subtle rustle disrupted the ambient sounds of nature, prompting Athena to snap her head in the direction of the distu
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ATHENA'S POVMy back presses against the rough bark of the tree as Nate's firm grip locks my hands above my head. His eyes blaze with a mix of anger and hurt, fueled by the words I just threw at him. I can feel the tension in the air, a heavy silence that hangs between us.In that suspended moment, Nate's fist hovers in the air like a storm about to unleash its fury. My heart races, and I close my eyes, bracing myself for the impact I expect. The words I hurled at him echo in my mind, regret settling in my gut.Seconds pass like eternity, but the expected blow never lands. Tentatively, I open my eyes, surprised to find Nate's hand still suspended, but now he's redirected it, slamming it against the tree beside my head. The impact sends a shiver through the trunk, and Nate winces in pain.I meet his eyes, expecting to see a rage mirrored in them, but instead, I find an agonized expression. His teeth are gritted, and a pained intensity marks his gaze. It's as if he's battling his own de
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ATHENA'S POVAs we walk hand in hand, Xavier leads me to a cozy corner of the room. There, he reveals a meticulously arranged collection of baby clothes, toys, and a tiny crib. His eyes gleam with anticipation as he gestures towards the adorable ensemble. "I wanted to surprise you with a little space for our little one," he says, a mixture of pride and joy in his voice.I'm touched by the thoughtful gesture, and a swell of emotions fills my heart. Xavier's love and commitment shine through. “When did you even—?” I was lost for words, my jaw dropping in awe at how cute the room looked. It was perfect. “We still have time though.” I gave him a pointed look. “I know. But I couldn't help myself. I just wanted everything to be perfect.” He shrugs, coming to envelope me in a hug from behind. “It's really beautiful.” I placed my hands over his, which were resting on my tummy. “That's not all,” he whispered, making me turn to look at him. Xavier's voice breaks through the tranquility as he
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ATHENA'S POVThe gardens of the pack unfolded before me, a sanctuary of tranquility amidst the bustling responsibilities that burdened my shoulders. The fragrant blooms painted the air with a sweet aroma and the dappling sunlight filtered through leaves, casting a serene warmth upon my skin. I took my time strolling leisurely past the floral bushes when amidst this haven, a subtle "psst" disrupted the peace, compelling me to turn and uncover the source.Incredulous, I spotted Oneka behind an oak tree, her mischievous eyes peering out. "Nicky?" I whispered, confusion marking my father's before I made sure that it was really her. Before comprehension could catch up with me, I found myself hastening to her side."What are you doing here?" I hissed, aware of a vigilant pack guard nearby. Oneka, urgency etched on her features, wasted no time in revealing the gravity of the situation. "We'll do the greetings later. Can we first go somewhere more private?"Nodding in agreement, we slipped be
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ATHENA'S POV“Athena? What are you doing here? Who's this?” Xavier's voice cut through the day, stern and questioning, My eyes widened, and a shiver ran down my spine as fear slipped into my consciousness. Oneka and I exchanged uneasy glances, knowing we were caught in a moment that shouldn't have existed.The weight of his words hung in the air, and I struggled to find an explanation. The fear in me deepened, realizing the consequences of this unexpected encounter. My back was facing his so I couldn't see him yet. But I could feel him. Standing a few feet away. Taking in a deep breath, I finally collected myself to turn around and face him. His piercing gaze locked onto mine. The soft glow of the sun light reflected in his eyes, revealing a mix of surprise and confusion. "Athena, what's going on here?" His eyes stopped to at Oneka, taking her in as they narrowed further. “Xavier?” My voice came out week, but I held it back from trembling. “What are you doing here? Weren't you on
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CHAPTER 106. Suspicion Overload
