All Chapters of HER BEAST TO TAME. : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 Chapters
Chapter 11
"You are awake." I heard Kira's voice as I was slowly regaining consciousness. The room was a bit dark, with only the bedside lamp on. I was a little confused by what was going on."Thank heavens, you are okay," she said, disappearing out of the room before I had the opportunity to ask her anything.Everything in the room looked strange to me; I had no idea where I was or what had happened earlier. I tried getting up from the bed, but my head was a little too heavy for me to handle.I laid back down immediately. I tried calling out to Kira, but my voice wasn't loud enough, or would I say it was lost?"Hurry, please." I heard Kira's voice from outside the door. She pulled open the door and got in. She quickly came to my side, holding my hands while patting my hair."You will be fine, Amber," she assured me while I just stared at her like a moron, obviously ignorant of what was happening around her.I turned to the other side when I felt someone's touch. He was busy feeling my pulse. He
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Chapter 12
He ambushed me, and I was too shocked to say a word. I kept staring at him like a moron; I didn't know what to say or how to respond to those words."You should rest now; I'm never going to leave your side ever again," he said, running his fingers through my hair before he got up.I was still shocked; my head suddenly became hollow, and there was no sound coming out of my mouth. I just stared on as he kissed my forehead and headed for the door.The instant he closed the door, it was as if I suddenly became aware of my surroundings. I had a lot of thoughts going through my head.I blinked as many times as possible to be sure I didn't hit my head and wake up on another planet."Hold on, am I dreaming?" I asked myself, and I pinched myself, and it hurt like hell.I nearly screamed when I realized that it was no dream.I stayed awake all through the night wondering why he would say those things to me; it sounded a little too strange to be true."Is he finally going to kill me?" I yelled o
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Chapter 13
I quickly made my way to the elevator and pressed the button while waiting for the door to pull open.I kept glancing from one side to another while praying I don't get caught.I turned around to see one of Axios's guys coming out of the shop and heading toward the restroom."Shit! Shit! Shit! " I exclaimed while tapping on the button impatiently.It seemed like the universe in its glory was working against me; the elevator was taking longer than usual to open. I wanted to be out of here before they realized that I was gone, but it seemed like escaping from Axios was a mission impossible.I glanced back to see the guard speaking to Miss Lover Call, who had been standing outside all this while. I guess she hadn't realized that I wasn't in the restroom anymore.The guard walked a few steps away from her but stopped the instant he saw the manager coming towards the restroom."Fuck you, door, open already!" I cursed silently. It was only a matter of time before someone went inside the re
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Chapter 14
I sat on the floor, unable to move, and stricken with fear. I was unsure of what awaited me, but I knew I was done for."Please, just let me go," I begged tears flooding my eyes. He chuckled, his beautiful gray eyes filled with mischief. "I wish I could let you go, Mate," Axios said. He bent down a bit to meet my gaze. I quickly looked away weeping, I continued begging for my life. Hoping he would hear me out this once. "I don't want to go back with you," I said while sobbing."Oh, you will, and you must submit to me!" He caressed my cheeks, smiling wickedly.I thought I had escaped from Axio's grip; I thought I was free forever, but here I am standing face-to-face with my owner.I kept wondering how he found me. I can't remember telling him anything about where I was from.How he knew where to find me was a mystery to me."How did you find me?" I shakily asked,He chuckled wickedly."Run to the ends of the world if you so wish, mate; I will come for you minx."He scooped me up and
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Chapter 15
My eyes widened the moment I saw him walking towards me; he was only putting on jean trousers and was bare-chested, I was taken aback by his well-defined muscles covered in blood.He was a mess with the smell of sweat and blood. I was supposed to be repulsed by the smell, but for some insane reason, I found myself loving it."We should get going, Mate," he whispered into my ears, making me go crazy. My head felt woozy instantly, but I quickly regained composure.I silently trailed behind him. I took a glance at his feet, and for the first time, I noticed he was walking barefoot."What the hell?" I was beginning to wonder what happened to his clothes and shoes—did he throw them away while running from the tattooed men, or did he probably exchange his life for his clothes and shoes?"He didn't rub blood on his body, so he wouldn't be embarrassed for running like a coward, did he?" I said to myself,"Don't be ridiculous, mate," he replied, his gray eyes piercing my heart in two."I didn'
