All Chapters of Contracted marriage with the Alpha Prince: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
52 Chapters
Erm.. financial prowess-
I sauntered into the quaint little store on the corner, its bell chiming cheerfully as I pushed the door open. The aroma of freshly baked croissants wafted through the air, instantly wrapping me in a warm, buttery embrace. I grinned, feeling victorious in my choice of the day's treat – two fragrant croissants that could rival the Eiffel Tower in their magnificence.With my delightful loot in hand, I practically skipped my way to Grandma's house, anticipation bubbling within me. As I approached her doorstep, I took a moment to compose myself, ensuring I presented the picture of the perfect granddaughter – or at least a granddaughter who occasionally remembered to bring something other than her quirky sense of humor.I knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, it swung open, revealing Grandma's skeptical expression. "Did you run out of money again?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.I rolled my eyes in mock offense. "Grandma, you wound me with your lack of faith in my financial prowe
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Grandma, wise beyond her years, observed my mini-meltdown with a mix of amusement and concern. She didn't press further, probably attributing my distress to a quirky episode of Mellisa Lane's unpredictable adventures. Little did she know, it was just the tip of the iceberg.Feeling a sudden chill, I closed my eyes, hoping to escape the bizarre reality that had become my existence. That's when it happened – a gentle caress on my cheek, a phantom touch that sent shivers down my spine. A vision materialized before me: a stunning woman with a warm smile. Oddly enough, I felt a pang of sadness, a fleeting emotion that left me disoriented.My phone buzzed annoyingly, and I eyed it with disdain, half-expecting another ridiculous turn of events. Sure enough, Jenny's name flashed on the screen, demanding my attention. With an exasperated sigh, I answered."What now, Jenny? Is there a sudden alien invasion, or have the squirrels declared war on humanity? I could really use a peaceful day."Jenn
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Dinner is served
I feigned a gasp, placing a hand on my chest. "Denise, darling, you flatter me!"Joe, caught in the crossfire of our banter. "Live comedy show."Denise, seemingly unamused. "Mellisa, your comedic tricks are as outdated as your fashion sense. I wouldn't be surprised if your next career move is a stint at the local clown academy."I was to reply her, but kind Larry grabbed our attention: “The main course was served in the form of acting out random scenarios.” The table buzzed with excitement as we eagerly anticipated our turn, and I exchanged an enthusiastic glance with Jenny. As we awaited our cue, the moderator, Gary, decided to spice things up a bit.Jenny and I, assuming we could choose our partners, raised our hands in unison. However, Gary had a different plan in mind."No, no, no. Let's add a touch of suspense to this performance, shall we?" Gary announced with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "We're going to do this fair and square. Draw lots, everyone!"I exchanged a bewilder
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Dinner is served (2)
With that parting shot, Denise leaned back in her chair, a triumphant smirk etched on her face. My patience wore thin, and my fists clenched involuntarily. Jenny, sensing the impending storm, swiftly intervened. Not the kind of intervention you’d expect. My Jenny knows me. “Ready.” Jenny leaned in. "Joe, darling, have you heard about Mellisa's desperate quest for fame? I mean, she's not exactly swimming in opportunities, and rumor has it she's open to, well, unconventional methods to land a role. You know, like cozying up to influential producers."“Aim.” Joe's face morphed into a shade of crimson that could rival a ripe tomato. His eyes darted between Denise and me, searching for an escape route from the awkward terrain she was attempting to navigate.Jenny whispered into my ears.“Fire.”I flashed my best innocent smile, batting my eyelashes exaggeratedly. "Oh, Denise, honey, you seem to have misunderstood. I don't need to resort to desperate measures for a job. Unlike some people
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Mate mark
He chuckled, a low, throaty sound that did nothing to ease my frustration. " You've been marked as the Anderson family's mate."I squinted at him. "Mate? That's absurd!"He grinned, enjoying my discomfort. "It's a spell, an ancient one. Apparently, someone in my family thought it would be amusing to have our chosen mates marked."I crossed my arms. "Amusing? I find it infuriating! How do I get rid of it?"Killian's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Ah, you see, that's the catch. It's not so simple. You'll have to invite me to dinner first. You didn’t invite me to dinner the first time we did it, I feel like you owe me one.""Did anybody tell you that you have an incredibly slappable face?"He leaned in, his lips dangerously close to my ear. "Consider it a small price to pay. Besides, I'm not just anyone; I'm the son of an Alpha. The process isn't as straightforward as pressing a delete button on a computer."I yanked my hand away, shaking my head. "I'm not buying into this. I need that mar
