All Chapters of After Divorce, I Became A Multi-Billionaire: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
99 Chapters
Ch 0071
Martin sat across from Zoe at the opulent restaurant they agreed to meet, his eyes filled with so much concern and worry about her, as he tried to carefully teeter around asking her too many questions. He was quite surprised when he had received her call to meet him, when it was a fact that they had spoken the day before, even if it was just for a few minutes. He had been waiting for her call all day. “How are you doing, Zoe?” he began, his voice soft and gentle, as his delicate eyes rested on her, observing the slightest change in her demeanor. He was bothered that she was trying to be strong even when she would have been disheartened if she saw the news about something she was trying to hide from the world. However, he was quite relieved that the sudden announcement of ANCLAIR and MEL-CO was all everyone could talk about. “Not so great, if I would not lie. How about you? I hope I'm not taking much of your time?” She looked up at him, her eyes studying to know if she had not m
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Ch 0072
Malcolm had been restless all morning since he arrived at work, and his workers were at the receiving end of his anger and frustration. He was unable to sleep since he received the news from Sinclair that Zoe could come back home, and it had him so bothered if she had been informed too about it.‘What if she decided to leave? What if she left and acted like she didn't know him? Would their relationship just end there?’ He thought all night, and still couldn't keep the thoughts away as he carried out his job in the office. He shifted uncomfortably on his office chair so many times, with a nervous tic crawling up his body, the more his eyes darted unconsciously to his phone, for what felt like the hundredth time, as if Zoe would call anytime soon to slam those words in his ear. His mind raced with worry as his thoughts spiraled him into anxiety, with each vibration or notification from his phone sending a jolt of nervous energy through his body, only to be met with disappointment as
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Ch 0073
“I heard that you have refused to return home,” Malcolm hit off the conversation with Zoe, breaking the silence that had been hanging in the air ever since he entered the room. He was curious to know what was going on in her head, and why she was being so unpredictable. “Yes. Any problem with that?” She tilted her eyebrows at him as she tore her gaze away from what she had been scribbling on paper since he entered. “I thought that was what you wanted initially,” a confounded look danced in his eyes as he stared at her with questioning eyes, in case she cared to explain her reasons before he asked why. But he knew she wouldn't talk more than what she was asked. “Well, I don't want that anymore,” she darted her eyes back to what she was doing. “Why? Are you really planning to get married to me?” There was a hint of anxiety in his voice as he spoke, wondering what her answer would be. She had been mentioning the marriage part and making new memories with him so casually for days n
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Ch 0074
“I cannot believe she refused to come home! What is she thinking?!” Francis Sinclair's voice boomed, reverberating through the house. His eyes were twisted in a blend of fury and bewilderment, as they blazed with scorching inferno, with the veins in his neck pulsing visibly. “I will try to convince her, sir,” Gary's eyes didn't meet his own, his voice calm and soothing. “She is hellbent on remaining there! I wonder what had come over her,” he barked furiously to no one in particular, his voice rising with each word.“I thought you wanted her to make a choice, sir,” Gary inquired indirectly, wondering what the old man was up to again, since he had not told him anything. If he remembered well, he was sure Francis Sinclair had just mentioned her return as a choice and not an obligation. “Because I was sure she would move back in, since she wanted to end whatever it was with Malcolm. And till now, nothing has been progressing! I have other plans already,” He almost lashed as his eyes
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Ch 0075
Zoe made her way into the mall with grace and elegance, her long, dark hair bouncing down her shoulders in glossy waves, perfectly framing her striking features. She was dressed in a stunning red dress that accentuated her curves with a sophisticated charm. Her high heels clicked rhythmically against the polished marble floor, each step exuding confidence and poise as she sauntered past. However, beneath the facade of composure, her mind was racing through so many restless thoughts. What had occurred the previous night played over and over in her head, and she blamed herself for acting rashly just because she saw the opportunity. ‘That was a close one,’ she heaved a sigh of relief again like she was reliving the moment, as she remembered how she had managed to escape such a crazy situation.“Isla. I thought you were inside,” she interjected instantly, leaving no chance for accusations or an overt display of guilt. “Why have you come here? If no one answered when you knocked you sho
