All Chapters of In The Heart Of Cedric’s Affection: Chapter 431 - Chapter 440
538 Chapters
Chapter 431
"Mommy, what was the signing bonus for my favorite idol? Was it a lot?"'If so, the idol would be able to help many people in need. Now that’s really positive energy.'"Little kids shouldn’t pry into adults' matters too much." Sophie pinched her chubby cheeks, feeling as though a weight pressed on her heart.'Could Cedric have influenced Charlie’s actions?'-The news of Charlie’s signing with Paramount was another bombshell after Vivienne's incident, shaking even Paramount's internal structure."What’s really going on? Even if Charlie wanted to announce something, it should be in a press conference with Paramount. What’s he trying to imply by doing this?" Although Jeanna was not directly involved in managing Paramount’s operations, she was deeply concerned as Sophie’s close friend.However, Linda calmly said, "It’s true that Charlie’s approach was unconventional, but announcing his donation of all his signing bonus is good publicity for both him and the company.""Indeed, Char
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Chapter 432
Sean hurried over to Cedric with a cup of warm water, his face shifting from mischief to concern. "You okay? If this is too much, maybe you should consider heading back to the hospital. You don’t need to be so angry."What’s the big deal? I’ve been enduring for almost six years now. If I got upset over every little thing, I would’ve been driven to my grave by my darling Jean."Women are just naturally dramatic. You indulge them, and hey, suddenly you find their antics kind of cute."Cedric took a sip of water, trying to calm himself, yet couldn't help but bristle at Sean's comparison. "Please, don't lump Jeanna together with Sophie.""Cedric, are we still bros? I didn't speak ill of your Sophie, and here you are getting touchy about my Jean.""Your Jean?" Cedric scoffed. "At least I have a marriage certificate to show for my relationship. What about you?"Sean's pride was pricked by Cedric's jibe, prompting him to snatch the glass of water from Cedric's hand, which appeared to ma
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Chapter 433
Sean pulled a stack of money from his bag and handed it to the Fiat owner. "Dude, this should cover the repairs to your car. Is this enough?""Ah, this is more than necessary. You don't need to give so much!" the Fiat driver responded, visibly overwhelmed.Although he knew the rear-end collision was not his fault, his legs were shaking uncontrollably. He was relieved that he did not have to sell everything he owned to pay for the damage, so he dared not accept so much money for the repair."Too much? If you think it's too much, maybe you could drive me somewhere instead."It must have been a day of bad luck from the start. If he kept driving, who knew what worse things could happen."You want a ride in my car?" The Fiat driver was stunned, baffled that someone who drove a luxury Ferrari was willing to step into his old, second-hand Fiat."Is it not okay?""Of course, it's okay! Please get in, sir. Where do you need to go?""Crimson Bar," Sean stated as he climbed into the passe
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Chapter 434
The tension was palpable on the top floor of Luxford Group.Linda, clutching a folder, emerged from Sophie’s office only to collide with Jeanna, who also seemed preoccupied. Linda couldn't help but frown. "What’s going on with you?"'Ms. Luxford is upset because Mr. Carlson secretly approached Charlie, and now Jeanna is showing signs of distress too.'"I’m not creating drama. It’s just that men can be so infuriating," Jeanna muttered through gritted teeth, handing the folder she was supposed to show Sophie over to Linda. "Please take this in for me. I’m heading off now."Linda wanted to remind her that it wasn’t time to leave yet, but Jeanna had already turned and entered the elevator."That jerk Sean, pretending not to see me and now not even bothering to call!"As the elevator descended, her anger surged higher. The elevator dinged, and she stepped out with a cold expression.Colleagues who were about to enter stepped aside, waiting until she had moved farther away before they
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Chapter 435
"But it hurts so much. Can't Mr. Cheshire kiss it better?" The woman adjusted her hairstyle, her act growing more flirtatious by the moment.'Mr. Cheshire, having re-emerged in the social circles after five silent years, provided me with this rare opportunity. Naturally, I had to use every trick in the book.'"Smooches to make it better?"Sean nearly choked. Typically, he was the first to console his beloved Jeanna whenever she was in pain but hearing the same words from another woman sounded revolting."Mr. Cheshire, you've hurt me. Can't you give me some smooches to make it feel better?" The woman showcased her voluptuous figure, sidling closer to him with intentions more amorous than comforting.Sean instinctively attempted to push her away. However, noticing a taxi nearby, his dismissive wave transformed into a reluctant nod. "Fine, I'll kiss it better."Selecting a visually appealing angle, Sean suppressed his repulsion and delivered a few quick pecks. Immediately, he was ov
