All Chapters of Pregnant on the Cusp of Divorce: Chapter 731 - Chapter 740
740 Chapters
Chapter 731
Before Jessamine could reach the balcony, Thaddeus intercepted her halfway, grabbed her wrist with his large hand, and pulled her aside."Jessie, let me clean up," he insisted.Jessamine usually didn't get angry. After seeing her expression, Thaddeus thought she was going to spank the children. He quickly pulled her aside, grabbed the cleaning tools himself, cleaned up the dirt, and mopped the floor. Finally, the floor was clean again.Jessamine was pressed into a chair by him and calmly watched him clean up. Melissa, who had unknowingly sat down beside her, leaned to whisper, "Jessie, Mr. Holt seems different from before. Hmm, how should I put it?"Melissa put her hands on her cheeks and pondered. "It feels like he has a more realistic way of living now. I thought he was the kind of pampered scion who needed an assistant to hand him toilet paper, but it turns out he can even mop the floor?"Jessamine rubbed her temples. It's not like he was disabled…After Thaddeus finished clea
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Chapter 732
Although Xander gave her strong support, there was always a lot to worry about as parents.When Sasha was sick as a child, Heather would hold her all night.Heather said that mothers were the most anxious people in the world—afraid their children wouldn't eat enough to grow tall, suddenly eating too much and upsetting their stomachs, wearing too much and overheating, or wearing too little and catching a cold.As she held onto Sasha, who had just returned from the hospital with an IV drip, Heather advised him, "Ted, when you grow up, you must remember to be good to your mom. It was really hard for her to raise you."She only taught him to be good to his mom but never mentioned caring for his wife. After all, his wife's pregnancy was due to him.In the span of a few minutes, Thaddeus thought about many things.After the two children were cleaned up, they didn't dare to go to Jessamine's side, fearing criticism, and ran around Thaddeus. They couldn't even tell when they started to r
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Chapter 733
Dinner was prepared by Shane himself, and Thaddeus took the initiative to assist in the kitchen. Though his culinary skills were not great, he had no problem playing second fiddle.In the living room, Jessamine, Melissa, and Benji were left watching TV and eating some nuts. The two children also started feeling hungry and obediently sat on the couch eating nuts.Melissa ate the macadamias while holding back laughter, thinking her friend had completely become a hands-off supervisor now.During the meal, Thaddeus left to take a phone call and returned looking a bit off. Though he didn't say anything, Jessamine could sense the call had something to do with her.She didn't want to ask in front of their friends, so she waited until they were on the way back to speak up. "Did something happen?"Thaddeus, while driving with a blank expression, said, "The police informed me that Amy's sentencing result is out. Three years in prison."Jessamine felt her heart suddenly squeeze painfully. "
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Chapter 734
She didn't even look at him and still doubted him. What a heartless woman.Thaddeus paused and went to the car to get the robot, which he'd brought back from the company yesterday but hadn't had the chance to take out. It was still lying in the car now.The thing was quite heavy and took him a lot of effort to move. He opened a mobile app and controlled the robot to walk into the house on its own. Lucas came to greet it from afar, clapping his little hands and jumping happily.Thaddeus crouched down on one knee to look at Lucas at eye level. "Call me Daddy, and I'll teach you how to control it."Lucas pursed his lips and called out indifferently, "Daddy."Thaddeus found a bit of solace for his wounded heart in his son. He picked up his phone and patiently demonstrated it to Lucas. This robot was the third version and had basic functions like pouring water, serving dishes, opening doors, and playing music.Currently, the tech department was heavily researching the fourth version,
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Chapter 735
Upstairs in her room, Jessamine lay on the bed, zoning out.She guessed that Thaddeus wouldn't do that. She had just been in a bad mood and said some over-the-top things.Jessamine dialed Melissa's phone number. When the call connected, she said, "Mel, I need to ask you for a favor."Melissa was still at Shane's house. She sighed and asked, "Why are you being polite? Just tell me, if it's something I can do, I won't refuse.""I want to consult Joseph about something."After saying that, Jessamine added, "It's about Amy."Melissa glanced at the man who had just entered the door and said, "He just drove over to pick me up. I'll give him the phone, so you can ask him straight away.""Thanks."Jessamine calmed down and thought it was better to consult a professional about professional matters. After all, brooding alone was useless.She carefully explained the situation to Melissa's husband, and he finally responded, "This ruling is indeed reasonable."Jessamine hung up the phone
