All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
352 Chapters
Chapter 311 Hug Me Instead
They chatted and laughed all the way to Jeddah, where the plane landed on a private airstrip.It was an expansive estate, like an oasis, with vast date palm groves and dense clusters of palm trees. In the center of the courtyard, there was an exquisite fountain pool. The elegant villa courtyard was lush with various exotic flowers and grasses. The estate had an ancient feel, exuding a heavy sense of history. Crystal lotus petal chandeliers hung in the curved corridors, adding to the beauty. The walls were covered in ivy, giving a verdant feel.The maids who greeted them were all dressed in black robes, black veils, and black sandals, the typical Arabian attire. They led them to the hall.Camellia greeted them cheerfully, earning a light laugh from them. One of them chuckled in English, "Master is going to have a headache again."Despite the scorching summer heat in Jeddah, the hall was refreshingly cool. Antonio, with his keen observation, noticed that the walls were carved from jade
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Chapter 312 Is It Hopeless
"Auntie, looks like your charm ain't cutting it anymore.""Nonsense. Look at this one, still completely charmed by me." Camellia gestured towards Herman with a charming smile. Her charm worked its magic on Herman.Grabbing Camellia's hand, Herman asked, "Wifey, didn't you say he's not as good-looking as me? Didn't you dump him a long time ago? Why are you getting close to him? You're lying to me.""As friends, it's been so long since we've seen each other. It's normal for me to miss him. Hugging is just basic courtesy, understand?" Camellia replied smoothly.Shaking his head, Herman pointed at Rose. "She didn't go hug him."Antonio and Henry suppressed a smile, while Rose gave a cold snort.Camellia played along, "Look at Rose, as cold as ice, who has she ever hugged? You'd have to be suicidal to let her hug you. How can you compare your wife to Rose?""Wifey, just stay like Rose. No need to be too friendly. I don't like it," Herman said gloomily, his mood dampened and his vibrant pur
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Chapter 313 You're Not Allowed To Leave Me
Edward nodded, a hint of pain crossing his cold gaze, almost too quick to catch. "My grandfather developed NV-1966 when he was young. At the time, my grandmother had liver cancer, and my grandfather was researching cell viruses to treat it. He locked himself in the lab, and nobody knew about it, because he knew the dangers of unleashing such a virus. However, an apprentice stole it and it fell into the hands of criminals, causing tens of thousands of deaths in the entire town of Siberia. He regretted it deeply. He dedicated his life to researching a cure for the 1966 virus, and only in his later years did he succeed. However, when we moved, some documents were left behind, and a few pages of the cure's records were missing. I have to take some time to fill in the gaps. Though the principles are the same, this particular strain is more complex. At the moment, I only have a rough idea, and I need to confirm it before testing it on you."Mr. Marcus looked at Edward, smiling calmly and fr
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Chapter 314 Love or Kill Him
Edward remained calm, not even raising an eyebrow. "Ridiculous."Herman innocently looked at Camellia, fearing her anger, and hurriedly waved his hand, "Honey, please don't be mad. Trust me, I love you the most and would never look elsewhere."Rose awkwardly looked away, her shoulders shaking as if trying to contain a burst of laughter. Miss Jessica calmly grabbed the tablecloth, nearly bursting into laughter, and Mr. Marcus's eyes twitched, wanting to laugh but feeling it was not proper. After all, Edward was the host, and they were guests.Henry choked on his coconut milk, spraying it in a new direction and coughing continuously."Ha ha..." In the eerie silence, only Antonio burst out laughing. He was usually carefree and indifferent, so this display of mirth was quite unexpected.Edward's eyebrow quirked in a slow, deliberate motion as his sharp gaze passed over Antonio. He then casually sipped his coffee.Herman, still oblivious to the consequences of his actions, innocently looke
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Chapter 315 To Kill Or Not To Kill
Edward smiled, "I'm certain you can't bear to kill him.""Joke's on you, there's no one I can't kill," Camellia retorted with a smile."I'm certain," Edward said in a serious tone, touching his chest as he continued, "Camellia, you take what you want, you destroy what you don't. I advise you that pride comes before a fall.""Don't beat around the bush, you're not any better," Camellia waved her hand dismissively, "You're just like us—me, you, Rose, Antonio. We're all cut from the same cloth. Take Herman, for example, he was just like us too."Edward just looked at her, not saying a word, his blue eyes piercing with a hint of intimidation, leaving Camellia feeling a bit restless, "You really have no idea when he might go back to the way he was before?""I don't know, such people are rare, there's no precedent to follow. Even if I've encountered them before, their situations are incomparable to Herman's," Edward spoke honestly."Is there a way to make him always stay as simpleton?" Came
