All Chapters of Billionaire's Secret Baby : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
82 Chapters
Amelia was so happy and her joy knew no bounds as she scrolled through the harsh comments about Ruby and her alleged lover. “Look at this, Stephan is going to chase her away, that’s a fact. He won’t be keeping her around after all this,” she chuckled reading the comments out loud to herself. The satisfaction in her voice was evident as she enjoyed the social media drama.Flipping through the attached pictures of Ruby and Robert to the post, her eyes caught that of Robert, and she could not resist the smile she was putting on her lips as a simple thought took over her mind. "It won't be a bad idea to nudge things a little bit" she said to herself as she dialled the number of the private detective she hired.“Hey, it’s me. I need you to dig up every dirt and information on Robert Moore. The guy trending alongside Ruby. I want update on everything that might interest me. Where he’s staying right now? what he is doing in town. Everything? I want to know his every move and I want it as qui
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Amelia arrived at the hotel and went straight to Robert’s room. She strolled with confidence as she already has every detail. On reaching the door, she knocked on its surface lightly and then waited for a reply. The door had barely opened, and at that moment she could see Robert’s face was full of confusion.“I didn’t order anything” he said, attempting to dismiss herBut before he could shut the door, Amelia stopped him with a devilish smile. “Do I look like room service to you?” she retorted, her voice laced with amusement. Robert’s brow furrowed in confusion. “If you are not room service, then who are you?” he asked, his curiosity reaching its peak.With a mischievous smile in her eye, Amelia replied, “Someone who’s here to save you from losing your son.”The echoes of Robert’s laughter in the hallway bounced on Amelia’s words. You have probably mistaken me for someone else. I don’t have a child,” he scoffed, ready to dismiss her once more.But Amelia’s next words stopped him in
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Immediately Robert ended the call, Ruby began to panic, she was unsure of was Robert is capable of and what he meant by he won’t leave Las Vegas without Ethan. She needed to talk to Naomi, she began scrolling through her contact list for Naomi’s number, her hands were shaking as she dialled the number.She called several times but Naomi didn’t pick up, feeling desperate to speak to her, Ruby dashed out of her office and hailed a cab, different thoughts were swarming in her head. Naomi’s house suddenly felt far away, each passing seconds made her more anxious When she finally arrived, she paid the cab driver and ran towards Naomi’s apartment, she banged on the door furiously, impatiently waiting for her to open up. After knocking several times, Naomi opened the door slightly, “Look who came to visit me at home today, Ruby Qin. Today must be a special day” Naomi teased her, humour evident in her tone as she let Ruby inRuby was excited to see her she hugged Naomi tightly as she spoke “
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“What? A ball?” she began to panic, her voice trembled with urgency as she confronted Stephan. "Why are you just telling me now?" she demanded, her eyes wide with alarm. Stephan’s brows furrowed in confusion, his voice calm as he explained, "I just found out myself, Ruby."But Ruby’s hysteria only intensified as she bombarded him with questions about her appearance for the ball. “What am I going to wear? How should I style my hair? And my makeup?” she exclaimed, her voice bordering on frantic as she handed Ethan over to his nanny and rushed away.Stephan called after her, his voice gentle yet firm. “Where are you going?” he inquired, concern etched into his features. “To my room to figure out what to wear!” Ruby replied hastily, disappearing upstairs in a flurry of panic.Moments later, as Ruby frantically rummaged through her closet, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Opening it, she was surprised to find Stephan standing there. “You have guests” He informed her “Me?” sh
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As the auction drew to a close, Stephan leaned in close to Ruby, his voice a soft murmur “Congratulations, Ruby” he whispered, a warm smile lighting up his features. Ruby returned the smile. She felt grateful towards him because she could never have been able to afford to bid that high without his help. Now she is looking forward to going on a vacation with Ethan, Naomi and maybe Stephan too if he wants to. The music started playing and guests commenced dancing, some were standing in groups and discussing as Stephan offered a hand to Ruby for a dance with a smile on his face.Accepting his proposal, Ruby placed her hand on his, their hands a perfect fit as they headed to the dancing area.The both of them were dancing in perfect harmony, the rhythm of the music dictating the swaying of their respective bodies.They danced their way through the evening and suddenly everyone around became engaged with their laughter, happy for them because their happiness was clear. The dance floor sud
