All Chapters of One Night Stand With The Unforgettable Stranger: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
481 Chapters
She struggled against his hold on her hands, wanting to feel the play of muscles along his back as he moved, but he held her firm. Instead, she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips, tilting her pelvis in just the right way so his shaft rubbed along her swollen clit. Brian began to move faster and she felt him thicken and harden even further as his own climax began to build. She bucked her hips into him, increasing the pressure, her body careening toward release. “That’s it, baby,” she crooned. “Harder, fuck me harder.” He pounded into her and she felt the walls of her core tighten around him before waves of intense pleasure rolled over her, her orgasm triggering his. She cried out as he throbbed within her, drawing out her climax. He slowed his rhythm but continued to push into her in deep, sure strokes until her body was limp and spent. He kissed her languidly, tasting every inch of her mouth as he let her hands go. He slowly pulled out, both of them groaning with
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He smiled against her lips and kissed her again, taking his time and savoring the taste of her. She let him lead, following contentedly along behind him as he explored her mouth, his tongue running along her lips, across her teeth, and sliding silkily against her tongue. He pulled away from her mouth and trailed soft kisses along her jaw, exulting in the shiver of her body as his beard brushed against the tender skin of her throat. His hand wandered down her spine and she arched her back in response. He moved his mouth down her exposed throat, open-mouthed kisses, soft nips, and gently sucks until he’d made his way across her chest and down the plump globes of her breast, finally taking an engorged nipple between his lips and suckling. She mewled in the back of her throat, her hands holding his head in place while he loved on her breast. She pushed her body towards him, urging him to take more of her into his mouth, but he nipped the tight bud with his teeth instead, causing her t
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They eventually made it out of the hotel room and into Brian’s car. They held hands and sang off-key to the music on the radio as they flew down the highway toward the city. Cassie could not remember ever feeling this relaxed or sated…or happy. There wasn’t anything specific she could put her finger on. There was no event that had prompted this happiness, it was just a general feeling of well-being and for once she wasn’t going to over-analyse it. She just wanted to enjoy it and enjoy him. It seemed like Brian now invaded every part of her life. He owned her body, he dominated her thoughts and he was even a big part of her work life, and it didn’t feel in the least bit suffocating. She had always wondered if the only reason she and Nathan had worked was because they spent so little time together. She had a history of keeping very strict boundaries around friends and family, rationing time with them so as not to get too involved in their lives and not allow them to get too involv
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“Brian,” the other man said with a smile, “good to see you.” Cassie stood back as the two shared a man-hug and a few slaps on the back. “Jonathon, I’d like to introduce you to Cassie Smith. Cassie, this is Jonathon Ashby.” Cassie had been beginning to smile and had started to extend her hand to shake the other man’s when his name registered and she froze. “Jonathon Ashby?” she whispered. Jonathon laughed and Brian rolled his eyes. “You’ve heard of me then,” he said with a wink. He took her extended hand and brought it to his lips. “Lay off,” Brian growled, but Jonathon just smiled as he let her hand go. Jonathon was a really attractive guy, but Cassie could tell that he was a player. His dark hair and grey eyes would have most women swooning at his feet. Cassie cleared her throat and snuck her hand through the crook of Brian’s elbow. “It’s nice to meet you,” she replied and his eyes twinkled with mischief. “So you’re the one,” he murmured, giving her a once-over.
