All Chapters of Mr. Bodyguard, It's Hard To Love You [English]: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
83 Chapters
CHAPTER 61: Protection
Erin's first order of business upon her return to Bel-Air was to pay a visit to Lily's home because Lacey was there. She had to leave Orion at the hotel in Berlin, as she didn't feel comfortable traveling back to the country with him. Erin couldn't understand what had gotten into him; he was unusually clingy. "Mommy!" Lacey's tiny feet dashed towards the gate as soon as the Walton Family found out she was there. Upon seeing her daughter, Erin's face lit up with joy, and she rushed forward to embrace Lacey tightly, peppering her cheeks with affectionate kisses. "I've missed you so much, baby!" Excitedly, Lacey exclaimed, "Mommy! Novella and I baked cookies!" "Really? Will you let Mommy have a taste?" Erin's heart warmed at the thought of her daughter bonding with Novella. "Of course!" Lacey replied enthusiastically. Approaching with a smile, Lily greeted Erin, who reciprocated with a grateful hug, expressing her appreciation for Lily's care of her child during her absenc
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CHAPTER 62: New Neighbors
After Erin's conversation with Orion over the phone, she didn't expect Mr. O'Sullivan's unexpected call. He read her text messages earlier, absorbing her scolding tone and the torrent of frustrations and regrets she expressed toward the man who had endangered her daughter's life. "What are you doing here?" Orion questioned Mr. O'Sullivan directly, mirroring Erin's surprise at seeing James there. "Erin texted me. I'm currently tied up with business matters at a few casinos in the city, so I've been here since last night. Upon receiving word from my men about Erin's message, I made the choice to come here," James explained. Orion glanced at Erin, seemingly accusing. Erin couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation. 'Wait a moment! Why does it feel like I'm being blamed?' she pondered inwardly. "Now that I'm here, Mr. O'Sullivan, you are free to go. We appreciate your assistance. Thank you," Orion stated, seemingly dismissing Mr. O'Sullivan. James raised an amused eyebrow, his d
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CHAPTER 63: Neighbors’ Disturbance
Erin rubbed her temples as she sat facing her laptop, working on some pressing issues. She watched the advertisement for the opening in Le Grand Resort; her mind buzzed with anticipation for the approaching weeks. Noticing some areas that required attention, she meticulously outlined the necessary adjustments to her team, ensuring every detail was addressed. As the doorbell rang, Erin's intuition told her it was one of the two men who had been bothering her that morning: either Orion or James. Ignoring the persistent chime, she sensed the visitor's growing impatience. Without a doubt, Erin knew it was either Orion or James outside. Lacey glanced at Erin, observing her hesitation to address the visitor, before shifting her attention towards the gate. Her daughter sat at the table, engrossed in her coloring book, taking advantage of the early morning hours before her nursery school began in a few hours. "Don't mind that sweetheart," Erin said. Erin rose from her seat and appro
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CHAPTER 64: A Mistress
A disruptive call interrupted Erin's morning as she tidied the house, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of Tanya's name flashing on her phone screen. Anxiety surged through her veins, making it impossible to muster the courage to answer the call, certain it pertained to the gossip swirling around her and Orion. Glancing towards where Orion was playing with Lacey, Erin caught his gaze, tinged with curiosity, silently questioning her hesitation to pick up the call. She silently appreciated James's departure without confrontation, rationalizing that her presence held little sway over his professional obligations. Fortunately, James departed without arguing, leading Erin to speculate that he likely had pressing business matters to address. She didn't consider herself sufficiently important in his life to expect him to put her before his work obligations. Summoning her resolve, Erin finally tentatively answered Tanya's call with a "Hello." "Meet me at the office right now!" Tanya
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CHAPTER 65: Bravery
Erin found herself unable to contain her tears as she sat in the waiting area of the emergency room. They took Tanya to the hospital, and it weighed heavily on her mind. Tears streamed down her cheeks, betraying the fear and uncertainty raging within her. With no clear idea of what to do next, she reached out to Lily, the only person she could think about at this moment of distress. Lacking close friends, Erin felt the weight of her past pressing down on her like an oppressive shadow. The mere thought of being entangled in another tragedy involving the Arvesso family filled her with terror, stirring a primal fear within her. She couldn't shake the nagging question: what if Orion directed his anger towards her again? Outside the emergency room, Erin was consumed by sobs, feeling utterly lost. Questions raced through her mind: what happened to Tanya? Erin hadn't anticipated Lily's arrival at the hospital following their phone conversation, accompanied by either a driver or a body
