All Chapters of Tattooed Luna: Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
615 Chapters
Chapter 0581
“All ready to go?”Kristen was sitting on the floor, keeping Adalynn entertained while I packed what I needed to go under cover. “Hope so.” I had multiple recording devices, trackers, smoke bombs, ammo, tactical gear, night vision options and much more. It all fit into my small to-go bag that was
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Chapter 0582
I was stuck standing on the porch steps as Echo carried my child inside and she didn’t even cry out for me. Kristen was limping in behind her, loving every second of this and my heart was broken. “Damn.” “Rejected by a six month old baby.” Jace stood beside me and laughed. “Kiss my ass.” Grumbli
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Chapter 0583
One by one, we filed into the lounge room. Jace had multiple massive dark brown leather couches that circled around a massive coffee table. The only opening had an equally large fireplace. The stone that bordered the fire appeared to be original as well. A small fire was crackling but it was the wal
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Chapter 0584
Kristen’s glare was pounding into my back as I finished getting ready. I knew we were meeting Jace’s man but we would probably be doing some activity tonight as well. My nicer pair of combat pants were a little tight on my ass but otherwise fit well. Kristen even packed new boots for me so they were
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Chapter 0585
“What kind of trash are you bring around here, Jace?” The man was sitting back on his office chair with his fingers touched each other in front of him. His hair was shaggy with dark circles under his eyes. The same green as my own. “The trash took itself out years ago but you would know something
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Chapter 0586
Maddox made us use his vehicles and since none of us could mind-link each other, we were left sitting in silence across from each other. Maddox was in front with the diagram of the pack and muttering to himself. He was planning out who was going where and I could only make out certain words like hav
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Chapter 0587
More of his warriors joined the fight, making the entire peaceful night shift into utter chaos. Maddox was yelling out commands but my eyes were focused on Anthony. His attention was shifted to Colt. Colt had his beta by the neck. His feet were off the ground but Colt’s entire focus was on the bet
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Chapter 0588
“Come to my office in two days.” Maddox glared at me as we pulled into his home base. The sun was starting to rise, and the weight of what happened still pressed down on our shoulders. “Yeah.” It was all I could say as we piled out of his vehicle and got into our own. Jace didn’t waste any time as
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Chapter 0589
“I can’t leave you.” Kristen was processing everything but with her leg, I wasn’t sure her staying was a good choice. “We can’t put Adalynn in a situation that is unsafe either.” I went over to her and knelt down on the floor. Grabbing her hand, I tried to plead with her. “I can’t do what I need t
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Chapter 0590
“Not long enough.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at her. “Are you done fighting yet?” “Never.” “I don’t trust anyone to keep Adalynn safe. If I can’t be around, I want you to be in charge of her safety.” “You are so full of shit. Let me go!” She struggled a little bit more before she tried bring
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