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Ruby began to panic as she frantically screamed Ethan’s name, sending the domestic staff to emotional agitation. “Has anyone seen Ethan? She cried out, her voice trembling with fear. The utterly confused staff shook their heads, unsure of what was happening. With a racing heart, Ruby dashed from room to room, desperately calling out for her son, but there was no reply. Fumbling with her phone, Ruby dialled Stephan’s number, her voice trembling as she screamed, “Ethan’s missing!” Stephan was confused and before he could respond, she ended the call and dialled Naomi’s number. As Stephan attempted to call her back, the line remained dead, fuelling his growing sense of fear. He decided to call his housekeeper to find out what was really going on."Hello! What's going on at home? Ruby just called me, but I couldn't understand what she was saying," Stephan exclaimed, his voice filled with concern."Ethan is missing. We've searched the whole house, but can't find him," The housekeeper repli
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Stephan couldn’t sleep a wink, he was so worried and confused, he kept thinking of the possibility that someone would come into his house and kidnap his child without being seen by anyone. He wished and prayed that Ethan would be okay. Twenty-four hours after the kidnap and no call for any ransom demand has been received. He hoped they would be contacted that way they would know what the person wanted rather than keeping them in the dark.He kept tossing and turning till a new day dawned. His phone kept ringing showing an incoming call. He quickly picked up his phone in case it was a call from the kidnappers but it wasn’t. It was Amelia. With a heavy heart, he answered, trying not to sound disappointed “Hello?”“Hello? What’s going on? You don’t sound good” Amelia’s voice crackled through the line, filled with concern. “Ethan is missing,” Stephan replied, his voice trembling slightly. “We’ve searched the whole house but can’t find him.” "Oh, my goodness. When did this happen?" she
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Amelia went over every detail of Ethan’s whereabouts with the detectives. A team of police officers were hurriedly sent to the scene to retrieve the baby. While Stephan was asked to sit and wait, his heart was pounding with mixed feelings of anxiety and hope. Each passing moment seemed like an age as he was waiting for the update.Finally, the moment arrived. Immediately the door opened, a police officer walked in holding Ethan. Stephan was filled with joy as he made his way to them. "Thank you,” Stephan uttered in a choked voice, and his tears started falling as he hugged Ethan.The officer nodded with a little smile. “He’s safe now,” he pointed out to Stephan with a grin on his face. Stephan hugged Ethan tightly as a wave of gratitude engulfed him.As Stephan held Ethan tightly in his arms, his heart still racing with the rush of relief, a call suddenly pierced through the moment of peace. Naomi’s voice crackled through the phone, urgency evident in her tone as she relayed Ruby’s re
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After a few weeks in therapy, Ruby began to feel better also she began to learn how to manage her fears. Finally, the day came when her therapist cleared her, declaring her ready to face the world again.To celebrate, Stephan suggested they take a trip to the island Ruby won the ticket for at the auction. The girls were excited about the trip, Stephan began to make preparations hoping to make the trip one to never forget in a hurry, especially for the girls.“Please can I bring a plus one? I don’t want to be the third wheel on this trip” Naomi asked politely “Sure! I don’t see why you can’t” Stephan replied with a kind smileNaomi’s face lit up with excitement, “Really? That would be amazing! I would ask my friend if he can come” she exclaimed eagerly “He? A friend? Just say you want to come with your boyfriend” Ruby teased “And would that be a bad thing?” Naomi retorted “Not at all my friend. As for me, I’m definitely bringing Ethan’s nanny because I need to relax and be taken ca
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When she got back, Ruby couldn’t stop herself from telling Naomi right away about the proposal. Overflowing with excitement, she skipped her way to her friend with the shimmering ring on her finger, she held up her hands.“Look, Naomi! Stephan proposed!” Ruby squealed, and her voice sounded really happy.Naomi’s eyes flashed with delight as she looked at the ring. “I told you!” she exclaimed, unable to contain her joy.David joined in the celebration, offering his congratulations to Stephan with a warm smile.As the initial excitement began to die down, Naomi couldn’t help but tease Ruby gently. “You know, normal people usually meet first, date, and then get engaged,” she quipped, a playful smirk on her lips.Ruby laughed, nodding in agreement. “That’s exactly what I said when he proposed” she replied, her laughter mingling with Naomi’s.Naomi’s expression turned serious for a moment. “Well, I guess that makes me your maid of honour,” she declared with a grin.Ruby’s eyes lit up with
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