All Chapters of Dark Shadows: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
71 Chapters
It was a long and painful night trying to contact my uncles, but there was no answer. Not until just after dawn the following morning when I was alerted by some people approaching the pack. I ran through the woods to the border, where the main road into the pack was and I saw Uncle Ethan with a lot of people following him. I ran over the border until I reached them and I hugged Ethan as soon as I saw them. “I’ve been trying to call you all night.” I said. “We had to get out of there. They attacked out of nowhere.” He said. “I know they did. They used a diversion to keep me from helping.” I said. “What? They attacked here too?” He asked. “Yeah. But we were ready. We only lost 13.” I said. “We had no warning. We didn’t know. I’ve only got 310 people left out of my pack. That’s all I could get out.” He said. “It was a slaughter.” I said. “Yeah. They were organized.” He said. “I noticed that last night too. PLease, bring your people inside where it’s safe.” I said.
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By the following morning the news of their destroyed packs had hit the news. The humans thought that they were other human towns, not knowing that they were wolf packs. Saying that again, they were all wiped out. And I saw that the packs had been left to rubble. The packhouses had been burnt to the grounds, houses and businesses were completely destroyed. They vampires really did go on a rampage. I was in my office watching the news when I couldn’t watch it anymore. I was doing more work on the computer and one of the omega’s finally bought me a book that contained the information of all the refugees that I was going to input into the computer. So I could keep track of them. Charles and his family had been keeping to themselves since he saw that my pack wasn’t going to accept him as their Alpha. He was like a child sulking because he didn’t get his own way. But I was fine with that. I was glad that I didn’t have to see him that much because he pissed me off at the best of times.
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That night after I had a shower and got dressed, I headed down to the dining room where the Alpha’s, their Luna’s and their children were waiting. “What are you wearing?” Charles asked as I sat at the head of the table. “A shirt and shorts.” I said, like he was stupid for asking. “Why are you so casual at the dinner table?” He asked. “It must be because of all the immaturity running through my body.” I scoffed at him. “It’s fucking dinner. Who cares? As soon as I eat then I am going to bed to try and get some sleep.” I said. “Don’t talk to me like that. Especially not in front of my children. I don’t want your influence rubbing off on them.” He snapped at me. “They’re your children Charles. They’re already fucked.” I said. And Ethan had to stifle his laugh with a cough. “And there you go. Showing your immaturity again.” Charles said. “And all you’re doing is showing your lack of respect. This is my pack. My rules. My army. Which they have already proved to him when they k
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I can’t believe that I went against everything that I had always told myself. I didn’t want a mate. I refused to have a mate. I was going to reject him but I still let him hang around to strengthen the pull between us. I actually told myself that I was going to wait and see where this went. And look at where it went. Look at where it took me. I am the one sitting here hurt, because I betrayed myself. I betrayed my feelings and my thoughts and I didn’t let myself stay true to who I was. I was such an idiot. I was more determined than ever to reject him as soon as I turned 18. Which was fast approaching. Infidelity is really rare in werewolf communities because of the mate bond. But we weren’t bonded yet. Which is what had me confused. He felt the bond, I didn’t. If anyone was going to cheat then it would have been me, not him. And I couldn’t even do that knowing how much it would hurt him. Fuck him and his mate bond. I looked back at the computer and I started getting back into
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I was confused as hell as to why the Joint Chief of Staff was calling me, but then it started making sense after seeing that drone flying over the pack. “Have you been watching us? Using your drones?” I asked. “Yes. That was us.” He said. “Why?” I asked. “I just told you. I believe that we can help each other.” He said. “I really doubt that.” I said. “I have the entire military at my disposal.” He said. “And I have a lot more than you do. Knowledge of what we’re dealing with.” I said. “You mean the vampires? And I know that you are a pack of werewolves. Training and creating your own army to stop the vampires.” He said. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” I asked. “I don’t know. Probably because we are the American Government. We’ve known about vampires for years and we’ve let them go. Only because they were killing to survive. But now they are killing without mercy and drawing attention to themselves. They’re coming out from the shadows.” He said. “Yeah. And what do