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Chapter 16
I could feel my heartbeat racing and the burning to go down with him without a thought. All I could think of was his hands ravaging every inch of my body, claiming it for his. He leaned in tilting his head a little, my breathing increased and every fiber in me yearned for him, he cupped my cheeks with both hands, setting my body on fire. He took my lips in a kiss, I threw my hands over his shoulders, cupping his neck, cheering him on and he grabbed my hips pulling me in. While he ravaged my lips with his, kissing every inch of my mouth, I groaned as my core kept throbbing so hard, begging for more action. "Mhhmmm" he groaned as my lips trailed off to his neck, kissing him like a hungry lion. While he fondled my hair, I took his ear lobe in my mouth, licking it like my life depended on it, he kept groaning, driving me insane. It made me feel invincible that I could make him feel this way. I was craving for more of him, he lifted me from off the bed, and I snaked my legs around hi
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Chapter 17
My mouth fell open watching them both kiss each other and tugging at their clothes like some horny teenagers.I was speechless, looking from Kira to Axel. He lifted her off the ground, and she snaked her legs around his waist, aiding him in the slaughter."Ewwh, get a room both of you, would you?" Axios said, blocking them with his hands."Please spare me, Axios," Kiara said as she continued with her kiss."I'm going to fire your ass if you don't get down at this moment," Axios yelled."You can't fire me, Axios; deal with it," she resumed her kissing spree.I wouldn't have thought Kiara was seeing anyone, and to think it was this guy made me speechless."I will see you soon, pup," Axel said to Kiara, landing a kiss on her lips at intervals."Be careful out there with the rogues; should I come to help you?""I would be driven mad if anything happened to you.""What the fuck are they saying?" I murmured to myself, wondering if they were still role-playing.But they looked and sounded wa
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Chapter 18
I instantly lost my balance and landed on the floor on my butt; the sound of a gunshot coming from outside brought me back."How dare you lay a finger on my mate?"He barked aggressively, kicking him in the stomach. He staggered backward, tripped on the chair behind him, and fell backward.He got up almost immediately and advanced towards Axios. He quickly threw a punch at Axios, but he had the devil reflexes and sidestepped him. He swung his sharp claws at Axios, aiming for his neck. He rolled underneath him and quickly knocked him to the ground.Axios smiled wickedly; I could swear, he could easily knock him out with a blow, but why he decided to let the fight draw out this long? I guess he was having the time of his life, watching his enemy work himself out.Axios walked backward, giving him time to get up. He quickly got into a fighting stand, snarling at Axios.Axios faked swinging his foot at him, and he dodged the foot and swung his hand at Axios, who immediately grabbed his ha
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Chapter 19
AXIOS'S POVI stood before her as she watched my every move like a hawk. I knew it was only a matter of time before she took off, and maybe this time I might have to let her be.I could sense her fear through the mating pull, and I have no fucking idea of how to calm her ass down.She stretched her hand forward suddenly, and I thought she was about to shush me away, but she did the unexpected.Immediately after her hands rested on my furs, I felt a jolt of electricity run through my veins, and the mating pull became so strong that I just couldn't resist her.I tried hard to stop my wolf from going to her just to comfort her.Fuck I wanted to comfort her also, but this is it; she has to deal with this herself.This is the first time she has seen my wolf; I can't possibly hide this from her forever. I hated the idea that I was mated to a human in the first place. But getting to know her—fuck, she is so perfect for me.It was about time I came clean. I had
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Chapter 20
AXIOS'S POV"Yeah, mark you; that is the only ritual required.""With paint?""No, Ahnnn," I made to bite her with my long canine. She quickly screamed, jerking off the couch."Joking," I guess her imagination is getting the better of her.She heaved a sigh. "How do you mark then?""I would have marked you if you were also a wolf, but since you are human, marking you means turning you into a wolf.""What!""Relax; I will never claim you without your consent.""Ok," she said. I could sense how relieved she was."You should rest," I said to her, and I got up to leave the room. I was hoping she would make up her mind to stay here with me without seeing herself as a prisoner."Axios!""Yeah," I answered immediately."Who are those wolves that attacked us?""I think it's the rogues; I provoked them ages ago when I slaughtered them and took home my mate.""Wait up, I thought I was your mate?" She asked the instant she heard the word, Mate, I shouldn't have said
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