All Chapters of Alpha Nox: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
339 Chapters
Chapter 0001
For as long as I lived, I would never forget that day. It was the day the people I considered my friends—my family, failed me irreparably. The day that the life that I knew and loved was ripped out from under my feet, splintered like the deck of a mighty ship, leaving me to drown in the ferocious w
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Chapter 0002
Four Years Later “Worm! Get your ass over here!” The one voice I hated more than anyone else’s screeched. It was much raspier than I’d ever heard from another she-wolf, if one could even call Harriet a she-wolf. I liked to think of her as a toad. A fat, wart-riddled toad that couldn’t stop itself
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Chapter 0003
“Yep. That’s me, orphan Annie over here.” I smirked at the three musketeers. “My parents didn’t want me, so they gave me up. Better than what yours did, Kaylee. Late term abortions are bad enough, but to try it when the child is outside the womb? Ouch, that must’ve stung. Can’t say I blame them, tho
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Chapter 0004
The Mess Hall had just a tad bit more personality than the barracks, but not much. If I wasn’t constantly on alert, I might’ve even liked sitting in there, surrounded by the floor-to-ceiling windows and cushy booths that gave the same relaxing feel as a restaurant. As soon as I’m within sniffing di
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Chapter 0005
It wasn’t nearly as difficult getting Harriet to let Hakeem come with us to the Midnight Falls Pack as I’d initially thought. She must’ve really had a lot on her plate because she barely put up a fight. All it took was a short glance at the muscle compacted onto his lean frame, and my promise that
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Chapter 0006
Beneath my hands, Nox’s muscles went taut. The way his eyes widened with bittersweet realization was better than I could’ve ever imagined—the drug of all drugs. If I could bottle it, I’d make a fortune. There had to be millions of poor souls out there who had been wronged, salivating for revenge ju
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Chapter 0007
Sweat clung to my back and arms, but I didn’t have to worry about overheating. My gown was slung over my shoulder, the lace tickling my nose as I climbed to the third floor. It wasn’t ideal, climbing in nothing more than a bra and panties, but it sure beat lingering outside. Finding the window to
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Chapter 0008
It made me wonder what Hakeem would think of me if he knew what I could do. No, that was a terrible idea in the making. He’d react the same way everyone else in my life had, by running in the opposite direction. Tomorrow was hovering close, a mere ten hours away. I knew what to expect and planned
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Chapter 0009
As I slipped into the darkness that was unconsciousness, the bed melted from beneath my body and gave way to a cool breeze that ruffled my sweatshirt and pants. My feet met something solid, but it wasn’t the ground. No, it was a rooftop. More specifically, the rooftop of the hotel. Past the ledge,
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Chapter 0010
It didn’t matter, anyway. When someone dies in the Lycan camps, their body is thrown into the forest for the animals. There is no going home, even in death. I spread my arms wide, putting on a dazzling smile to match it. “As you can see, I am very much alive.” Nox wasn’t at all amused, which was
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