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As soon as we reached the human town, we needed to make sure that we took the long way around. We didn’t want the humans to see us because we were three times the size of normal wolves and we were in a pack of 20. That wasn’t normal and it would scare the hell out of them. That was the last thing we needed. But luckily the warehouse was on the outskirts of town. So, we didn’t have to go through any busy parts of town to get there. We knew that there wouldn’t be any patrols on the outside, so we started surrounding the building and getting into position. Arlo was on top of the building trying to see through the skylight, but it had obviously been blacked out. We didn’t know where the humans were being held or where the patrols were. So I walked around the building several times on my own to try and hear whatever I could from the noises inside the building. When I was finished I mind linked my warriors that the hostages were on along the eastern wall. Not sure how they were ti
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Lucas fell backwards into my room and I went inside and slammed the door behind me so no one could hear us arguing since all of these rooms were soundproof. “I thought you would have gotten the message that I didn’t want to fucking talk to you.” I growled. “And I left you a message. I told you that it’s not what it seemed.” He said. “There was a woman in your room answering your personal phone at 4:30 in the fucking morning. How stupid do you think I am?” I asked. “You’re not stupid. I know that. But I also know that Maeve is a manipulative bitch. She had been there the night before and I found out that she had spent the night with my Beta. That’s how she knew that I was in the shower and that’s why she was in my room at that time.” He said. “Do you really expect me to believe that?” I asked. “I know that it sounds far fetched. I know that it will be hard for you to believe me. I’m just asking you to have faith in me, please. You don’t feel the mate bond, but I do. And I wo
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“I hear you rescued some humans today.” Chandler said. “You mean, the ones that you neglected and left to die? Yeah. I rescued them.” I said. “25 people don’t mean anything when millions more are at risk.” He said. “Well, there’s the difference between you and me, Chandler. I will save every human that I can. You can turn your back on them if you want, but I refuse to. If this is what you meant by helping each other, then you can go to hell.” I said, hanging up. I was a little pissed off after that phone call but I managed to calm myself down enough so that I could get some sleep. I was up at 4:30am again the next morning and I got dressed into a red and black sports top, matching tights, socks and sandshoes. I walked downstairs and out the front door and I stretched on the front veranda before I left the house and I started jogging through the woods, around the whole territory. Once I made the first pass of the packhouse, I saw Lucas sitting on the front veranda watchin
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It took me a moment to regain my composure and I realized that I have nothing to be ashamed of. I had a legitimate informant and I wasn’t going to be sorry for that. “He’s a vampire.” I said. “What?” Lucas asked, sitting up straight on my chair and putting his feet on the ground. “I told you that I was getting all that information about attacks and shit from the dark web. I lied. I had to make it look like it was coming from the dark web. It wasn’t. Benjamin was telling me.” I said. “You’re in with a vampire?” He asked. “Yeah. And so far, all of his tips have paid off. Every attack on this pack came from him. He’s been helping us and all of his tips have been legit.” I said. “He’s never once tried to fuck you over?” He asked. “No. Not once.” I said. “How the hell do you even have this sort of a relationship with a vampire?” He asked. I let out a deep breath and I walked over to the couch and sat down. “When I was 11 I ran away. Jillian and Leo were really getting t
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We made sure that we had the best previsions because we weren’t stopping until we got to Oklahoma, except for gas. We took it in turns to drive and we already had enough food in the van for everyone to live off of. And they all bought several spare change of clothes. I tried to pick the warriors that didn’t have a mate or children. Just to make it easier on the ones that did have a family back home relying on them. Not that I thought these guys were more expendable, but they understood why I did it that way. None of them complained, even if I asked them to come alone. I never ordered anyone. They could say no and a couple did, so I would move on to the next ones. And the ones that said no weren’t going to be punished for it. I didn’t work like that. I made sure that these warriors wanted to be here, and they weren’t here against their will. Again, that’s not how I operate. I kept my eye on James, Lyla and Anna. But secretively. Trying to see if they were acting any different
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