All Chapters of Claiming His Treasure series: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
70 Chapters
Chapter 41
Penny's heart was racing. Xavier didn't even have to say anything. She already knew they'd found something important.His eyes were locked on the symbol. "This was Rinaldi. I know it was."There was a sharp determination in his voice, and she wasn't sure whether he was certain or just desperate. She'd seen his face as that wooden elephant had tumbled down into the crater below. And she'd felt the loss deep inside her, in places she hadn't realize could still feel at all.But that feeling was fading again, lost beneath the beating of her heart. She knew that wild look in Xavier's eyes. And she wasn't sure she was ready for what would come next.Xavier's hand skimmed over the plank, his fingers following the same invisible line hers had just drawn."There has to be something here." He looked up and down the rail. "Another clue, or..." He knelt down, looking underneath.Penny dropped down beside him. She wasn't sure what they were looking for. Xavier had said that they were looking
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Chapter 42
I have to do something.That was the thought that occupied Xavier's mind most of the way to Artist Point. The problem was, he didn't know what he had to do. He just knew that he was balancing on a fine edge, and that one step in the wrong direction would send him and everything that mattered tumbling down into oblivion.He'd never seen Roth like this. The leader of the Set had always been bullheaded. But this hunt had done crazy things to all of them. There was a hard-edged ruthlessness to Roth now. He never would have referred to an innocent woman as "leverage" before. Or would he?Maybe Tavish was right. During their brief chat back at the Norris Geyser Basin, his former teammate had implied that Xavier didn't know everything about Roth, that the leader of the Set was keeping secrets from him and the rest of the group. But what? And why the hell hadn't Tavish just told him outright?Xavier's fingers gripped his empty pocket. The loss of that little elephant had left a hole in him
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Chapter 43
She was in free fall.Her stomach was in her throat, and for a moment, even terror couldn't catch her. Part of her knew that she was going to die, but the rest of her hadn't caught up with the idea yet.And then she hit something. Hard.Not the floor of the canyon - she was still well above that. But the side. She grabbed, her fingers reaching for anything they could catch. Her leg twisted hard enough to make her wince.And then she slowed. Managed to grab an outcropping of rock.Her fingers screamed with the strain of her weight, at least until she managed to get her feet beneath her again. She was in an awkward position, and her left leg - the one she'd twisted - throbbed with pain, but she was alive. And clinging to the side of the canyon. The wind was even stronger here, whipping around her, and she was grateful her hair was still tied back in its braid. She needed to be able to see. And think.She glanced up. She could see Xavier's shape above her, but the gunman was nowhere
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Chapter 44
Xavier had done a lot of crazy, dangerous shit in his life. He'd risked his neck dozens of times, survived things that most people wouldn't even dream of attempting. And he'd done most of it without even blinking, without the smallest amount of fear.This was different.This time, it wasn't just his neck on the line. This time, it was Penny's, too. And nothing was going to stop him from getting her to safety.Her arms were tight around his neck. Almost too tight, but as long as he could breathe, he wasn't going to complain. Her job was to hold on, and she was admirably good at it.His job was a little trickier.By himself, he could have made this climb easily. But he wasn't used to climbing with an extra weight on his back - and precious weight, at that. He was far more concerned for her than he was for himself.He picked his way up the side of the canyon carefully. There were plenty of hand holds and foot holds, but shifting their combined weight even the slightest bit in the wr
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Chapter 45
One minute she was standing calmly in the doorway, waiting for Xavier to finish his ridiculous inspection of her cabin, and the next there was an arm around her throat.It all happened so fast. He must have been behind the door, must have been waiting for just the right moment to leap out and grab her - the moment when Xavier was as far as he could be across the room.Xavier spun around, gun raised, but it was too late. The intruder had positioned himself behind her, using her body as a shield."Easy, Shark Bait," said the man behind her. "I don't want to hurt her. Or you. I just want to talk.""Funny way you have of showing it." Xavier's eyes blazed. "Release her and I'll lower my gun."The arm around her neck loosened slightly. "Lower your gun and I'll release her."Penny wasn't going to wait around for these two to come to some sort of agreement. On the table next to the door, where she kept odds and ends she might need when rushing out, there sat a can of bear spray - a neces