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Ch 0076
“Do you want to play games here or can we leave now?” Zoe's brow furrowed with confusion, as she watched Martin, who had asked her to meet, playing a game at an arcade where she had gone in to meet him. She had expected a serious discussion over coffee or wine, and not a detour into this vibrant, chaotic wonderland.“You have not played this game before, right?” Martin turned to her, his eyes sparkling with excitement, her cute expression making him chuckle. “Looks childish to me,” her voice edged with frustration stated, as her pony farm style framed her beautiful face more overtly, highlighting her expressive eyes that incessantly darted around the room, observing that everyone seemed to be having fun. “What?” he laughed even harder, seeing how irked she looked, “It is fun. Try it and see,” he interrupted before she could even answer, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards a combat game console. “You are meant to be working, remember?” she argued sternly, still trying to make
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Ch 0077
“You cook so well, Zoe. How can you just navigate all these so easily?” Audrey's eyes glistened with admiration as she watched Zoe show her how to prepare the recipe she had chosen for the day. “You flatter me too much,” A warm smile curved Zoe's lips, as she glanced at Audrey teasingly, “We are making roast chicken with herbs and vegetables, as well as pasta too. To make this cooking perfect, we have to use fresh quality ingredients and to season everything well,” she showed Audrey how to do it. Audrey nodded as her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, ready to learn everything Zoe would be able to teach her. She had been trying to gain Irina's love and attention for as long as possible, so that her life would be much easier even if things went haywire in the long run. And since Zoe was willing to be friends with her, she thought that it was the perfect avenue to weaponize their friendship. Through her perfect cooking. “Since I have prepared the chicken, seasoning it with salt, pepper
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Ch 0078
The luxurious Maybach pulled up to the entrance of the opulent building, and the tall, able-bodied chauffeur who had driven it stepped out, and scurried to the other side of the back door to open it gracefully. From the vehicle emerged Zoe, who had been invited to the private launching of one of the biggest investment companies in the city, LASGOW.Dressed in a well-fitted floor-length black sleeveless dress intricately embellished with thousands of tiny black diamonds that shimmered under the light of focus which was on her, she exuded timeless elegance and a captivating presence that drew people's collective stare at her. Her subdued beautiful makeup screamed redundancy, which perfected the flawless look she radiated, and her hair, which was cut short to her chin, framed her face like a halo, making her look fiercer than she usually portended. Zoe sauntered into the banquet room, with the blinding lights of the cameras catching all of her perfection, as she carried herself with a
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Ch 0079
Zoe's heart skipped a breath, and she let out a soft gasp, because she had not expected to see him there. Yes, they were business partners to everyone. But, between both of them, they knew it was more than that. As crazy as it sounded, it was true that they shared the same bedroom. As insane as it was, she was his supposed fianceé whom no one knew about. As normal as it should be, she didn't want to see him at the moment when she was supposed to be away from everyone who knew her so much. ‘Shit! Why was he here?!’ A frown framed her face instantly, knowing what he was definitely capable of if he saw her. She didn't even want to speak to him. The instant plan was to retreat away from where he might see her since he had people still talking about his presence, and she tactically sidled away from those she was sharing light conversations with before he arrived, hoping to blend into the crowd and avoid his gaze or attention at all means. However, it was too late. Malcolm had already s
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Ch 0080
“What are you doing here, Martin? I didn't expect to see you,” Zoe gasped softly, her eyes widened in surprise and a sweet smile curving her lips to see him there. “To surprise you,” his left eye winked at her before he stretched his hands out to give her a hug, and then planted a friendly kiss on the cheek. Her delicious scent clung to his nostrils and munched on his mind, that it took him willpower to separate so easily from her after a few seconds. He wanted them to stay longer like that. “Be serious. Are you close to the host or something?” Her questioning eyes were on him, still in awe of suddenly seeing him at the party that she reluctantly attended just to fulfill all righteousness. Seeing him in a white tuxedo which clung to his muscle-toned body that made him look so perfect, was different from the usual plain tees and pants he usually wore. It made her see him in a different light. “Something like that,” he chuckled, as he took her right hand unconsciously in his, which
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