All Chapters of Chasing His Kickass Luna Back: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
630 Chapters
Chapter 0061
But through it all, the warmth of Karl’s hand is a constant, grounding me. Even in the throes of pain, I can't help but appreciate the intimacy of the moment. Our shared experiences in the kitchen, the dance of dishes and ingredients, have fostered a connection I never anticipated. I feel him glan
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Chapter 0062
Abby The antiseptic smell of the hospital surrounds me, a cold, clinical scent that seems to hang in the air. I glance down at my arm, now wrapped in white gauze, the skin beneath it red and angry. The pain pulses with every heartbeat, but it’s a dull, manageable ache for now. “Abby, you sho
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Chapter 0063
“I’m going with you. If you’re going back to that restaurant, I’m staying by your side.” A smile tugs at my lips. “Deal.” As we leave the hospital, the night air greets us, a stark contrast to the sterile environment inside. The city is alive, lights glittering in the distance, the gentle hu
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Chapter 0064
Abby The door to my office clicks shut, its noise echoing in the room, serving as a final punctuation to Karl’s exit. I watch him go, and the residue of our past, thick with pain and longing, clings to me, making it hard to breathe. A sigh escapes me as I lean back into my chair, the cool leat
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Chapter 0065
… The fading ambient lighting casts long, delicate shadows across the bar, wrapping everything in an almost ethereal, intimate shroud. There’s a sense of stillness, like the world has paused just for me. I sit alone at the sleek mahogany counter, cradling a half-filled glass of white wine, its cri
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Chapter 0066
Abby “Adam… Are you cheating on me?” The anticipation of what Adam is about to say feels like a giant pit in my stomach. He stares down at his hands, his fingers worrying each other in the dim light of the bar. “Abby,” his voice starts with a tremor, “I’m not cheating on you. I would nev
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Chapter 0067
Karl “What do you want?” Adam’s voice is apprehensive, and for good reason. It’s not everyday that I set food inside his restaurant, and it’s certainly not everyday that I show up telling him that I have a proposition for him. But I’ve been plotting this for a long time. Abby clearly doesn’
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Chapter 0068
“Where did you get these?” he whispers, his voice filled with awe. “Some of these can set someone back hundreds, even thousands!” I suppress a triumphant smile. “Connections. People who owe me favors.” “Damn,” Adam says with a chuckle. “May I?” I nod. With a grin, Adam picks up a glass jar
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Chapter 0069
Abby In the dimly lit café, surrounded by the soft murmur of conversations and the aroma of fresh coffee, I sit with my friends, watching their eyes widen in disbelief as I relay the events of the past few days. “You broke up with Adam?” Leah, with her ever-present surprise, always finds a w
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Chapter 0070
Karl Surrounded by the familiar hustle and bustle of the restaurant, I steal glances at Abby from behind the dishwashing station. She’s busy overseeing the lunch rush, offering a smile to a customer here and a kind word to an employee there. From the outside, she appears so composed, as if nothing
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