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Chapter 46
The moment she touched him, Xavier lost what little control he'd been managing to maintain.Her hand was on his neck, pulling him forward, drawing him down to her. He shouldn't have said the things he'd said. Once, he'd promised himself that he'd never speak of her again - avoidance had seemed like the easiest option at the time - but he should have known better. You didn't forget a woman like Penny. You didn't pretend she was never in your life. Their relationship had changed him, morphed him in ways he was still discovering, years later.And now she was pulling him into her arms, and he was tired of holding back.His mouth fell on hers, hot and eager. Desperate. That kiss earlier today had happened in a moment of pure relief - and it had only served to stoke the fiery pit of desire inside of him. One taste wouldn't be enough, now.Her hand moved up into his hair, and the other one joined it. Her fingers tangled in the strands, tightening and pulling, drawing him back to long, hot
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Chapter 47
Xavier stepped out of the SUV into darkness.It was easy to forget, sometimes, how dark real darkness was, away from light pollution. It made you feel so alone, so small - but not in an intimidating way. It was a reminder that you were only a tiny speck in the universe. And to Xavier, it had also been a reminder of how many mysteries and adventures still existed out there, just waiting for him.He let himself gaze up at the sky for a moment, staring at the heavy dusting of stars. The night view in the Caribbean last month had been stunning, but this was different. The cool, crisp air made the stars seem brighter. Closer, even.He didn't know enough about astronomy to say if Equuleus was up there. He'd never really cared about learning the constellations. For him, it was enough to just look and feel that wonder.After a moment, though, he reminded himself that he had work to do. He flicked on the headlamp and pulled Rinaldi's clue out of his pocket, quickly scanning the words once m
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Chapter 48
It felt like it took an agonizingly long time for Penny to free the can of bear spray from the holster at her waist, but in reality, it was probably only two or three seconds.They were still the two or three most terrifying, heart-pounding seconds of her life. And that included that brief moment earlier in the day when she thought she might plummet to her death. The thought of getting eaten alive by a grizzly was a lot more horrific.Finally, though, she managed to get the canister free. And she didn't even wait to point it in the right direction before pressing down on the nozzle.The spray shot out of the can with a sharp hissssssssssssssss. Penny squeezed her eyes shut - in part to protect herself from the cloud of spray and in part because, if it didn't work, she didn't want to watch those claws and teeth coming at her. Or Xavier. He was on top of her, blocking most of her body, and she couldn't bear the thought of his death being the last thing she saw on this earth.Xavier p
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Chapter 49
Xavier's blood was hot.He no longer noticed the chill of the wind. No longer felt anything but a wild, ravenous thrill in his bones and a laser-sharp focus on what had to be done.Everything he cared about was at stake. And he was willing to do whatever it took to protect it.His finger was on the trigger. His eyes on the dark figures in front of him. They'd been careless. Much too noisy. And neither of them were prepared for an attack.Or so he thought.Their flashlight swung up, shining right into his eyes. He kept his gun arm steady, but the beam blinded him. Temporarily gave them the advantage.One of the figures moved. Grabbed his wrist. The gun went off, shooting up into the air, and the second man grabbed his other arm, trying to pin him.This wasn't Xavier's first fight. He'd been in a handful of bar brawls back in his extreme sports days, at least before his manager had convinced him he was sabotaging his own success. But he still remembered a few moves.He swung his
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Chapter 50
Whether he denied it or not, Xavier was cruel. How could he just blurt out something like that and expect her to believe it? What was she supposed to do with that information?Penny closed her eyes, fighting the tears that threatened to fall. She'd managed to hold herself together so far - she refused to cry in front of him now.Even though she knew better than to believe him, his words had brought a whole swell of emotions up inside her - hope, anger, fear, joy, regret...and all of them were inconvenient.It doesn't matter what you feel, she told herself. Your actions will be the same. He lied to you once about this very thing, and you're not falling for it again. The minute this is over, you tell him to walk away. He already promised to do so.They rode in silence the rest of the way to Artist Point. She didn't trust herself to open her mouth, and Xavier wisely decided not to test her further.By the time they reached the canyon, she'd more or less composed herself. The other tw
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