Semua Bab Billionaire's Secret Baby : Bab 11 - Bab 20
82 Bab
Ruby’s maternity leave came to an end, she had to start working. She was grateful for the kind of boss she had, he understood her predicament so well. She named her baby Ethan, it has been six weeks since he came into her life. She never believed she could feel so much love for anyone but she did. Her love for Ethan was immeasurable. He was such a lovely and peaceful baby. She and Naomi took turns caring for him. Everyone around her has been so supportive and she was grateful for that. Her boss visited her a few times with gifts for EthanThe day she resumed work, she reported to Mr Trainor’s office. She knocked lightly and waited to be asked in before opening the door. Mr Trainor was neck deep with work.“Good morning sir” Ruby greeted “Good morning Ruby, it’s good to have you back,” Mr Trainor said with a smile. Ever since she went on maternity leave, the workload multiplied and he was so happy to have her back “It’s good to be back sir” she said“How is Ethan?”“He is fine”
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“It’s not confirmed yet so I can’t say anything but we need to admit Ethan and run more tests to ascertain the cause of the symptoms you described” the doctor explained “How long would he be admitted” Naomi asked “In about a week, the paediatric oncologist will be taking this test”“What kind of test are we talking about” “Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. I explained earlier that there are some abnormalities found in his blood cell which might be because of leukaemia so we need the biopsy to confirm it”“Leukaemia? Oh my God, how is that possible? He isn’t even up to a year old” Ruby lamented. Naomi gently patted her friend on her back to console her“Ruby calm down, it hasn’t even been confirmed yet, the diagnosis might be wrong” Naomi tried to be optimistic “What do we need to do?” Ruby asked in a very low toneThe doctor signalled the nurse beside him and whispered something into her ears. “Please go with the nurse she will direct you on what to do” Ruby and Naomi got
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Naomi never understood why Ruby was adamant in speaking to Stephan. It was a fact that he was a billionaire and money for Ethan’s chemo wouldn’t put a dent in his mountain of wealth. “Naomi I thought we decided to raise Ethan without Stephan’s interference or input” Ruby was scared Stephan would accuse her of being a gold digger “I know we agreed but this is life-threatening and I can’t just sit back and do nothing. If you don’t want to approach him it’s fine but please don’t stop me from approaching him” a hint of frustration evident in Naomi’s voice. Ruby’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as she watched Naomi speak with such conviction. She knew deep down that Naomi was right, that they had to do whatever it took to save their son. Reluctantly, Ruby nodded and reached out to gently grasp Naomi’s hand “You are right,” Ruby whispered her voice filled with a mix of recognition and determination. “You can approach him once, if it doesn’t go as planned we will never reach out to him
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Ruby was shocked to see Naomi walk in with Stephan, she never expected her to be able to convince him that Ethan’s was his. The man was as beautiful as the last time she saw him. She stared at him lacking words to say“Hi, you must be the mother of the child?” Stephan asked. He recognised but he wanted to be sure.“Yes I am, my name is Ruby Qin” Ruby replied “Can I see the child?” “Yeah sure you can, this way please” Ruby led him into Ethan’s room, the baby was sleeping peacefully.“I heard from your friend that he is suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and he needs chemotherapy”“That’s true” Ruby replied as she nods “Well, like I told your friend I’m not sure the baby is mine but I won’t just sit and do nothing so I will pay for his treatment and then when he is okay, we will run a DNA test at the hospital of my choice, is that clear?”Ruby stared at him in disbelief, if he didn’t believe Ethan was his then why was he here? Does he think she sleeps around and then tries
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As Stephan drove out of the hospital, he couldn’t help but wonder what would happen next if the child was truly his. How would he be able to tell his family about his son when they have been disturbing him to proceed with the wedding? He had been stalling the wedding plans because he wasn’t in love with Amelia, she was just his childhood friend whom he sees as a sister. Their union was orchestrated by their parents because they believed their union would be great for business. Stephan went ahead with the proposal as planned but he couldn’t go through with the wedding. Stephan decided to keep the information about him having a son to himself till he confirmed if Ethan was his. His head was aching from processing everything he found out today, he needed to relax so he drove straight to the hotel. As he got to the hotel, he slipped into the private elevator that led to the penthouse he wanted to be alone. The elevator pinged signifying they had reached their destination “Whe