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Chapter 316 He Returned To His Old Self
Herman slowly got up, his slender figure seemed to be soaked in the darkness of the night, creating a powerful aura that filled the room with a chilling sensation, a sense of danger. It was a tense and sharp pressure, as if it could cut a person into pieces inch by inch.Camellia's smile became more enchanting, but there was a fierce and menacing look in her eyes, a cold ruthlessness and hostility that couldn't be described, along with a complex determination. With that smile, Camellia resembled a poppy flower at the edge of a cliff.Beautiful, yet dangerous.The two faced off, neither speaking, seemingly competing to see whose aura was stronger. Their equally beautiful and dangerous gazes clashed fiercely in the air, sparking intense heat.This feeling was all too familiar.Just like that time in the underground sewer, both of them were ruthless, wanting to put the other in a life-threatening situation."Herman, do you want to kill me too?" she asked.They were of the same kind, and
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Chapter 317 Devil And Angel
When they arrived, Camellia was on top of Herman, punching him repeatedly, the fierceness in her punches sending shivers down Antonio and Mr. Marcus's spines.Suddenly, Herman kicked her fiercely in the stomach, causing Camellia to fall backward, almost landing on a piece of shattered glass. Rose moved forward to catch her, but Herman was quicker, cleverly grabbing her hand to help them both stand up from the ground. As they stood up, they both threw punches at each other, the impact intense, causing both of them to step back simultaneously.Rose supported her waist as Camellia struggled to stand upright, both of them panting heavily, looking disheveled.Herman's once handsome face was now a mess from the beating, and Camellia wasn't faring any better.Seeing Herman's expression, everyone knew he had returned to his original state.Truly a world of difference."You guys are quite intense," Antonio's voice was calm, witnessing Camellia being beaten like this for the first time, he foun
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Chapter 318 I'll Be Always With You
Jessica sat alone in the courtyard, Henry had wanted to accompany her, but it was already very late, Jessica told him to go back to sleep, so Henry could only go back to his room to rest. The night was hot, with hardly any breeze, and the outdoor temperature was unbearable, even wearing short sleeves, one would feel too hot. Unexpectedly, Jessica's limbs were ice cold, with thin cold sweat on her forehead, feeling no warmth at all.A penetrating coldness from the inside out, extremely uncomfortable, this feeling was like when Saxon told her she had a virus, waiting for Mr. Marcus to arrive.She was very scared.The night grew darker, already in the early hours of the morning, she thought several times about going to the study, but was afraid to approach, she knew all too well what it looked like when the virus acted up.When she had an outbreak, the pain was unbearable, she always felt like enduring was hard, but she wouldn't have to endure for long, Saxon would give her medication to
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Chapter 319 Personal Feud
The days passed quickly, and before they knew it, seven days had gone by.Camellia's injuries had healed completely, with no bruises visible on her face. She had made a full recovery, and Henry joked that his aunt was like an unkillable cockroach, recovering so quickly.After almost having her wrist ruined by Herman last time, Camellia's recovery was surprisingly swift this time as well.They might have expected her to have some sense of loss or emotional turmoil, but since waking up, Camellia had been smiling brightly, behaving just as she always had, showing no signs of distress. It was as if she had never encountered Herman at all.She hadn't mentioned Herman or Darling at all. It seemed as if that person had vanished forever from her world, with nothing worth mentioning. They had to deal with the matters of the First Terrorist Organization, and since they weren't in management positions, Camellia and Rose decided to stay in Jeddah.During this time, everything remained calm on the
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Chapter 320 Why Did He Hit You
"Is there still no sign of Brother Marcus awakening?" Camellia suddenly asked. She hadn't gone to the laboratory in these days, focusing on healing.Jessica hadn't gone either, ever since Edward mentioned feeling troubled by a woman, she was waiting for news without disturbing them in the lab.But she knew Mr. Marcus still hadn't woken up."Not yet, Edward said he'll stay like this until a cure is developed, relying on nutrients and sedatives, and those reagents I don't understand." Jessica smiled, she has gone from worried to calm."Brother Marcus is really going through a lot." Camellia felt some heartache. If she were to say who she loves most in this world, it's definitely not Darling, not Herman, but Mr. Marcus.Jessica shared the same sentiment. Everyone understood that Mr. Marcus's life was hanging by a thread, the seven-day deadline had passed, and he could only rely on medications to keep his heartbeat. Although she felt sorry for him, she felt helpless. Why was she fine whil
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