All Chapters of Alpha Diego: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
134 Chapters
Chapter 81
Lea:I woke up to lips kissing my forehead. I opened my eyes, ignoring the soreness in between my legs as I did, and looked up at Diego who smiled at me. He leaned in, connecting his lips with mine in a gentle kiss that made my heart swell. I kissed him back, smiling into the kiss, admiring the fact that despite knowing that he got what any Alpha wanted when they found their mate, to be the one person to touch them, being an omega, the man didn’t reject me after that happened.“Good morning, baby girl.” He said, his voice softening as he looked down at me. He rested his forehead against mine for a second before the smell of food caught my attention. I raised an eyebrow only to notice a trolley with two plates, juices, and a few small cakes.“What is this?” I asked, shaking my head at the man who pulled a bouquet from the last row of the trolley. He handed it to me, and I couldn’t help but blush as he smiled, taking my hand in his. “Diego, you didn’t have to do this…”“I know,” he sa
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Chapter 82
Diego: “You are avoiding me,” mom said from behind me. I didn’t say a word to respond, I didn’t need to, she knew the pain that I felt and she knew how much it broke me inside to know that she was hiding something as big and as deep as what she did. She knew the pain that it cost me and the guilt that I felt throughout all this time, and yet, not once did she bother implying that I was innocent. “I have a lot of work to do, mama…” “You are my son, Diego de’ Medici.” She said, wrapping her hand around my bicep when she noticed that I intended to walk away. “If I know the way that you act or…” “Then you would know to avoid me as I think. You know that I am going to need time for myself. Time to process what I learned, and time to mourn again as I forgive myself for not avenging my brother’s blood.” I said, stopping her. “Do not think that it is something that I am going to be able to get past in a day or two.” “I never did say that…” “Your eyes speak louder than your words ever wi
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Chapter 83
Lea: I looked at my mate for a second, my heart racing against my ribcage as I lay on the ground, drained from today’s training. Ezra, who has been training me for the past week, chuckled and shook his head as he leaned against a tree, crossing his arms over his chest. “You need to work on your strength, Lea.” He said, and I shook my head at him. “We have been at this for the past week. My heart is going to burst out of my chest, and I cannot feel my legs. Mind you, you are a machine, and I doubt that you are going to know what I am speaking of.” I said, sitting up to stand. The man extended a hand to me, but I shook my head, not wanting him to touch me. The two of us have set silent limits between one another, and I knew that though he didn’t say anything about it; he understood my reasons. “I am your brother, Lea.” He said, and I smiled, giving him a sarcastic nod. “Of course, I never said that you are not.” I said, walking toward the house only for him to wrap his hand arou
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Chapter 84
Diego: I walked toward the room, knowing that Lea didn’t like what happened between Renata and I. I didn’t like hurting women, nor did I appreciate threatening them, but the woman has forced my hands, and now, I had no option but to put her in place. Flashback: “She stole you from me, she came into our lives…” “I didn’t bother looking twice at her for months,” I said, stopping the woman. Her eyes widened in surprise, and I was forced to avoid Lea’s eyes as I admitted that I was ignoring her and the mating bond for months. But I knew that at the time, it was the best and only option that I had to do. “I don’t even know who you had impregnating you, and I do not intend to know. But you are going to have two options from now on.” “Diego, enough,” mom said, noticing that the conversation was growing more heated than it was supposed to. My heart raced, and I clenched and unclenched my fist, letting out a low growl, not wanting her to interfere in a decision that I was going to make a
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Chapter 85
Lea: I entered my room, and for the first time since I found out that Diego was my mate, I was broken. The man having another woman in his life did not bother me. He had his love, he had his life, and he didn’t know of my existence. In my mind, maybe he didn’t even feel the mating bond. But to know that not only did he feel it, but that he chose to hide it, keeping me wondering for months, thinking, shaking my head, and forcing myself to accept that something that I believed was for everyone just wasn’t for me. I was taken for a fool, as always, and now, I didn’t know what to think. My bedroom door was knocked, and I frowned as I caught Ezra and Mario’s scents. Both of them coming here wasn’t something that I was used to, and whenever Ezra passed by, the two of us would end up arguing anyway; therefore, I didn’t see a reason nor did I understand what he was doing here right now. I got up and opened the door, thankful for the fact that I was refusing to allow my tears to fall. If