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They watched as molds traversed the conveyor belt to be coated in chocolate, filled with ganache, sealed with more chocolate, and finally expelled at the end. Brian had seen the process before but it took on a whole new meaning as he watched Cassie take it all in. “What flavor are these?” she asked as another batch was knocked out of their mold. “Tequila Shots,” Jonathon replied. “What?” Cassie asked and Brian smiled. “The ganache is flavored with tequila, lime, and a hint of salt,” Jonathon explained, “It’s one of my more adventurous flavors.” “Who comes up with these recipes?” Cassie asked. “Me, mostly,” Jonathon replied. “He has been known to spend days in his test kitchen,” Brian added, “but it’s always worth it.” “Can I try one?” Cassie asked. Jonathon picked one up off the line and handed it to her. She popped it in her mouth and closed her eyes and the noise she made sent Brian’s blood south, hardening his ever-ready cock. “It tastes just like a tequila shot
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“Exactly,” Cassie said. “Who would be tacky enough to put something that expensive on their bridal shower gift registry? They’re tacky, not the vase. I refuse to indulge their tackiness.” She sniffed and moved on. She couldn’t believe some of the stuff that Ainsley had included on her list and it made her even more determined to get something that wasn’t on the list and wasn’t returnable. “There’s nothing here,” she complained turning to Brian with a pout. He leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss on her mouth and she let her eyelids fall shut. She loved his unabashed public displays of affection. After being with Nathan in a secret love affair, it felt nice to be shown off in public. “All right then,” he said, slinging an arm around her shoulder and directing her towards the exit. “Then where do you want to go?” They walked out of the department store and into the shopping mall. Crowds moved around them as they stood and took in the rows of shops. Cassie saw a Body Shop and sudde
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Cassie stuck to him like glue at the bridal shower, and he didn’t care in the least. He was grateful, in fact. Spending all that time in the sex shop had gotten him all worked up and he’d been sporting a semi all afternoon. They hadn’t had time to do anything other than a quick change when they got back from their shopping trip, so he was still suffering. It was pure torture and absolute bliss that Cassie kept touching him, leaning her body against his as they made small talk with the other guests, brushing her hand over his arm, his chest, his butt, sneaking little chaste kisses here and there. Coupled with the images he’d had of what he could do with some of those toys they’d looked at he was lucky to even be having a coherent thought with all the blood in his head being occupied elsewhere. He managed to corner her in a secluded part of the garden, crowding her against a garden trellis, pressing his erection into her hip. “When I get you back to the hotel,” he whispered into her
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He laughed and shook his head. “It’s a buck’s night,” he said, “of course it’s going to get out of hand.” “I know,” she said, “but, well, I know Nathan and his friends and I’d just feel better if I knew that you were keeping an eye on them, you know, to make sure they don’t do anything stupid.” “You want me to babysit Nathan?” he asked, incredulous. She nodded and he swore under his breath. “Okay, fine,” he said with a sigh, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I’ll keep an eye on things.”Cassie rushed over to the gazebo where the other bridesmaids were stacking the presents. She desperately looked for the distinctive shape of the gift basket she’d put together, hoping to grab it and stash it inside somewhere so they could find it later. She didn’t mind embarrassing Ainsley in the privacy of her own bedroom, but she was not the kind of person to make her feel uncomfortable in public…not without copious amounts of alcohol, anyway. Ah, there it was! Cassie grabbed the parcel
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She buried her head into his shoulder for a moment and let the sound of the words ‘my love’ wash over her. Did he really think of her like that? Was it too much to hope that he did? Slowly she moved out of his arms and they walked towards the gazebo with the rest of the crowd, but Cassie was not looking forward to the revealing of the gifts, even if it didn’t have hers and Brian’s names on it. They watched, her nervousness growing, as each gift was opened and the gift giver thanked her. So far it had all been the usual boring gift registry stuff that she had turned her nose up at. She now wished she hadn’t been so pedantic about her gift. Brian squeezed her shoulder in support as their basket was placed in front of the bride and groom-to-be. “And this one is from the lovely Dana, Ainsley’s maid of honor and best friend.” Number One (Dana!) looked at the basket confused as Ainsley unwrapped it. Ainsley gasped, covering her mouth with her hands, and turned bright red, Nathan’s e
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She looked up at him with her big doe eyes and it took everything he had in him not to pull her into his body and remove every memory of Nathan from her brain with his lips, teeth, and tongue. “I don’t care about that,” she said, her eyes pleading with him. “But she’s been a right royal cow to me since I arrived and I am just enough of a spiteful bitch in return to not want to warn her about what a stupid asshole Nathan is.” She said it with such venom that he was tempted to believe her, but he held himself in check. He couldn’t help wondering how much of that anger was because Nathan had hurt her and how much of it was because of Ainsley. Maybe it was too much to ask of her to be completely over Nathan, maybe he had jumped the gun. She took a step towards him and he let her come. She ran her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, pushing his shirt off. He let it drop to the floor. She laid her head on his chest and he was unable to resist his hand moving up to thread throug
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