Semua Bab Alpha Xavier And The Legend Of His Chosen Mate: Bab 61 - Bab 70
144 Bab
XAVIER'S POVFucking hell! This is not how I planned the night to get over. I ran my hands through my hair multiple times, remembering Athena's retreating figure.I did not spend five hours of my day, planning and decorating the backyard only to have her crying by the end of it all. I fucked up. I know. But she didn't understand my point. I wasn't taking anyone's side, to begin with. And I knew if I had to take sides, then it would always be Athena's. I would choose her again and again in a heartbeat. Scarlet really meant nothing. Not anymore. My heart doesn't jackhammer against my ribcage, neither do I feel the connection or sparks when I look at her. It's all empty. I only feel that way when I see Athena. There is not a single thread of bond left that is connecting me with Scarlet. Because I had rejected her. Completely. And she had accepted the rejection. Not like either one of us had a choice. But I didn't regret any of it. Not one bit, when I had Athena in my life now. She was a
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NATE’S POV The night air hung heavy with the scent of pine and damp earth as I approached the shadowed outskirts of the pack house. The moon cast an ethereal glow on the ancient trees surrounding the territory, but I stayed low, blending into the darkness like a ghost. My heart pounded in my chest, a mixture of anticipation and nervous energy.Silent as the wind, I navigated through the dense foliage, avoiding creaky branches and dry leaves that threatened to betray my presence. The backdoors of the pack house loomed ahead, promising entry into the heart of the territory. My breath hitched with each cautious step, hyper-aware of the consequences if I were caught.I waited patiently at the backdoors of the pack house Scarlet had disciver and informed me about. We had been exchanging letters secretly and she kept me updated at every move. Like how she had witnessed Athena sneaking out the other day and used it to her advantage to forge a letter in her name for Xavier. That way Xavier w
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XAVIER'S POVMy heart hammered in my chest as Cameron's words pierced the air, shattering the morning's anticipation of surprising Athena with breakfast. "Athena... missing?" I stumbled over the words, a surreal dissonance filling the room that had once been saturated with the scent of pancakes and love..Dread tightened its grip, coiling around me like a serpent. The joyful expectation of making things right between us twisted into a sickening knot of fear. I desperately clung to the hope that Cameron had misunderstood, that Athena was just momentarily absent. But Cameron's solemn expression crushed any delusions, and the reality sank in, heavy and suffocating.Without wasting another second, I rushed to the Luna Chambers and see it for myself. Cameron could have been mistaken. He wouldn't have searched properly. I pushed the door open, half-expecting Athena's playful smile to greet me. Instead, the room held an eerie stillness. The bed, neatly made, mocked the absence of her presenc
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NATE'S POVThe sensation of Athena in my arms was a privilege rather than a burden. Her limp form, nestled against me, sent a surge of warmth through my muscles as I navigated the dense woods. Her occasional fluttering eyelids and faint murmurs indicated a struggle between consciousness and the drug's hold on her."Where are we?" she mumbled, her voice feeble and disoriented. Her eyes, struggling to focus, sought answers in the dimly lit forest around us. "Where are you taking me?""Sleep, baby girl," I whispered, my voice a soothing melody against the haunting silence of the woods. "You're going to be just fine. I've got you."Athena's intermittent moments of awareness were like delicate rays of sunlight breaking through heavy clouds. I tightened my embrace, finding joy in the fact that I could provide comfort to her in this disoriented state. The drug, coursing through her veins, had claimed her consciousness, leaving her vulnerable against the waking world.As I continued through t
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ATHENA'S POVMy body convulses, and a guttural scream tears through the air. Unbearable heat seared through my veins, as if a thousand fiery needles puncture my skin simultaneously as his nails dug in my arms to hold me still.Nate's grasp tightens, restraining my thrashing form. In this agony-fueled haze, I glimpse his elongated canines, ominous in the dim light. A primal instinct warns me of the impending bite. Panic grips me, but I can't break free from his vice-like hold.As his teeth sink into my neck, a searing wave of pain radiates from the point of contact. It's an unrelenting torrent, consuming my senses and drowning me in torment. The world blurs as my vision flickers with flashes of anguish.“No!” I screamed, trashing in his hold, but all my attempts were futile. The drug was in its complete effect and I could hardly move my limbs, let alone fight him. The only thing that I could do was scream. Which I doubted could reach anyone because all the walls of Moon Stone pack were
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XAVIER'S POV"Damn it, Cameron! Two days and still no sign of Athena. You claim you have searched every corner of our territories, questioned every wolf, and followed every lead. Where the hell is she?" I slammed my fist on the desk, frustration and worry knotting my insides.Cameron shifted uncomfortably, his eyes avoiding mine. "Alpha, I've scoured the entire area, questioned neighboring packs, and even checked with the supernatural community. There's no trace of her. It's like she vanished."I shot up from my chair, pacing the room. "Vanished? She wouldn't just disappear. Someone took her, and I'll rip them apart when I find out who."Cameron sighed. "We're doing everything we can. The pack is on high alert, patrols are increased, and we're gathering information. We won't rest until Athena is back with us."I glared at him, the anger boiling within me. "Doing everything? It's not enough. I can't stand not knowing where she is, not being able to protect her. She's my mate, damn it!"