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Chapter 86
Diego: The next morning was the hardest for me. I knew that even when Renata and I broke up, a part of me didn’t feel like it was going to fall apart. My heart raced, and I couldn’t help but find myself worried about seeing her. I didn’t know how she was going to react, nor did I know how my mate was going to be looking at me any longer. I walked out of the room, knowing that there was no hiding in mine for the whole day. It was late enough as it was, and the little sleep that I got until now was having its tow on me. But I didn’t bother. I had other things to tend to and take care of right now, and neither one of them cared whether or not I got any sleep at all. “You seem to be sleep deprived,” Arena, one of the pack members, said, looking at me. I took a deep breath, and she raised an eyebrow at me. Her smile was one that I didn’t like, but I knew that she wasn’t enjoying everything that was going on. She was one of Renata’s friends, and the idea of her losing her friend to Lea
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Chapter 87
Lea: “Yes, Lea?” Diego asked, taking a deep breath as he tried controlling whatever it was that he was feeling. I knew that it was not easy for him to do so. But after last night, I knew that it was either that I speak to him or we just end things here and now. I didn’t want to lose my mate, otherwise, I knew that rejecting him was going to be the better option. Might as well not attach the man to an illusion and at least give myself a chance to find another mate; but a part of me knew that I wasn’t going to find someone that saw through me despite the short period of time that he’s known me. “Do you want me as your mate?” I asked, shaking my head in question at the man. I knew that he would be surprised by my question, but I knew that IF I didn’t ask, I wasn’t going to answer my own pain and query. It was going to be a mystery to me, and that wasn’t something that I wanted. “Lea, you are seriously asking…?” “Yes,” I said, stopping him. “After what I heard and learned last night,
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Chapter 88
Diego:“Do you believe that I am going to be standing here if I didn’t want to be with you?” Lea asked, making me smirk. I knew that she wanted to be with me, but I wanted her to say it out loud. And not just to me, to herself too.“Maybe, maybe not. The two of us can never really know as neither one of us trusts the other.” I said, and she scoffed.“For known reasons. I do not go around, saying that I didn’t want to be with the woman that not only am I sharing the bed with, but I am also fucking on an almost every night basis.” She said, and I chuckled, shaking my head at my mate who raised an eyebrow.“First of all, I wasn’t ‘fucking’ you. I was making love to you, cherishing you, your body, your eyes, and your beauty. I didn’t just want the night to end with my needs satisfied. I wanted you to be happy with me, and I wanted you to also crave, want, and need me as much as I did to you. While I understand that you might not trust that, it is the reality of how things are.” I said, lo
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Chapter 89
Lea: “You got what you wanted in the end. Diego doesn’t want me around, you are his favorite, and I am to be kicked out if I disrespect you.” Renata said, entering the kitchen as she saw me getting myself a glass of water. The two maids who were here looked at her then at me, their fear could easily be read in their eyes and I knew that they didn’t know what to do or how to handle the situation without causing a stir. “You are going to leave my sight, Renata, because I have more important things to be dealing with right now, and believe me, neither one of them includes you. As for Diego, you can leave ONLY if you wish not to respect me or his mother, I doubt that it would be hard for you.” I said, looking the woman dead in the eye. “You are nothing for me to respect.” “Good, and you are nothing too. But there is something called virtue, humanity, and self respect. I doubt that you know how to deal with any of them, but if you are willing, then there is a lesson that is called se
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Chapter 90
Diego:I heard Renata’s footsteps as she approached the office. Her scent hit me stronger than ever, and though I didn’t like it, I knew that Lea’s plan had worked for her staying in the pack to ensure that our pack secrets do not find themselves in the ears of the last man that we would want them to be in.She knocked on the door twice, and I got up, opening it for her. She looked down at her feet, avoiding my eyes, and I took a step back, motioning for her to come in.“I take it that your mate has already told you…”“Lea hasn’t spoken to me since morning. The woman has more important things to do than just roam under my feet, and I respect her because of that.” I said, stopping her. “Did you come to say something or have you made up your mind about leaving?”“Do you want me to leave?” She asked, and though I wanted to say ‘yes’, a part of me knew that it was unwise of me to do so. The woman knew too much, and that was something that I was forced to remind myself before responding. I
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