All Chapters of The billionaire’s redemption : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
33 Chapters
Robert “Anne, I told you cut off both their cards didn’t I?”“Who else will I be referring to?”“Yes, Pete and Florence!!”“If you did so, then how was she able to afford to enter into such an expensive restaurant, with what funds”I bark into the Phone, boiling with anger, still trying to reconcile what just happened. Ava is beside me but very quiet and I don’t like it one bit, since the incident she has become more withdrawn and cold. Focusing on what Anne is saying over the phone, I give a final reply. “I don’t need apologies, Anne, I want results”“You should have been more thorough”Hanging up the phone, I am tempted to smash something, to sooth this anger I feel. Florence remains to date my biggest regret, but I was too young to know any better. Back then, I was an orphan boy who wanted to make it at all costs and Florence was like a respite from everything harsh in the world. Her beauty and fake innocence made me feel like I was a king, better than my situation. On our fir
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Walking and feeling the sand underneath my feet and the breeze on my face and hair has always been my favorite of visiting the beach. There is just something so magically and freeing about coming here, it has a way of riding me off all my thoughts and worries, here I am just like the clouds floating. One day, when I have enough money and I finally become a successful financier, I will buy a house on the beach.“Small A! Small A!”The name is carried through the wind, shaking my head I giggle. Only one person still calls me “small A”, even though it has been ages since anyone referred to me by my childhood nickname. “Ro! Oh, Ro!”“Over here ““I am over here “I shout back, Ro's father works here on the Midland beach as a lifeguard and because of that, we spent most of our childhood playing and swimming here. I hear barking and soon a furry giant leaps on me, and I go down laughing “Easy there boy ““Oh come on usher”“You are too big for me to support your weight and you know it ““
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I stare at Robert who is on the other side of my door holding my box of pizza and a bouquet of flowers.“Hello, sweet girl ““Not going to let me in”“Or are you still avoiding me?”He says with his signature grin on his face. Looking back to make sure my mother or her guest is not lurking around, I take the box of pizza with one hand and pull Robert in with the other, I won't stop till I reach my room and lock the doorTurning to him, I speak “What in God's name are you doing here?”“Who told you that you could just show up at my house out of nowhere”“What if my mum sees you?”Standing akimbo, I regard Robert wearily too exhausted to get upset.Roberts chuckles and reply “Nice to see you too, sweetheart”“I missed you and I am hoping you missed me “He strolls to my reading table and deposits the flowers, it's blue roses my favorite. My heart melts at how thoughtful the flowers are.Robs seats himself at the edge of my bed, spreading his legs to be comfortable, and then proceeds t
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Robert Gazing through the glass in my office to the secretaries desk, my eyes are focused on Ava and I wonder how someone so small and young can affect me so much. I have never felt this way for anyone before and I have had quite a number of female companions. What amazes me the most is that Ava isn’t even aware of the power she has over me. Her head is bent in concentration, focused on the task at hand and what Anne is mouthing off to her, so beautiful my Ava. Today, she is dressed in black pants and a cashmere top that fits every curve in her body, I recognize the set as part of the clothes I got for her on our last trip to Paris, it drives me insane that other men get to see what I enjoy. I have never cared or bothered about women shopping before but want to dress Ava up in all the beautiful things I can find. These last four days were pure torture, after she cut me off, I felt listless and the world lost all color. I was so irritable and miserable, longing for her. All I crav
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AVA Robert storms out of his office, and into his private elevator. My gaze trails his exit till the elevator closes, I wonder how his left ankle is now. I don’t know what I was thinking when I made him climb down from my window but by the time I got a hold of myself the deed had been done.I am still in shock that I made the “Robert Williams” exit my house like a thief in the night. I have sent so many apology texts since then and he acknowledged them that it’s fine, so to make it up to him I prepared a surprise for Rob. Something I am sure he would love, I am getting excited just thinking about it. My phone alarm goes off signaling the time for lunch. Looking up from my system I glance at Anne and she is already packing to take her lunch break, Thank God! Anne has been unpredictable since my return back to work two days ago, she has been stricter and more nerve-wracking than usual, I can’t wait for this internship to be over. “Hey! You over there “I hear over my shoulder but