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Chapter 736
"Once you eat that, you can't eat anything else," said Thaddeus.Jessamine thought about it. Even if he had money, he shouldn't waste food like this—taking one bite of each and throwing away the rest if they couldn't finish it?"Isn't that too wasteful?" she asked.Thaddeus silently smiled deeply, picked up the half-open box she had just put down, and scooped a spoonful into his mouth. He would finish what she left, so it wouldn't be considered wasteful, and she could taste different flavors of cake without feeling burdened.Jessamine couldn't help but feel touched. Since their reunion, this was the second time he ate her leftovers, despite him being a neat freak and hating sweets.Jessamine's eyes turned a bit red-tinged again. She sniffed, her voice sounding clogged up and nasally, "Thaddeus, don't do this."Thaddeus swallowed the cake in his mouth, paused, and chuckled lightly. "What do you mean? Do what?"After a few seconds, he asked again, "Jessie, have you ever thought th
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Chapter 737
In one sitting, Jessamine ate until she was full. Thaddeus cleaned up the table and packed the empty boxes into a bag. Before leaving, he asked, "What do you want for dinner?"Jessamine smiled bitterly . "Dinner? Do we still need to eat that?"It wasn't even mealtime, and she had been fed such a huge meal. It rivaled the eating shows on social media. If she could still eat dinner, she should consider becoming an eating show host.Thaddeus raised his eyebrows. "Then let's just cook some pasta and fry up a few light dishes."They had fed the adults well enough, but the two little ones would still need to eat, so as the caretaker, he couldn't slack off.Jessamine felt much better after his little fuss. She wore her slippers, went down, and opened the balcony window. The evening breeze brought in the rich fragrance of roses.She looked out and saw a bed of white roses.She hadn't noticed upon her return because she was in such a bad mood. In the morning, this area had been filled wi
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Chapter 738
He made a deal with the kids on the mountain, and they agreed to sleep in a tent when they got home.Jessamine couldn't help but sigh. They had beds but didn't want to sleep in them. Instead, they had to sleep in a tent, and she even had to accompany them. The two children had also specifically requested for their father to join them.However, a promise made to the children couldn't be broken.Jessamine was starting to worry about what would happen at night.In contrast, Thaddeus was in high spirits. It seemed as though he was almost about to stamp his forehead with a sticky note that showed his excitement.Thaddeus entered through the door with a gentle and fatherly smile on his face. "Where should we set up the tent?" he asked.Layla pointed to a spot near the balcony and replied, "There, so we can see the stars."Thaddeus said dotingly, "Alright. We'll listen to Layla and set it up there.""Mommy likes the floor-to-ceiling windows.""Yes, Mommy likes it…"Jessamine stood o
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Chapter 739
After Jessamine cleaned up the kitchen, she went straight upstairs. Her assistant Judith had sent her a message and complained, "Jacinda, when are you coming back? We have a lot of documents here that need your personal review, and the design department's drawings require your final approval. If you don't return soon, the team's morale will drop."Jessamine knew that during these days when they had been relying on Judith to coordinate the work, the team's work morale was low. While she was away, the working pace at Kama Jewelry had indeed relaxed a lot. If it dragged on any longer, there would be soon no brand to speak of. It would simply be considered good enough if the company didn't collapse."I will come back next week. Hang in there," Jessamine texted back.Judith replied, "Jacinda, please come back soon. We are all waiting for you! Sob!"Jessamine handled some work emails and then, out of boredom, logged into her personal email. She found an overseas email written in full
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Chapter 740
"Being a bit chubbier is good. You and your mom have the same face shape, and looking a bit fuller makes you look better," Gloria replied.After some small talk, Jessamine got straight to the point and asked, "Grandma, do you know how to make perfumes?"Gloria raised her eyebrows and replied with a smile, "You've asked the right person. Grandma studied it for a while when she was young, but only at a beginner's level. Your mom was the amazing one. "I only taught her some basics, and she mastered the craft by herself. Your grandpa planned to set up a separate company for her to showcase her skills, but she…"Gloria started wiping her tears when she mentioned the sad part. If her rebellious daughter hadn't insisted on marrying that deceitful Colin, she might have achieved great success in the perfume industry by now.Jessamine felt both sad and shocked. According to Gloria's description, perfume-making seemed to be a family tradition. She herself knew that she had a very sensitive
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