ATHENA'S POV“Oneka?” Cameron looked at her surprised. “What are you doing here? My eyes widened as Cameron's inquisitive eyes locked onto Oneka. “You two know each other?” Xavier asked, looking at Cameron. Oneka, standing beside me, masked her anxiety with a faint smile. I could feel her fear, mirroring my own. The room hung in an awkward silence as Cameron and Xavier exchanged glances. Panic surged within me, knowing that Cameron and Xavier were oblivious to her reality. I desperately wanted to shield her from their scrutiny. My fingers, unable to contain the turmoil within, nervously chewed on a nail. The silence that followed hung like a heavy fog, the unspoken question lingering in the air. Xavier's raised eyebrow hinted at skepticism, an uncertainty that threatened to unravel the fragile web of deception.“Cameron?” Oneka finally spoke after what felt like hours, were a few seconds. Cameron raised his eyebrow, and I could see that he was also excited to see Oneka in the pack w
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ATHENA'S POVI paced nervously across the intricately patterned rug, the muted light of the chandeliers casting an ethereal glow. The room felt stiflingly silent as Xavier's orders echoed in my mind. Oneka was locked away in the private quarters and I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling gnawing at my insides.The rhythmic ticking of the clock intensified the gravity of the situation, each passing second heightening my anxiety. Xavier had gone as far as appointing guards outside the door. I tried using my Luna card, but it had been rendered useless by the adamant guards stationed outside Oneka's confines. Their stern expressions spoke volumes, conveying that their loyalty to the Alpha's command superseded any allegiance to me. I tried to reason with them, even used my Luna tone on them, but simply refused to let me see Oneka, saying clearly they were under strict orders by the Alpha, to especially not let me see her. The whole situation made me even more pissed. Was Xavier even serio
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CHAPTER 108. The Story
ATHENA'S POVThe air was tense as I stood there, facing Xavier, my eyes pleading with him to let me accompany him to the crucial "talking session" he was about to have with Oneka. It took persistent persuasion, a careful selection of words, and a touch of sincerity to finally break through his initial resistance. Xavier, normally stern and unyielding, reluctantly agreed to my request. The gravity of the situation was etched on his face, and I knew this was my only chance to get Oneka out of here.As we walked down the dimly lit hallway towards Oneka's residence, I could sense Xavier's apprehension. The atmosphere weighed heavy with the unspoken tension of the impending conversation. My mind raced with possibilities of what Xavier might ask Oneka, and I couldn't afford to miss a single detail. This 'talking session' held the key to decide Oneka's fate. There was no way Xavier could find out she was his half sister. He would immediately see it as a threat. Especially since he would thin
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ATHENA'S POV My heart thudded against my ribcage in anticipation as Xavier kept glaring holes in Oneka's head. I was sure Oneka might be in a similar condition if not less. Xavier's face was completely blank. He gave absolutely no clue of what was going on in his head. His face remained expressionless and I had started chewing my lips in nervousness. What would happen? Would Xavier believe it? Would he let Oneka go? Or had he already guessed that she was lying all along? Would he question her further? Does he think that I am lying as well? Would he figure out the many loopholes that were left in the story? I knew he was smart, but just this time I wanted him to be the dumbest person on the planet. The silence in the room after Oneka's explanation was deafening to an extent I could hear the ticking of the clock. I slightly saw Oneka gulp under Xavier's gaze and he took his time to assess the situation and all the words he was fed with. I also felt guilty of hiding so much from my ma
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ATHENA'S POV I stared at Cameron blankly, before my brows curled up in confusion. “Xavier sent you to what?” “He said I could take Oneka to my room. As in, he accepted her to be my mate. He has no issue with her being a rogue or not. He said everyone deserves a chance with their mates and won't stand in my way of happiness. Although he wished the circumstances would have been different. But he believes that Oneka could be trained with the rules of the pack. Besides, since she is your childhood friend, we won't be facing much problem with it anyways. And I'll make sure to keep her happy, always. I promise that t you Luna, your friend is in safe hands with me.”“What?” I looked at Cameron appalled. Not at his words. But I was rather confused and shocked that Xavier was so gullible. He actually bought everything Oneka explained to him. Could it really be that easy? I couldn't come to believe it. But that only means double trouble. Shit. Oneka can't go back now! Shit. She has to stay h
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