All Chapters of A Contracted Affair. : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
122 Chapters
Fifty One
Tristan's pov She just stared at me like I was nuts I can't believe she is rejecting my kind gestures, "Just eat I won't scold you again" I assured her but she didn't move an inch. I groan and pull the chair to sit beside her, She turned and diverted her attention to her phone the reason why I'm overreacting is because I don't want any trouble. She could die for taking drugs without prescription and without food, "Open your mouth" I ordered and it sounded weird even to me, She ignored me still on her phone. "Adrianna don't do this" I warned and she sighed before keeping her phone, "I can feed myself Tristan leave me be" She retorted taking a piece of grape from the tray. "See, I'm not handicaped" She roll her eyes and I instantly gave up, "Fine make sure you finish every single meal on this plate" I stood up to leave. "Yes master" She mocked rolling her eyes, I left to take a shower today was really hectic and frustrating. Mr Gregory was whining about my work
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Fifty two
Adrianna's pov Rage!. That was all I could think of right now I really should have let Bonnie get to me maybe the ambulance would be on their way by now, and Mira I would have loved to break her waist so she wouldn't have kids for the rest of her life. Who needs kids from someone on a wheelchair anyways I'm sure her husband would divorce her, "I should breathe in and out" That's the only way to calm myself down right now I can imagine the damage I would have caused Mr Ford will reject me as his daughter in law. I chuckled when I imagined the look on their faces if they find out I'm a deranged psychopath in disguise, "Mom this is all for you" I don't want to keep crying over this but I can't help it, I shut the door and turned my back on the door I found myself going down after that. I pray this dressing room is soundproof like our room, I wipe the tears threatening to fall, I was still asleep on the couch when I heard a knock on the door I should have just ign
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Fifty three
Adrianna's pov I couldn't find Mira with the rest of the girls seems like she decided to stay away, I made pasta and this time I ordered the girls around. They should be grateful I'm even helping bunch of spoiled brats I'm sure they boast about cooking the meals behind my back, I'm starting get use to them a bit just like Tristan he's playful with them but he doesn't trust any of them. I'm starting to see why all though I'm also getting to know them I really need to be cautious, By the way Bonnie is being extra nice to me she even brought Anna along with her my guilts kicked in again. I called the sweet little thing a bastard I should have just called her Bitchy Bonnie instead but I really had to go deep, Now I'm regretting it I almost lost my conscience because of Mira. "Here you go" I ruffled Little Anna's hair she has being clingy to me like I was her mother, Bonnie says it's because we go by the same name so she thinks I'm unique or she probably sees me as her o
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Fifty four
Tristan's pov Is she trying to please me?, I really can't tell because I can't tell what was going on in her head. This is weird and awkward I really can't get use to it, "You will get use to it soon, Would you like a massage?" Okay what's going on. I stood up and collected the dryer from her I took her hand and pulled her close her chest collided into mine and she yelps with a flinch, Whatever game she was playing I'm certainly going to find out now. "Who put you up for this Mirinda?" I asked and she shook her head, "Then why are you doing this?" I groan her hand in my hair turned me on and I don't know how she did it but it happened, It's been a long time since I had any interest in stuff like that since Lyla I don't even fall for seduction by naked girls but just caressing my hair made me hard. It's almost unbelievable and I want to push those sinful thoughts forming in my head, Her lips slightly parted and I was tempted to insert my thumb in it and order her to
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Fifty five
Adrianna's pov I allowed him kiss me and I let him get into my head, I could have pushed him away or yelled at him when we were alone but I can't even face him. I asked for a raise so it wouldn't look as if I took it personal or I'm overreacting, things are definitely gonna get messy if I don't keep my mouth shut, God knows I'm still trying to take the scene off my head the way he kissed me.God this man can kiss and I can't recover from it, I avoided him for as long as I can and I'm happy he was doing the same too, He launched the Ai and we were done with our vacation. Part of me was glad to be done but I made friends with Bonnie and she thinks she'll see me again because of my demanding modeling job which is a blatant lie, If only they knew I'm not the person I claimed to be I'm sure they'll hate me and wouldn't want to speak to me ever again talk less to keep in touch with me. I saw Mira crying with her head on her thighs two days before our vacation was over,
