All Chapters of Alpha's Hated Slave : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
119 Chapters
KILLIANIt wasn't Laura's scent I had traced, it was that of my attacker.“Not him again,” I lamented. “You must have me mistaken for someone else, I'm not your enemy.”Lucio backed up and stood beside me. I stared into the eyes of my attacker. “I won't let you leave without taking my revenge from last time,” Lucio barked and ran towards my attacker.He ran towards my attacker and leaped into the air falling towards my attacker. He then transformed midair.That's the coolest thing I've seen today, I thought.I quickly transformed and rushed at my attacker. Lucio swung his right arm at my attacker, but with a flick of his shoulder, Lucio missed but didn't give up. Lucio swung again with his back hand. My attacker caught it midair and pulled Lucio before him. He grabbed Lucio by the neck and hauled Lucio towards himself.He banged his head against Lucio's and finally threw him sideways like a piece of paper. Lucio hit his back against a stationary vehicle leaving him unconscious and h
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Twenty One
LAURAAfter a while, the van stopped. They took me into the building. Judging from the landmarks in the building, we're definitely in a bank. Two of the armed men held both my arms and dragged me into the room.They loosened the rope they tied at the back of my hand and sat me down on a chair and quickly tied it once again.I've never felt so helpless before. I couldn't scream for help because they had taped my mouth. They all left the room together. I was sweating from head to toe, I wasn't comfortable with my current condition. The armed man now entered the room again after discussing what they would do to me.Man 1 yanked the tape off my mouth and I cried in pain.“Look here girl, I'm not a bad person,” man 1 continued. “My mum also raised me to be a goody two shoes, like you. You see, why I chose this part was because of my greedy boss that didn't want to pay me after years of working for him. I killed the bastard and went to jail. Trust me, nothing beats that feeling of killing.
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Twenty Two
LAURAI looked at the moon boldly now, without fright and thought about the beautiful moments I had spent with him. The little fight we fought. And how I'll always make a mountain out of a molehill whenever I was with him.The cool breeze from the wind had dried my sweat and the night became more calm and quiet. I unknowingly fell asleep.The morning sun pierced into my eyes and my skin. I squinted my eyes trying to hide from it but my effort was to no avail. I tried and struggled to release myself from the clutch of these ropes. But I was only hurting myself, I obtained a few scars from the struggle.My belly roared angrily. I was very hungry. I sat there thinking of how Cassey would have cried her eyes out thinking of me.By now a search party would have been organized at the palace, today. Killian knows my scent so there wouldn't be a problem finding me. The armed men came into the room and sat beside me.“Morning morning sister, how was your night,” man 1 asked.“I think she's up
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Twenty Three
KILLIANKillian and I rushed to her, on getting to her, she collapsed to the ground. I then raised her from above the ground.“Laura Laura,” I tapped her softly on the cheeks. “Wake up Laura, wake up.”“We have to take her home immediately,” Lucio said.I lifted her up into my arms and headed for my vehicle. We all got In and drove home.In my arms again, I took Laura into the living room of the palace and dropped her unconscious body on the couch.“Lucio, go get the palace nurse and get them here fast,” I ordered.Lucio did as I commanded and the nurses arrived and examined her. They took their time with her. They bandaged her wounded arm and cleansed all her wounds.“Nurse, is she out of danger now, what's the update on her health?” I asked.“I've prescribed some medicine for her to take and she'll be back in her full health,” she said.“Thank you, nurse,” I said as she gestured a nodd.I took unconscious Laura to her room to rest. In no time she had woken up and I was immediately i
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Twenty Four
LAURA“How are you feeling now?” Rhett asked. Killian stood there and watched while Rhetto and I talked.“I'm feeling good,” I said plainly. “I feel well but I don't want to go to the party.”“You'd have to, it's your welcoming party,” he continued. “This shows that everyone cares about you, and I'll personally join in putting up the decorations for the party.”Killian left the room after angrily watching Rhett and I talk. “Help me sit up,” I said In pain.Rhett held my right hand and helped me up. My left hand was badly injured from the stab of the knife. Rhett took a pillow and placed it on my back and adjueted me to the bed rest. “I feel too weak to go to the party,” I said.“Trust me, you'll feel better,” he assured. “There's still time before the party begins. Just rest and take a nap, you'll feel better after resting.”He rose up and waved me goodbye before he left. I felt dizzy again and fell asleep.I woke up and freshened up. Killian came to pick me up for the party. We go