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Chapter 436
Beeping sounds soon filled the livestream room, and Jeanna managed to conceal her irritation. She settled at the computer desk to set up her equipment.[Why are you so late today, Jean?][Hey Jean, what cool stuff are you sharing with us today?]The chat buzzed with excitement, briefly bringing a smile to Jeanna's face. Still, her expression quickly turned grim as if someone owed her money.[Jean, what’s wrong? You seem off today.][Let’s raise funds and send a box of fine wine to Jean!][Pooling money. Count me in for one cent!][I’ll contribute two cents.]The playful banter behind the screen was clear, and she leaned back in her office chair, typing swiftly.[What does it mean when a man who's been like a puppy around you every day suddenly chews on another bone one day?]This question turned the already lively room into a frenzy, sparking a barrage of responses.[It must mean the previous bone didn’t have enough meat on it!][Jean, have you been neglecting your man?][
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Chapter 437
"I've figured it out. Both of us are clearer as observers but utterly confused when we're directly involved. Ah, we're true brothers in adversity, eh?""Who's your brother in adversity?" Cedric frowned, his expression tinged with disdain.Yet, he recognized that deeper emotional involvement often made fear and nervousness harder to manage. Even the slightest issues could explode with the force of an atomic bomb.'Maybe Soph was right. What we lacked was understanding and trust.'-After several awkward days, Sophie finally started to recover a bit and realized she had not seen Jeanna for days.Concerned, she asked Linda, "Has the design department been unusually busy lately?"Usually, Jeanna would gossip in her office during any downtime. The recent silence was out of character."Not busy, just preoccupied.""What do you mean by that?"As Linda’s smile slowly spread, Sophie's confusion deepened. 'What did she mean by preoccupied?'"I heard from a colleague that someone spott
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Chapter 438
Sean was in his element, yet his heart pounded wildly. He gripped his phone, having deliberately reached out to a junior editor to circulate a juicy piece of gossip online. His eyes darted nervously to the door.'God! I've really gone all out this time. If this doesn't work, I'm finished. Please, let Jean see this and not come at me with a cleaver.'"Why are you always so distracted when you're with me? If this continues, I might just get unhappy," grumbled the woman he had ditched previously. Her outfit today was even more provocative, with half her bosom exposed, aiming to captivate the man before her.Despite her bold display, Sean appeared completely uninterested in her ample cleavage, intensifying her irritation. Sean had once preferred women like her.The woman speculated, 'Could his tastes have changed over six years, or could the rumors be true? That he had joined the gay community, and his public relationship with the Luxford Group's design director was merely a cover?""
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Chapter 439
"Get out, now!" Sean had been itching to kick her out for a while, and with Jean's arrival, he wanted this woman gone immediately to avoid ruining their time together.The woman, unable to salvage her dignity, leered at Jeanna before hastily grabbing her purse and scurrying off.Catching sight of Jeanna's livid expression, Sean fought the impulse to plead and instead attempted a calm tone, asking, "What do you want?""What do you mean, what do I want?" Jeanna's anger was palpable. Despite her typically stern demeanor towards him, she felt betrayed. 'How could he casually entertain another woman without so much as a warning? What did he take me for?'"W-What do you mean? I don’t understand what you’re implying," Sean stuttered, trying to adhere to the script he had mentally prepared.Watching him play dumb, Jeanna clenched her teeth in frustration and gestured toward the direction the woman had exited. "Who is that woman, and what is her connection to you?"She wondered, 'When did
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Chapter 440
The longer Sean waited, the more frantic he became, avoiding eye contact with Jean. Anxiety tightened his throat, and cold sweat slicked his palms. He yearned for her to break the silence yet feared her words, silently grappling with his nerves.'What should I do? If Jean decides to leave, should I plead for forgiveness, even if it means a slap for my recklessness?'"Sean, I’m presenting you with two options," Jeanna interrupted his thoughts, holding up two fingers. "One, we marry. Two, you vanish from my life forever."Sean was jolted by her words, his skin prickling with shock. He had once dismissed the exaggerated reactions depicted in television dramas as absurd, but now, faced with this pivotal moment, it felt as though he had won the lottery and set off fireworks simultaneously. His excitement was palpable.'Marriage! Jean proposed marriage!'A surge of elation electrified Sean. His thoughts sparked wildly, nearly short-circuiting him.But as he hesitated, Jean's expression
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