All Chapters of The Untamed Billionaire : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
141 Chapters
Ninety One
May’s POVIt was evening when I got to the big iron-clad gate of the Love Castle estate, and I honked so that the security at the place would open the gate for me. I had only ever come here twice, and both times were with Asher.The first time, we had come here after our wedding, and the other time, it was for the auction I was here for again. None of both times did we have to wait because they had already been informed we were coming.Although, I was sure they were already notified that people were also coming to the estate today, arriving for the auction that would be happening tomorrow.A man soon appeared from the small security stand that was attached to the side of the gate, and he walked to me. He knocked on my window and I realized I didn’t know him. He must be trying to know who I was before allowing me in.“Hello ma’am. Good evening and welcome to the Love Castle estate.” He said with a pleasant smile on his face.“Thank you.” I said, offering a small smile of my own.“May I
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Ninety Two
May’s POVEllen was right, I love this place, the way it was so bright and homely, the way it looked like it was carved out of a modern house magazine.Wow! I thought as I stared up at the house. As promised by Aniya, someone already left my suitcase by the door inside the cozy but nice and large living room. I was almost decorated the same way as the one I just left Ellen in, but there was something different.I grabbed my suitcase and I walked upstairs to check out the rooms, and by the time I was at the top of the stairs, I was already panting like I was dragging with me something dead and heavy.What exactly did Emily packed in this suitcase? I asked myself, then I shook my head. If there was anything that should be there in there, then I had myself to blame because I shouldn’t have trusted her enough to let her do the last packing.There were three rooms upstairs so I choose the one that had the nicest feel and then I unpacked, seeing a lot of lingeries, like I was here to spend
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Ninety Three
Asher’s POV“The chopper is landing sir.” I heard the pilot said and I opened my eyes. Looking out the window, I could see my grandfather’s estate in sight and I blew out a breath, hoping I was ready to face my parents and everyone else.I had finally summoned the courage to put the thoughts of how the weekend would go and just embrace whatever was to come. It was just May after all, it wasn’t as if she was going to kill me or anything.I knew she had asked me to stay away from her which I was going to try to do. There was nothing I could do anyway, than respect her wishes.This all would have been a different story if I was the one doing the auction, because then, she would be in my space, a very small space compared to this one. My house was in Hudson Yards, in New York; a bachelor pad in the Middle Kings building, and that was where I took strangers too, not to my house, where May and I lived in.That was a mega-mansion in Lakers Community, Hicksville. I had bought the house just b
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Ninety Four
Asher’s POVAt dinner, all I could stare at was my wife, because she was still my wife anyway. She sat there beside my mother, and my cousin, Fletcher, and she kept laughing at something he was saying to her.That made me clench my teeth and hands into fists for the whole of the night when I wasn’t eating. I didn't even eat much, I couldn’t, because I couldn’t stop thinking at that long, elegant neck as she threw her head back to laugh.Now, I sat in my room and all I could do was think about her. She had left as soon as dinner was over and I didn’t even know where she went. I asked Mom where she was but she just looked right through me like I didn’t ask her a question.I would have asked the staff, but I didn’t want them knowing the situation surrounding our marriage. That wasn’t acceptable at all.“I just need to sleep to stop thinking about this.” I said to myself.Only, the sleep wasn’t coming. I just hoped that it would come soon, because honestly, I’ve got to do some stuff in th
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Ninety Five
Asher’s POVI could see what had made the sound I heard upstairs. There was a chair lying on its side near her feet, a casualty of her midnight quest for hydration, I supposed.She must have come down to drink some water and didn’t bother to turn on the light in the room. A shattered glass glinted on the floor nearby, its shards right there a few feet away from her own.It was scattered across the tile floor, and May's bare feet were dangerously close to the broken pieces. I looked at her and I wanted to rush to her to shake her.Why was she never bothered about herself anyway?"Oh my God, Asher! You scared the life out of me," May exclaimed, her hand clutching at her chest that was now visible to my eyes now with the water making the shirt clung to her.That was such a disaster, I told myself, because it would be something I think about as well for the rest of the night.“What are you even doing here?” I asked and she looked at me as if I had lost my head.“I should be asking you tha
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Ninety Six
May’s POVI looked over my shoulder as someone said, "Move out of the way!" and I saw a man rolling some dresses by in a hurry.If you haven’t guessed it yet, this was the night of the auction and I was in the dressing room Ellen had told me about.I could tell that this was a big social event, and Ellen had taken organizing it seriously. All these seemed pretty too much though, because it looked like I had just stepped into a scene from the movie. I guessed she needed us all dolled up to be bid on.After all, the more beautiful we looked, the more we were bidden on, and the more money generated for the charity."This woman's hair needs to be fixed," a man said from behind me as he grabbed my shoulders.“You’re the crown for tonight’s event, right?” he asked, and I nodded my head at him, even though I hadn't seen his face yet.The man started to move me around, then he stopped to turn me to face him. He wrapped my hair around a finger and his face scrunched up, though not terribly so.
