All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Chapter 741 - Chapter 748
748 Chapters
Chapter 741
Everyone turned to look behind them. Sebastian walked slowly and confidently into the arena from the entrance. Although there were thousands of pairs of eyes on him, he looked perfectly calm. Whitney looked at Sebastian. She pressed her lips together and did not say anything.Mabel and Fergus looked at Sebastian in surprise. They believed he had no true skills to speak of. The only reason he had been in first place with Henrietta the previous time had been thanks to the Griffins' connections. For the second round, the organizer had specially invited Triston to be one of the judges. He was one of the most respected doctors in Dramon. Even the Griffins would not be able to play any tricks. Rosalie should know that. Then, why did Sebastian still have the guts to come? Mabel scoffed. She stood up and said sarcastically, "I didn't think that you really would have the guts to come. It's just a pity that Dr. Smolder is here this time. Not even Ms. Griffin will be able to help you!"
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Chapter 742
Henrietta and the other two contestants came to the stage to check the patient's pulse.Henrietta placed a hand on Doris' pulse. She frowned and thought deeply while she scribbled on her paper from time to time. Only after ten minutes did Henrietta respectfully hand the diagnosis over to Robb.Robb pushed his spectacles up his nose as he took the answer sheet. He compared it with Doris' patient profile and nodded as he said admiringly, "Not bad! As expected of our genius female doctor from Steinberg!""Have a look, Mr. Lancel." Robb handed the answer sheet to Roberto and the others. At the same time, he pressed the button in front of him, and the light lit up. "Yep." Roberto nodded vigorously and said, "The new generation are outdoing those of the previous generation. She wrote the details so clearly, too. Very good! I would give Henry full marks just based on how composed and calm she is."Theon nodded approvingly. "Pulse diagnosis is the hardest out of the four main factors o
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Chapter 743
Robb looked menacingly at Sebastian and said in a cold voice, "The art of silk pulse diagnosis died with Ambroise. Aren't you just trying to get attention?"Roberto frowned and said, "The difficulty of this act is not something that medical experience can cover for. Besides, it is a myth, and the truth of it is debatable. Therefore, I advise you to give up." He looked at Eddard and Theon, who both looked even more displeased. If it hadn't been for what they had experienced previously, they would have extinguished their lights already. Sebastian looked impassively at the mentors on stage and said, "I just want to challenge myself."Challenge himself? He was clearly challenging the entire traditional medicine industry!"Hmph! You're so stubborn!"You're so arrogant!""You have no idea what you're talking about!""You are so full of yourself!"The four mentors on stage stood up almost simultaneously. Zayn looked uncomprehendingly at Triston, who was in the special mentor's se
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Chapter 744
The live broadcast seemed to explode with comments."Wow! That's not real, is it?""Damn, he actually managed to do a silk pulse diagnosis?""He's a real miracle doctor!""Eh? Wait, he wrote one more diagnosis!"Robb's brow was furrowed as he pointed at the last diagnosis written on the paper and said, "Night blindness? That can't be right. It's not written on the patient's profile."He turned and handed the answer sheet to Roberto and the others.Roberto took the answer sheet and glanced over it. He snorted and said, "Well, Ballard, it seems that the accuracy of silk pulse diagnosis is still a matter to be discussed.""Look, this patient's profile is mainly about complications that have arisen due to diabetes. Night blindness isn't one of them."Sebastian smiled impassively and walked over to Doris. He asked, "Madam, do you start getting blurry vision after sundown? Is it difficult for you to see things clearly?"Doris was startled. Then she nodded vigorously and said, "Yes,
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Chapter 745
"What…" Robb, Roberto, and the others were completely aghast. Triston was one of the most outstanding figures in Dramon's traditional medicine industry. Was he really a student of Sebastian?If Sebastian could teach Triston, then his medical skills clearly left the others far in the dust.Mabel and Fergus looked very grim. No matter how many people they bought to flood the comment section, it would be of no use after Triston's actions. "Damn it!" Fergus clenched his fist and looked defiantly at Sebastian, who stood proudly on the stage.Whitney stared at Sebastian in shock. She could not believe her eyes.How much had he hidden from her? However, Whitney was realizing more and more that she had wrongly accused Sebastian in the past. Perhaps he really wasn't as useless as she had thought.He also wasn't the complacent loser that Mabel and Fergus said he was.However, Triston's admiration of Sebastian made Whitney feel a deep helplessness that rose from the depths of her hear
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Chapter 746
An almost untraceable and very fine needle grazed Sebastian's cheek.How dare someone act so brazenly in a crowded hall?As Sebastian glanced toward the entrance, a shadow flickered past the door."Trying to escape?" He sneered in his mind. Without waiting for the congratulations from the crowd, Sebastian quickly approached Rosalie and said, "You head back first. I have something urgent to take care of."Under everyone's astonished gaze, Sebastian hurried off the stage and swiftly went toward the door, chasing after the shadow.He pursued the figure all the way to the largest man-made lake in Steinberg. A paved walkway wound its way to the center of the lake, where Sebastian noticed an old man fishing. He was dressed in a raincoat.The old man sat there motionless and blended perfectly with his surroundings. However, the presence emanating from the old man was anything but ordinary.A Supreme Grandmaster?Sebastian squinted slightly. He walked up to the old man and smiled. "C
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Chapter 747
"Just a few of you and you think you can kill me? You're not quite there yet." Sebastian looked at the old man calmly.The old man flicked the sword with his finger while his eyes flashed coldly. "This is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Do you know who I am? I'm Rivia!"Sebastian narrowed his eyes slightly. The old man before him ranked seventy-sixth on the Dramon Assassins List! Ordinary people couldn't even dream of hiring someone of his caliber, let alone know about the existence of such a list."The top hundred experts on the Assassins List aren't a big deal. Tell me, who sent you to kill me? Maybe I'll spare your life."Sebastian slid his foot on the ground and left a series of afterimages as he shot toward Rivia with lightning speed."How dare you!" A nearby man in black flicked his wrist, and a dozen fine needles shot out!Sebastian paused slightly and raised his hand to release a burst of spiritual energy. Several sparks burst out three feet behind him, and the needl
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Chapter 748
Sebastian did not pause. He charged at the remaining two men with lightning speed.Two more muffled sounds followed as the two men fell decapitated before they could even scream.Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Even Rivia didn't have time to intervene, and all four of his subordinates were already dead."Now it's just you. As I said, tell me who sent you or I'll leave you in pieces!" Sebastian stepped toward Rivia with the short sword."Impressive! No wonder the person who wants you dead spent a fortune to hire us. You truly surprised me."Rivia slowly raised his sword with his wrist trembling slightly. Then, swords of air bloomed from nowhere.A few swishes waved through the air, and the swords of air wove together like a net, enveloping Sebastian.Sebastian smiled coldly and used the Seven Star Path again to weave through the swords of air.Within three steps away from Rivia, Sebastian flipped his wrist and sent a strike toward Rivia's waist.The strike landed, b
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