All Chapters of Trapped with her crazy husband : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
61 Chapters
Chapter:- 41
Extra: -Alex William is the most beautiful man Amelia has ever met. He's also the most dangerous.Somehow, those two aspects of the man don't cancel each other out. In fact, for the first time in her life, Amelia sees how appealing danger can be. Alex William could kill her with a single flick of his wrist, and it makes Amelia want him more.The dance they partake in is entrancing. Alex teases and flirts, and Amelia reciprocates just enough to show her interest but not enough to commit to anything. There is music somewhere, but Amelia knows it's out of her control. Even her own steps are part of Alex plan.The man makes her feel free and Amelia takes it all in greedily.ShHe spends time with her even when her parents glare at her disapprovingly. She sneaks out and lets Alex pull her into his web until she's too tangled to get out of it.She should be terrified. She shouldn't want this man, this killer with cold eyes who looks at Amelia as though he's a particularly fascinating work of
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Chapter:- 42
Alex shows up in front of Amelia home unannounced, looking for his target, and doesn't even consider Amelia's role there. He knows his girl is older daughter, he does, but for a second, he forgets. He's working and he forgets about his lover.He forgets about him as he reaches his target and disarms her partner. The blond guy seems familiar, but Alex doesn't make it a habit of remembering everyone he meets, so he shrugs it off. He grabs the girl instead, starts dragging her away from the mansion.There's movement behind him and Alex he throws the knife without thinking. He never thinks, in moments like these. It's his greatest strength, being able to turn his mind off and focus on a single thing. All that matters is the girl who is looking at him like she knows him but doesn't recognize him.It's the way everyone looks when they realize who he really is. What he really is. A mindless killer, one that everyone fears.(Everyone except Amelia).That's when it happens. He knows the guys b
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Chapter:- 43
After three other near-death experiences which end too well to be anything other than a side-effect of the ritual, Amelia confronts Alex again.Shee doesn't care that Alex didn't tell her what was about earlier. She just wants to know what the limits are. She wants to know how many risks she can take before it's too much. She wants to make sure she'll survive even the worst injuries, because she's not ready to leave Alex yet.Her lover's gaze softens for an instant before growing darker as he tells Amelia he'll never have to worry about that again.It's possessive and wrong in so many ways, but all Amelua feels is desire and power and love.Because somehow, Alex William took all of Amelia's weaknesses – her propensity for injury and insecurities about her place in Alex' life – and crushed them into pieces."You must think me cruel, selfish," Alex whispers to him that night. "But love is always selfish."Amelia doesn't care. She'll be selfless enough for the two of them if it means Ale
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Chapter:- 44
If only they knew how close Amelia was, just fifteen steps away.Amelia's head was full of haze and his mind was barely there, but he could hear them. So close yet so far. If she'd had a shred of breath and strength left, they would've heard her voice easily. A couple of tears slid down her cheek as she opened her eyes just enough to see a hint of Alex shadow. Or maybe her mind was playing tricks on her. Despair squeezed at her chest more efficiently than anything related to her injuries did.Please...! Not yet... I don't want to leave them...Darkness was starting to fill her line of vision and Amelia struggled against it with all her might, knowing instinctively that she wouldn't be able to wake up again. She opened her mouth, desperate to get their attention, but all that came out was a tiny, pathetic wheezing sound. Which was enough to take all the strength Amelia had left. She'd been a trained since the day she was born but this was a battle she lost.Everything faded to black, t
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Chapter:- 45
/To John and his wife shock Alex latest meeting was with a fellow friends – someone harmed their own, their leader.Finding the small herbal store the culprit owned took no time at all. The young-looking but actually a couple of centuries old man gave John a suspicious look when he and his wife walked in. Alarm flashed in his ice-blue eyes. "What... can I do for you?"John lifted his chin and ensured that the other saw the golden glow of pure angel blood in his eyes. (It was satisfying to see the warlock recoil a step.) "Earlier today you drugged Alex William. And I have every reason to suspect that you have a part in a scheme that led to the death of his wife." He folded his arms, made his stance as threatening as possible. "If you want to help yourself, give us the names of those you worked with."The man blanched. "I... I don't know. That woman... She said we could teach William's a lesson for choosing another woman over his her, and... The drink I gave him... It was just to confu