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Ninety Seven
Asher’s POV“You can’t bid on your tonight, you know that?” Brent said beside me in the auction and I furrowed my brows, wondering he said that.“And why’s that?” I asked.“Didn’t you say you were suspecting Ellen was planning something?” he asked me right back.That was right, I had said that, because after last night's episode with May in the kitchen, I knew that wasn't just a coincidence, and it was only something my mother could have arranged, so yeah, I guessed she was planning something.“Still, that won’t stop me from bidding on my wife.” I said.“You really should bid on someone else. No one would fault you for that. We all know it’s just going to be dinner between her and her winner.” He said.I rolled my eyes at his stupid pep talk. “That’s not happening,” I told him as I saw a man come on stage with a mike in hand. “The bidders can now used their bid paddle with the unique bidder number on it.” He said and I looked at the one Brent had handed to me when I arrived the hall e
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Ninety Eight
May’s POVI was nervous, but I just couldn’t back out now.Behind me was Enrique and he whispered to me right before I walked onto the stage. “You’re beautiful, moi cherie. You’ve got this.” And with that, there was a found new courage within me, enough for me to walk onto the stage without tripping and as confidently as possible.But, the confidence was short-lived when I saw the people out here, sitting behind the tables with the bid paddles in hand, both men and women. Oh yeah, that was right. I had been told that some men too would be auctioned off to dinner with the women as well.I swallowed hard, my gaze moving slowly over the people seated, trying to find a face to focus on, a face that would give me the strength I needed through this.Maybe if Emily had followed me, she would be that face I chose and won’t have to worry or bother about it. I wondered what I would do without that woman, sometimes.She had been my rock through so many things and I just wished that I would also
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Ninety Nine
May’s POVEverything was still looking like a dream to me, because I had been bid on and I had been able to generate five million dollars. I was really stunned, not believing that any of it had happened.I was standing behind at the backstage after I was done getting back in my dress from earlier, waiting there for Gary. He had texted me and told me to wait here for him.I wasn’t sure how he got to be here because I didn’t think he was a friend of the family, or acquaintance, and I was sure going to ask him when I saw him.He sure had almost spend three million dollars or something just for a dinner date with me, and I wondered if that was because he wanted to, or because he wanted to just play around. I would love to know the answer to that too, and it was why I was still here waiting for him.When I saw his text for me to wait backstage for him because he had something to tell me, I saw it as an opportunity to ask him questions of my own. I would have loved to retire back to my room
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One Hundred
May’s POV“I don’t understand why you’re back home today, May!” Emily said, handing me a cup of coffee. “Did something happened?” She asked, a small frown marring her face.Well, of course, I expected her to be surprised to see me on Sunday when I should have driven to work from there tomorrow, but I didn’t expect her badgering me with questions like this, queries actually.I would gist her about the event, I knew that, but I wasn’t even ready to have that conversation right now, only I knew she wouldn’t leave me alone if I didn’t tell her what she wanted to hear.I sighed and then I looked around, realizing that the house was silent. I had just came back from Love Castle estate, and I had came here straight up without even going home. I should have called her before coming because I remembered she had told me she was having a friend over, whoever that friend was.“Is your friend not here yet?” I asked her instead of asking her own question. I didn’t want any third party listening fro
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