All Chapters of His Broken Ex Wife : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
251 Chapters
Chapter 0081
She returned to the kitchen now, her appetite for pancakes or waffles gone. Absent-mindedly she made herself some coffee, toasted a piece of bread, put butter and Nutella on it and sat down at the kitchen table, her mind racing. Where could he possibly be? Should she be worried? Should she call
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Chapter 0082
”That’s really interesting!” She wasn’t even trying to hide her irritation now. “Because he’s not in his room, where you’d think he’d be. He’s actually not been there all night from what I can tell.” “What…Where is he?” Sarah coughed. “Are you seriously asking me? I just know that he definitely di
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Chapter 0083
Sarah scoffed. “Don’t ask me! I’d love to know that myself, but you know how he is. He doesn’t talk unless he feels like it, and so far he hasn’t been inclined to enlighten me. So, your guess is as good as mine!” She was about to add something when she suddenly heard the key in the front door. “Gue
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Chapter 0084
When Joe arrived, Jack was playing with Sam, his golden retriever, on the green strip across from the parking lot. ”I’ll be right there!” he called over and threw the stick for the dog one more time. It took Sam only two seconds to bring it back. “Good boy”, Jack patted him on the back. “Now come
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Chapter 0085
“You make it sound like you’re waiting for the right moment to propose to someone, Joe, and not to tell your sister that it’s over with Liz.” “Well, Sarah and I are going out for breakfast tomorrow morning and then I’ll tell her,” Joe said. “Content?” Jack nodded with a hint of a grin. “Yeah, soun
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Chapter 0086
He had jumped off his bike, had had a look at her tire and patched it up with something he always carried with him. While he had been fixing her bike they had chatted a bit and he had found out that she had just moved to a little apartment in Innsbruck and was going to attend some private college fo
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Chapter 0087
At the time, Jack would have thought Joe was the last one who’d ever fall for Liz… The rest was history. The big crash happened maybe two months later. Soon after that, D moved out of the dorm prematurely and then left for London – alone. Then Liz suddenly disappeared – back to Munich. And a few
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Chapter 0088
Jack nodded. “I kind of figured… So, what are you going to do about that? Does Steve know what’s going on?” “Kind of. I mean – yeah, he’s seen some things. Enough to at least understand that I can’t live with her. He told me that. But she’s still his sister. So, I’ll have to see how to solve this –
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Chapter 0089
When Sarah got to the restaurant she felt better. During the twenty-minute bike ride from home she had managed to push the dark thoughts about Joe and Sun and the whole mess to the back of her mind. D was already there, locking up her bike outside the restaurant. She looked up when Sarah pushed her
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Chapter 0090
“Well, yeah, Sun had a bit much,” D confirmed with a little shrug. Sarah, for her part, was a little thrown off by D’s reaction. If what Jack had said was true – and it undoubtedly was – and Sun had hitting on Joe, while being drunk, it seemed unlikely that D would just shrug it off. Even if she ha
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