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CHAPTER 66: Reputation
Orion sat among shareholders in a tense meeting, wrestling with rumors about his relationships with Erin and Tanya. Resolute in his defense of Erin and committed to mending his ties with her, he even expressed a willingness to compensate Tanya's family if necessary. However, pressure from the shareholders was mounting. "Mr. Arvesso, we've talked about this a lot, and you promised to marry Ms. Tanya in exchange for property in Madrid. Wasn't this the deal you offered her? If you go back on your word, it could hurt the company's stability," one shareholder asserted. "The Arvesso Group's future is now in jeopardy over a mere romantic entanglement with a simple model," remarked Mr. Gray. "Heh, Mr. Gray probably needs some rest in his old age," he warned, "Erin is no ordinary woman. I hope you're not trying to insult the mother of my child!" Orion countered sharply, fixing his gaze unwaveringly on the man. The man visibly faltered. "I-I meant..." he stuttered before being interrupted
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CHAPTER 67: Marco’s Return
"Hi!" a voice greeted warmly. Erin took a step back in surprise as she recognized Marco, one of Orion's closest friends from five years ago, who used to watch over her. "M-Marco?" she stammered, unable to believe he was standing outside her gate. "The one and only!" he replied with a wide grin. "Oh, my God!" Erin exclaimed, throwing her arms around him as if any past grievances were instantly forgotten. Erin had arranged to drop off her child at the nursery before heading to the hospital to visit Tanya. With a firm resolve to push forward and no room for contemplation and sadness, she was caught off guard when Marco unexpectedly appeared at her gate. Marco's gaze shifted to her child, Lacey. "Wow! Erin's little one!" he exclaimed. "Hello!" Lacey greeted, though clearly confused. She looked up at Erin. "Mommy, who is he?" "He's a friend, Uncle Marco," Erin explained simply before turning to Marco. "Why are you here?" Marco glanced around nervously. "Orion sent me. I'm here to
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CHAPTER 68: Evidence
"Ms. Tanya instructed me to ensure that the cup she used yesterday was properly washed. I'm aware something went awry yesterday, and I still feel guilty about the emotions I displayed, Miss Erin," Sandra explained. Erin's eyes began to glisten with moisture, recognizing the sincerity in Sandra's words. The accusatory glance she had received from Sandra the day before flashed through her mind. "I felt terrible. I'm truly sorry. I also understand that you wouldn't sabotage Ms. Tanya, so... I took the cup," Sandra added. Erin's expression softened with understanding. "Where is it?" she inquired. "I took it away last night to have it examined by a friend." This implied that another cup was placed in the corner of the room, visible to them. However, Erin couldn't shake her doubts about the assistant, mainly since Sandra had been serving Tanya for years. What if this was yet another test of her trust? "How can I be certain you're being honest?" Erin questioned. "Ms. Erin, co
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CHAPTER 69: Livestream
A week had passed, yet Erin still hadn't crossed paths with Orion. Marco informed her that he had traveled to Greece to address an issue concerning Tanya, reportedly consulting with Mr. Niel Arvesso. Erin had already filed a complaint against Tanya, accusing her of orchestrating the 'miscarriage' scandal to defame her publicly. Tanya's team denied the accusations in response, claiming she had never directly accused Erin. However, witnesses such as Assistant Sandra and several guards from the Elusion's office confirmed otherwise. Now, Erin found herself at home, preparing to go live on her Instagrab account. "The remaining issue is how to address inquiries from the public regarding your frequent meetings with Orion," Marco reminded her. "People will undoubtedly inquire about your encounters in Bali and Berlin. Some online commentators are insinuating that you're either O's mistress or an escort." Erin contemplated this dilemma. Indeed, it was a significant concern, and meet
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CHAPTER 70: Mommy’s Secret
"Why the fuck did you do that, Orion?!" Tanya's voice seethed with frustration as she held the phone tightly, her knuckles white with tension. She paced around her home, unable to contain her agitation. Her desire to marry Orion stemmed from his control over the entire Arvesso Group, inheriting all the shares from Mr. Niel Arvesso. Initially, she questioned why Orion's sisters, Lily and Danica, displayed no inclination to partake in the Arvesso's wealth. But now, Orion had shattered her plans. He had relinquished his position, handing over all his shares to Lily and Danica. To her astonishment, he had also transferred some properties to Erin's daughter, Lacey! Tanya gritted her teeth as Orion's actions shattered her carefully laid plan. At first, Tanya doubted Erin's assertion that Lacey was Orion's daughter, thinking it was false and that Orion was unaware of the situation. Yet, his recent actions confirmed his knowledge, dispelling Tanya's doubts. "You can't do this to me! I'll
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