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As he said this, the thug and his exhausted accomplices decided they had had enough of the verbal sparring. They turned their attention toward me, charging in my direction. Panic set in as I frantically looked around for something – anything – that could serve as a makeshift weapon. I picked up the spatula. Damn it. I closed my eyes and Killian swiftly stepped in front of me. "I believe the lady has had enough excitement for one night. Why don't you take your circus act elsewhere?"Tony, undeterred, let out a menacing laugh. "You think you can stop us?"I stood there, staring wide-eyed as Killian morphed into this majestic wolf with fur that glistened like molten gold. It wasn't every day you witnessed a heartthrob transform into a creature from a fantasy novel. I had questions – so many questions – but before I could utter a single word, I realized why was the glasses there on his face. It was to keep his identity hidden. The other bunch, who moments ago were threatening to turn my
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Acceptance (2)
Oh my my, Richard may have enjoyed himself way too much. I liked him already.Killian sighed, a heavy sound that echoed in the kitchen. "I'll figure something out."As he hung up, a sudden realization hit me. "Operation Walk?"Killian nodded. "It's a pro bono fund for foot deformities.” “I know what that is.” “I've been supporting it for years."Shifting from werewolf showdowns to pro bono surgeries, to me, ice cream seemed to be the universal remedy for anything. I decided to take a walk the convenience store."Mom," I began, turning to my mother with a twinkle in my eye, "how about we indulge in some ice cream? Chocolate, perhaps?"Her eyes lit up, and a smile stretched across her face. "Oh, chocolate sounds delightful, dear. And maybe some extra sprinkles on top."I nodded, appreciating her choice of comfort food. With a glance at Killian, who still looked like he was wrestling with the weight of the world, I decided that a sweet distraction was in order."Come on, Killian," I sa
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Lunch with his parents
My eyes reluctantly fluttered open, and the first thing I saw was Killian's face mere inches from mine. Startled, I attempted a graceful roll to get away from the impending awkwardness, but grace was clearly not on my side. I tumbled off the sofa with a thud, my dignity taking a nosedive alongside me.Before I could process, Killian, wielding a sausage and a soup ladle with all the finesse of a makeshift morning alarm, knocked on the tent he'd generously pitched for my beauty sleep. "Wake up! Time to meet the parents and seal the deal. We're getting married!"Groaning, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, contemplating the life choices that had led me to this peculiar moment. Killian, ever the romantic, casually tossed an ironed dress my way, accompanying it with an insistence that I transform from a sleep-deprived mess into a blushing bride-to-be.He was taking me to his acquaintance. With my patience dangling by a thread and Tony, Killian's supposedly trusted makeup artist, turning my
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Lunch with his parents (2)
Killian's well-intentioned intervention only seemed to worsen matters. Mrs. Anderson's gaze shifted from skepticism to disbelief. "An abandoned warehouse? Really?"I nodded, attempting to muster an air of nonchalance. "Well, it had a certain post-apocalyptic charm. Plus, the rats were surprisingly good art critics.""And what about your family, Mellisa?" she inquired, her tone not betraying any warmth. The focus shifted, and suddenly, I was on the proverbial hot seat.I shot a glance at Killian, silently pleading for rescue. He cleared his throat, a subtle sign for me to let him handle it. Reluctantly, I allowed him to dive into the murky waters of my family background."Oh, Mellisa comes from a very... unique background," he began, choosing his words carefully. "Her adoptive parents have been pillars of support, and despite the unconventional circumstances, Mellisa has emerged as a strong and independent woman."If the room had a temperature gauge, it would have dropped a few degrees
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Lauren, Killian's poised cousin/baby sitter, seemed to be the director orchestrating the chaos. As we sifted through racks of dresses that seemed more suitable for a royal ball than a shotgun wedding, Lauren regaled me with tales of Killian's childhood escapades. It was like getting the inside scoop on the enigmatic leading man of a blockbuster movie. "You know," Lauren began, her fingers gliding over the sequins of a particularly extravagant gown, "when Killian was eight, he tried to impress a girl by climbing the tallest tree in the neighborhood. Ended up stuck there for hours until the fire department had to rescue him." I burst into laughter, imagining a pre-teen Killian perched precariously in a tree, all bravado and misplaced heroics. "Well, he's certainly mastered the art of making an impression." "That's one way to put it," Lauren agreed, shooting me a knowing smile. Lauren tilted her head, contemplating the idea. "You'd certainly be the talk of the town, but It won’t be lo
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