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As Amelia left, Stephan collapsed onto the couch, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. He knew that agreeing to the dinner was the right thing to do, a chance to spend time together and perhaps find some clarity in their relationship. But a fragment of his being could not shake the feeling of discomfort; he knew that this dinner was just a strategy devised by both families to strengthen their relationship. He felt as if he was being tugged into a conflicting path—his family's expectations, his desires, and the gravity of responsibility that came with it all. The news about his son had shocked him to the core, and he could not bear the thought of entering into a loveless marriage when his heart yearned for something more. After much consideration, Stephan decided to hold back the wedding for as long as he could so he could buy time to get his messy life on track.A call interrupted his thoughts, he reached for his phone in his pocket and looked at the screen, he r
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Stephan couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease as he walked into his childhood home the next morning. The recognisable scene of the well-decorated walkway and the aroma of freshly made coffee should have brought him warmth, but today it only increased his nervousness. He made his way to the dining area where his father was seat at the head of the table patiently expecting him.With caution, Stephan said, "Good morning, Father," and sat down across from him.His father looked up from his newspaper, his face unreadable. “Good morning, Stephan,” he replied curtly.The room was dead silent, and Stephan braced himself for whatever discussion was going to take place. He was familiar enough with his father to know that although he was a quiet guy, his words were powerful when he did speak.It seemed like a lifetime, but at last, Mr. Rodriguez folded his newspaper and put it neatly next to his plate. He met Stephan's stare, and there was a decidedly steely edge to it. “Stephan,” he
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The following day, Stephan, Ruby and Naomi waited by Ethan’s bedside in the hospital room while a staff of medical professionals carefully prepared him for the transfer. The air was charged with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. Stephan looked on watchfully as they placed Ethan onto a stretcher, attaching tubes and monitors to his tiny body. Dr. Evans walked up to them; his face dimmed with sorrow and understanding. He was honestly wishing Stephan, and Ruby good luck in this new journey of Ethan’s treatment. I know for a fact that St. Luke Hospital will offer him the specialized treatment he needs. Stephan inclined his head gratefully as the doctor spoke. “Thank you, Dr. Evans, we thank you for all that you have done for Ethan.” Naomi put her hand on Ruby’s shoulder, her eyes ignited with a determination meant to encourage Ruby. “We shall do everything possible to make sure that Ethan gets well, he well well-being is our priority and if transferring him to St Luke would he
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At Stephan’s words, Amelia’s heart missed a beat. Something important? What could it be? Her mind raced trying to find any rational justification for his haste. Was something wrong with his family? Maybe it was about their relationship?“Yes, of course, Stephan. Dinner would be great,” Amelia said, her voice full of both excitement and doubt.They decided to have their date at a quaint Italian restaurant close by. As the time for their dinner drew closer, Amelia couldn’t help but feel something was amiss. She quickly prepared herself for the dinner. She wore a red sleeveless dress, paired with a silver heel and clutch, she did her hair in a high ponytail. Se adorned her outfit with some expensive-looking pieces of jewellery and finally sprayed a pheromone fragrance. She twirled in front of the mirror one last time she was pleased with how beautiful she looked, even though Stephan sounded off, this was a date something they had not done in a very long time. Amelia sat at thei
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Tears rolled down Amelia’s eyes as she looked at the untouched dish before her. Suddenly, the atmosphere of the restaurant began to weigh on her, and she felt the craving for fresh air to calm her thoughts down. She jumped to her feet and went outside. The night breeze brushed against her face as she crossed the crowded sidewalk. The streets were filled with gloom, and Amelia wandered through them thinking about what to do next. She loved Stephan too much to let him go easily without a fight, she had promised herself to fight for his heart, but with Ethan in the picture, she doubted if she could still win Stephan’s heart. Amelia halted right where she stood with her mind in a whirlwind of emotions. She knew she had to make a decision, and it had to be soon. Stephan was the man she had dreamed of, the one who had captured her heart from the moment they met and she was not ready to lose him for a son he just discovered, the child was a product of a one-night stand and not an aff
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