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Chapter:- 46
The life Ram had after he was sent out of the mansion... It was full of humiliation. First his 'character building'... Then his position as a glorified prison guard... He loathed it. Loathed what he'd become.But more than anything he loathed Amelia and ALex. Because it was entirely their fault. So, when he encountered Cammy, who promised that they could get that revenge together if he'd help her to freedom... He accepted gladly. Without stopping to think about the potential consequences.Ram really should've thought about the consequences.It'd been an excruciatingly long day and Ram was utterly tired of his life as he entered his apartment. He groaned loudly when he attempted to switch on the lights, and nothing happened. "Great", he muttered to himself. "Just what I needed."A sudden voice, coming from the direction of his couch, made him jump. "Hello, my dear Ram. I'd say it's a pleasure to see you again but I'm not in the mood for lying today."Like any half-decent man Ram grabbe
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Chapter:- 47
After they left Amelia took her opportunity. "Ci, wait." He felt bad for keeping her from following Joh because it seemed the two needed to talk. A deep breath didn't ease her chaotic thoughts and raging emotions at all. "I... you take me to Jenny house?" She'd been able to help again for months and so far, no one hadn't expressed displeasure.Ci flinched slightly at the name, old guilt slashing sharply. Her eyes widened a fraction. "Amelia, no! You should be in bed, you just..."Amelia interrupted her with climbing out of the bed stubbornly. She swayed slightly but managed to stay upright. "I can't explain to you how I know but... Alex is there." Her entire confused soul felt the pull. "I have to go there and get him back. Alone." She dreaded to even imagine what Alex state of mind would be like. She didn't want to drag anyone else into the situation.Ci clenched her jaw. She was worried, but she also cared about Alex greatly. Of course she relented. "I'll give you fifteen minutes. Th
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Chapter:- 48
John nodded and hoped that when such a day would come, he'd be ready, too – and that Amelia would be ready to hear that the emotional turmoil he went through after coming back still haunted him sometimes.With the sister in the same room and apparently talking, Ci smiled. Recovering from the awful ordeal would take time but maybe this was a start. "Looks like our plan worked." There was no response and she frowned upon finding her companion staring at some invisible spot dazedly. "Alex?"Alex blinked rapidly before creating a charming smile. "I'm sorry, Ci. My mind wandered somewhere far away."Ci was about to ask further but just then they smelled something burning. To their horror they realized that Amelia and John were trying to create a surprise dessert. The ensuing chaos made her forget about the strange incident./Amelia and Alex were both quite skilled at avoiding topics they didn't want to talk about. But eventually there's a point at which one simply can't escape the troubli
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Chapter:- 49
Amelia watched Jenny help Alex to their bed, saw her husband's fight to stay awake end and the man fall asleep as soon as he was down. And something inside her snapped.The alley... Cammy... The blaze that killed her... Her hands touching her, the phantom sensation still making her skin crawl... They all came back to life vividly."... lia..." Jenny's sharp voice and alarmed facial expression finally managed to get her attention. "Amelia, I need you to control your anger. Right now."Amelia hadn't noticed that she'd been preparing herself for a fight. Horrified and embarrassed, she scrambled to get it under control. "Sorry, I'm... I'm not..." She looked at Alex, who was sleeping deeply, then at Jenny, and couldn't keep her voice from coming out as an angry growl. "What did you do to him?"Jenny's calm aura and tone actually helped her, too. "I sedated him lightly, for his own safety. Hopefully his mind will be a little more settled when he wakes up."Sorrow and worry made Amelia's sto
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Chapter:- 50
Even Alex was, perhaps grudgingly, forced to admit that Emily was good at her job. At the beginning of their first session, he attempted his usual deflective techniques with her. She allowed it for about half an hour before looking into his eyes with sincere sympathy. "You talk about Amelia a lot. I'm so sorry you had to experience losing her."That caught Alex so off guard his façade cracked for a long moment. "I got her back", he pointed out sharply, his glare daring the therapist to question his words. He shrugged, which did nothing to ease his tense muscles. "We... We always find our way back to each other. He says it's what we do."Emily nodded slowly. "I take it your relationship has been a dramatic one?" She must've heard some rumors, at least."When we got together there was basically. After that so many things happened..." Alex shook his head, so lost in the memories that he barely noticed he was talking out loud. "There's been so much chaos. The first time we broke up circum
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