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“A fucking police station, Pete!!!”“I now have to come get your ass out of the jail?”“Are you out of your damn mind ““What were you thinking?”“Just how dumb can you get for Christ's sake?”“How did I get stuck with an idiot for a son?”I thunder at Pete, vibrating with so much anger that I can barely contain myself. He is looking at me but I can barely see his eyes because they are swollen shut from the beating he got from the other party. His face is swollen and reddish in most areas, Pete looks like he has been run over by a truck. Dry blood traces all over his cotton top and his hair looks like a child took scissors to it. We are standing in the parking lot of the Las Vegas police prescient waiting for my lawyer, the whole place stinks of piss and burning rubber, looking around we are surrounded by patrol cars and cops roaming around, attending to their various duties which I am supposed to be doing too but here I am. “Dad, look I am sorry ok”“You need to have seen the other
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My eye has been twitching since I woke up this morning, that is a bad sign. I went to bed last night with an uneasy feeling in my guts. Rob has not been responding to my messages, Pete has not been answering my calls, and worse of all, Florence has been texting me nonstop. Gosh!!, what kind of a mess did I get myself into right now? My phone buzzes again signaling a message, I check it and it is from Florence. Ignoring it, I start arranging the outfit I will be wearing to work today. Staring at my Wardrobe, I take in the expensive array of clothes I now own, all thanks to Robert. On our trip to Paris last month, he insisted on shopping for me and it was wonderful. A private showroom at the “house of CB”, my favorite cloth brand. I felt like a Barbie doll In a dress house, the personal shopper ( Bridget ) Robert hired was like my very own Cinderella fairy godmother. She knew exactly what to bring and match, but the best part was the look on Robert’s Whenever I came out with a new ou
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Robert Watching Ava step into my office looking like a drowned cat kickstarts my protective instinct, she looks so innocent with her uncertainty flashing in her beautiful doe eyes. It seems she was caught in the rain because I can see her hair now parted in two braids is still damp and her clothes too, But I have been fooled by innocence before. When she agreed to be my lover, I hoped she would accept the plans I had for her in hopes that she would never have to bother about rain and every other uncontrollable factor but now I can understand why she might have been holding back all this time. Ava steps closer to my desk, her steps unsure my protective side tries to fight against my fury but glancing at the photo on the table my fury wins.Pressing the privacy button, I gaze at the person in front of me. “Where have you been Ava?”“Why do you look like a drowned cat”I bark She shredders and replies in a low tone “Sorry I am late, traffic was insane due to the weather”“I didn’t
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The cloud of euphoria I was existing in vanished and a feeling of numbness spread through me.Staring at the pictures spread out on the floor, I try to open my mouth to speak but no words are formed. I look at the man I can barely recognize with cold eyes and a freezing aura, the man who some minutes ago fucked my brains out in the best way possible. The Robert standing before me now is the ruthless businessman who is famed for his tenacity in getting what he wants. Bending down, I pick one of the photos that shows Pete embracing me with a grin on his face. The next one shows me returning the embrace with a warm smile. Looking at the others spread against the floor, I spot one that shows Pete kissing me and a wide smile on my face in the next with me in his arms in the air. From this angle, I can't bring myself to be mad at Robert for not trusting me and insinuating that something is happening with Pete because this photo is very incriminating. “I asked you a question, Ava?”“Wh
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Robert “Ava! Ava! Ava!”That is all I can think about for the past week. That is the name that has been ringing in my head as a bell. I never realized how deep her claws sank into me until now. My biggest business deal (Astrofin) is about to fall apart, a deal I have invested all the company's assets and even took out a loan to acquire, because I saw and still see the promise. If done right acquiring this company will set me miles ahead of every finance company in the whole of New York. But with the way things are going, I might have moved too soon. my obsession with Ava is not helping matters either.It’s been three days since her last text entered my phone and I have still not replied to any of her calls or texts. I believe her story that she didn’t betray me. I now know this was all orchestrated by Florence because that is the only way to explain how I came to have the photos. She moves fast and the fact that Ava is gullible enough to let herself be used by Florence Irks me to n
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