All Chapters of Chasing His Kickass Luna Back: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
630 Chapters
Chapter 0482
Karl “Get that final draft to me today, Karl. We’re running out of time.” Sarah’s voice comes through the phone, a little sharper than usual. I don’t blame her, though. With the press conference to announce the election in just two days, we’re on a bit of a time crunch; and it’s partially my f
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Chapter 0483
Abby The mansion feels so much bigger and emptier now that my friends are gone. For the few days that they were here, everything felt so lively and maybe even a little chaotic. Now, though, it’s as if my own heartbeat is echoing off of these walls. Normally, I wouldn’t mind; I did live here for
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Chapter 0484
“I’m afraid,” I blurt out. “Plain and simple. Afraid of opening myself up, of potentially getting hurt again. Afraid that, even if he seems like he’s changed as of right now, that he hasn’t really changed all that much.” There’s a long silence as Elsie processes my words. Finally, when she answers
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Chapter 0485
Abby Before I can even open my mouth to respond to Karl’s sudden request, he’s gone. I watch with a furrowed brow as he rushes out of the room, his footsteps receding down the hallway. It’s barely even seven o’clock in the morning, and he’s already demanding that I wake up and meet him downstair
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Chapter 0486
I take a deep breath. “Alright, it’s not a big deal. Let’s go.” We approach the door, which swings open after a few knocks. A short-statured, portly older man greets us from the doorway. He’s got a warm, albeit somewhat eccentric and toothy smile. “Welcome, welcome!” Dr. Armitage exclaims, holdi
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Chapter 0487
Abby The bedroom door slammed shut with a resounding thud, echoing off the walls and reverberating through the silence. I sank down onto the floor, my back against the door, as sobs wracked my body. I buried my head in my knees, the fabric of my jeans rough against my cheeks, damp with tears. I
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Chapter 0488
Moments later, Karl bursts out of Dr. Armitage’s house, a look of concern etched into his features. He opens the driver’s side door and gets in. “What happened back there?” he asks. “Talk to me.” I turn to him, my vision blurred by tears. “This is ridiculous, Karl!” I exclaim, my voice shaky. “T
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Chapter 0489
Abby “Another surprise. No more appointments this time. I promise.” Karl’s proposition takes me by surprise. I just finished crying in the car over a failed visit to some quack ‘doctor’ who wants to give me strange potions to cure my fertility issues, and all I want to do is go home and climb ba
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Chapter 0490
Abby With a soft sigh, I shut off the shower and step out into the steamy bathroom. I reach for my towel and get to work drying myself, feeling how the chilly air makes me shiver as the water sits on my skin. It’s the day of Karl’s press conference, and I only just woke up a little while ago. It
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Chapter 0491
At first, I feel a little awkward under her expert gaze, my usual routine far more modest. But as she applies foundation and starts contouring, I find myself growing increasingly uncomfortable. “That’s a lot of makeup,” I say, frowning at my reflection. The foundation feels heavy on my skin, more
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