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ATHENA'S POVMy eyes fluttered open, and an immediate surge of pain shot through every fiber of my being. The world around me spun in a disorienting blur. Attempting to move, I found my body resisting, muscles protesting with a fiery ache that reverberated through me. I fought against the urge to groan.The creak of a door broke through the haze, drawing my attention. Nate entered with relief marking his face."You're awake," he breathed, a mix of exhaustion and concern coloring his voice. Instinctively, I flinched away, unable to reconcile his familiarity with my fractured memories.He approached cautiously, worry in his eyes. "Easy, Athena. You've been out for over 48 hours. I was starting to think..." He trailed off, leaving the unspoken fear lingering in the air."48 hours?" I croaked, the effort to speak sending a shiver of pain down my spine. Confusion clouded my mind as I struggled to grasp the gravity of his words. "What happened?"Nate's gaze softened as he took another step
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AUTHOR'S POVThe dense forest loomed around Nate, Ned, and Athena as they ventured deeper into the mystical realm where the enigmatic witch resided. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, setting an ominous tone. The trio approached a clearing, and stepped into a coven where a cloaked figure awaited them – Althea, an old friend of Ned.“Finally here I see. I thought you guys wouldn't show up.” Athena's eyes narrowed on the witch's figure before her eyes traveled back and forth between her tied hands and Nate. “Why have you brought me here?” She panicked knowing something was off. Things weren't right. Especially the way she was backed by Nate and Ned like she would try to escape the place any moment. There was no doubt the thought did cross her mind. But being so weak and carried by Nate for most of the way, it was impossible she could run her way back. It was like the forceful marking had drained the life out of her. “Relax girl. I don't do well with high pitch voices!” The
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AUTHOR'S POV Xavier, accompanied by Cameron, Colby, Devon, and his fierce warriors in their wolf forms, tore through the underbrush with a singular purpose – to reach the Moonstone pack and find Athena. The urgency in Xavier's steps mirrored the rage that fueled his every move. It was Nate who had taken Athena, and Xavier's determination to rescue her burned like a wildfire within him.As they neared the outskirts of the Moonstone pack territory, the guards emerged from the shadows, forming a human barricade before the intruders. “Stop right there. You cannot enter without permission by the Alpha. Xavier's wolf’s eyes blazed with a lethal intensity. He didn't have time for this bullshit. Without a moment's hesitation, he launched into a merciless assault, taking down one of them guards. It was a signal for the rest of them to attack after their Alpha. Bones snapped beneath his powerful claws as he plowed through the guards, a silent promise echoing in the air that Nate would pay fo
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AUTHOR'S POVXavier took Athena to the pack doctor immediately with concern etched across his face as he witnessed the witch’s ordeal. The pack doctor efficiently examined her, tending to the scratches on her skin. The air in the room held a mixture of relief and tension. As the doctor finished her examination, she turned to Xavier with a stern expression."You should have taken better care of her, Aloha," the she scolded, her tone laced with authority. "Especially considering she's pregnant."Xavier's eyes widened in shock, breath catching in his throat. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Pregnant? The revelation left him breathless, and he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the news. The doctor continued explaining, “Luna is four weeks along. Otherwise she wouldn't have been so weak to even stay conscious for a little while, especially after the mysterious magic the witch had cast on her. She's showing signs of recovery, but she needs more time and extra care."“Is the p
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