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Twenty Five
RHETT“Hey, leave me!” I commanded but they didn't pay no interest. “i swear I'll destroy you, your king and everything you love.”“First, think about how to stand up to your elder brother,” one of the guard said mockingly and they both high-five each other and laughed uncontrollably as they threw me into the dungeon and left.“If you have the guts then come in here and say it to my face!!” I ran to the gate screaming while they left. “I will destroy you, bastards!! Killian!I sat at a corner and thought of how I would exact my revenge on my cousin, Killian. But before anything I'd first think of a way to get out of this dungeon and also the palace.The guard on duty was very vigilant but had a worried look on his face. I reckoned something was bothering him and I would use that to my advantage.“What's bothering you? Share with me, c'mon,” I said to the guard. He didn't even look towards my direction. He kept patrolling left and right. “What would the problem be if not money?”He pau
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Twenty Six
KILLIANI headed for my chamber after visiting Laura. I quickly got freshened up and sat in my chamber while calling out to Luke.“Luke Luke!” I called out.“Yes master, he gestured a bow.“Get me that chubby omega from the other night,” I ordered.He bowed again and left the room for my errand. Shortly afterwards Luke had returned with my omega. And we got to work.I hauled her closer and kissed her passionately. Our kiss got so intimate that in no time I had taken off her dress and she had also offed my night robe. I lifted her into the air but that didn't reduce the level of awe we had reached. I fervently kissed her neck and ear as I gently placed her on top of the bed. I raised both her legs with one arm and slipped my dick into her pussy. I pounded her pussy with so much force as she moaned in pain.I let go off her legs as she now went on top of me, riding me up and down. I grabbed onto both her booty cheeks and moved them up and down in motion with her riding.Her booty cheeks
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Twenty Seven
RHETT“But before you kill him, you'll have to kidnap him first, you have to torture him. I want to see him beg you for mercy,” I clenched my teeth in anger.My phone rang. “Hello?”“Hello sir, it's Timothy, I've gotten the money and truly, I'm really grateful,” he said happily.“Just tell me why you called, I'm busy.”“I overheard Laura and Cassey's conversation this morning,” he continued. Cassey asked Laura if the both of you shared any relationship and she said no. She said that she knew you loved her but she doesn't love you, she also added that she could never love you. When Cassey had told her of the incident last night, she blamed you and said you were in the wrong. She said you put all the blame on Killian, but you also had insisted she attend the party. She then said that your concern towards her was of lust and not of love. I left without anymore because she had seen my shadow.”“I know he would question the security guards that were on duty that night, I want you to confes
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Twenty Eight
KILLIANLucio and I entered the the visiting lounge to walt for the security guards.One after the other, they slowly entered the room. They all stood in a horizontal line and waited for what I have to say. I took my time to carefully look at their faces.“What are your names?” I asked.“Elias,” the first guard in line replied. And one after the other, they all gave their names.“Chad,”“Havellry,”“Timothy,”“Josh,”“Ethan,”“Patt,”“Dan,”“Rolland,”“And out of the nine of you, which is the chief of security in charge of the dungeon?” I asked.“I sir,” Elias replied.“Elias tell me something, who were the guards on night duty as of yesterday?” I asked curiously.“Their names are Timothy and Patt, sir? He replied.“Timothy and Patt, move to a seperate line please,” I said and they obeyed. “The rest of you can leave.”The guards I had dismissed left the room. “Now, I want you both to be thoroughly honest answering these questions,” I asked, fixing my eyes on both men.“Which of you h
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Twenty Nine
LAURA“What?” I exclaimed. “But how could he have escaped?”“No one just breaks out of the palace dungeon. Someone must have helped him,” Killian said furiously.Killian quickly grabbed his night robe that was on his floor and put it on and we all left the room to go check for ourselves.We got to the cell where Rhett had been and the security guard was telling the truth, he had escaped. But where would he go and why would he go? Why would he escape from the dungeon the day he was to be released, I thought.Killian ordered the security guard to get his entire team and report to the visiting lounge for a meeting. Killian then left the dungeon to go get Lucio. He returned after a while with Lucio and they both went into the visiting lounge.I followed the man without their notice and I stood behind the door, eavesdropping on their conversation.Killian ordered the guards that were not present that night to leave the room and they all went out. I heard them opening the door and I quick
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