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Fifty six
Adrianna's pov Is my life in danger?. I don't know what they are both capable of but Tristan doesn't seem like a bad guy, "Looks can be deceiving" My subconscious reminded me. "What have I gotten my self into?" I groan and bang my head on the bed repeatedly, This isn't getting better and I'm no longer comfortable with this I'm not comfortable in this house either. Screw Tristan and his cousin but I won't be taking any risk I'll change my apartment before mom recovers. I didn't notice my eyelids were getting heavier and I fluttered my eyelashes, I can't even bring myself to sleep and yet I wanted to, this whole thing is starting to get the most of me and I regret going on this stupid vacation I have never being to LA before not to talk of having such a luxurious manor to stay in. I loved the experience but it's not worth the trouble I'm facing right now, I wanted to delete the number but I only ended up saving it just in case he calls me another day so I'll kn
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Fifty seven
Adrianna's pov What in the world is going on here the both of them are glaring at each other, Kristy had those suspicious looks in her eyes while Tristan I have no idea what was going on in his head. "I'll be inside" Kristy pecked my cheeks and whispered, "Tell your boyfriend to leave we have alot to discuss" Then she left for the room. Tristan stood up and pivots toward me then stood in front of me, He was taller than I am even with my standard height and athletic body I don't stand a chance to Mr CEO and his bossy aura. Why is he giving me those haughty eyes?. "Your girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow, Wait now it makes sense a bit he thinks Kristy is my girlfriend and he is jealous?. "Are you jealous?" I smirk enjoying the look on his face, "Far from that, I don't want anything to go wrong our wedding will proceed sooner than you expected" He explained. "She is my best friend and I'm not dating anyone so you can rest assured that you can trust me" I smack his s
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Fifty eight
Adrianna's pov Kristy kept on blabbing about how I captured his heart or whatever, I wasn't listening my cold pizza wasn't helping either. "Are you done?" I mumbled and she groaned, "You weren't listening right?" I shook my head I have forgotten the name of the movie I'm supposed to be watching right now. Thanks to someone. "Ann you can't keep on doing this I know you're scared this might end up like before, I assure you Tristan is not him" She sounded so sure I had to divert my attention from the laptop to her. "You don't know him" I should remind her, "I know him enough from what you just told me honestly you could change this whole contract thing and just make it real" Oh my goodness she shouldn't go there I don't want that at all. "We won't be having this conversation again please" I begged and she sighed. "Fine you want to remain stuck with that asshole fine, You want to keep on mourning your loss fine I won't say anything about it again" If only she knows
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Fifty nine
Tristan's pov I sent my driver to pick her up from her house I know she'll still be with her best friend doing girly stuffs maybe gossiping about her trip to LA. Now standing in front of the glass walls in my office I watch pedestrians moving to and fro with so much energy I lack right now, Lyla always joked about how much of a loner I am or maybe she's right after all. Or maybe all I need is a spark to ignite my fire. I spotted my car driving into the parking lot and she stepped out looking really impressive, the dark shades made her look more mysterious to anyone who tries to recognize her. I do have a great eye for women because she was earning a lot of attention, She is wearing all blue even the jacket on her shoulders are blue and the color suited her perfectly. I heard a knock on my door and I mumbled a 'Come in', it's Enrique and I wonder what he is here to say because we've discussed all I need to know for now. " Sir, She is here to see you again" He info
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Sixty. Adrianna’s Pov. I was so shocked, that I lacked words to say at the moment...“Why did he kiss me?” I couldn’t help but wonder, but then—it was as if he read my thoughts and he cleared his throat weirdly. “Enrique was watching,” He said simply, but I narrowed my eyes at him without knowing what to say. “I just couldn’t give her an opportunity to notice anything suspicious between us right?” He shrugged, but I still didn’t reply. I really didn’t know if he was telling the truth or if it was his excuse—but I knew that single of act of his managed to send shivers down my spine. “This is how he managed to skip my questions,” I thought, staring at him absentmindedly. I sighed silently, as I kept on staring at him trying to know what else he was up to. My legs began to hurt and I had to sit down directly before him. “I’m not sure I can concentrate with you staring at me like that,” I heard him say, and I had to clear my throat nervously—diverting my attention elsewhere. I br
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