All Chapters of REKINDLED LOVE: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
191 Chapters
Chapter One hundred and Seventy One
Allegra’s PovAs I rush home, my mind races with the news I have to share with Xander. Silver's excitement, her fears, and the joy of the day all swirl together, fueling my eagerness to tell him everything. Bursting through the door, I find Xander engaged in conversation with Richard. I try to compose myself, but my excitement must be written all over my face because Xander notices immediately.“Hey, Allegra, you seem unusually eager. Everything okay?” he asks, his eyes studying me intently.I attempt to brush off his concern with a quick nod and a forced smile, but I know he sees through my facade. Making a quick excuse, I hurriedly retreated to our room, the anticipation of sharing the news with Xander making my heart race even faster.Alone in our room, I stand in front of the mirror, unable to contain the fluttering excitement within me. The image of Silver's joy and her new dances in my mind, and for a moment, I find myself imagining what it would be like to be in her shoes, to f
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Chapter One hundred and Seventy Two
Allegra’s PovI could see the pride in his eyes as I recounted the events of the day, and it only fueled my excitement further. “After that, we decided to make the most of the day,” I said, a grin spreading across my face. “We baked, we talked about our fun times, we watched the latest K drama”He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close, and pressed a tender kiss to my forehead. “You have such a big heart, Allegra,” he murmured, his voice filled with adoration. “I'm so lucky to have you in my life.”I nestled into his embrace, feeling content and loved. “And I'm lucky to have you,” I whispered, my heart swelling with affection. “Now, how about we make our own memories tonight?” I teased, a mischievous twinkle in my eye.He chuckled, his fingers tracing patterns on my skin. “I like the sound of that,” he replied, his voice husky with desire. “But first, let me show you just how much I appreciate everything you do.”And with that, our evening unfolded, filled with laughter, love, a
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Chapter One hundred and Seventy Three
Allegra’s PovXander's words left me feeling both proud and apprehensive. I couldn't deny the strength of my powers, but the responsibility weighed heavily on my shoulders. Everyone seemed to understand why the strangers had chosen me, but doubts lingered in my mind.“Let's go as soon as possible,” I declared, eager to lend my assistance. “The sooner we get there, the sooner I can help the alpha and come back home.”Xander's reaction was unexpected, his hesitation palpable as he exchanged glances with Richard. Something didn't add up, but I decided not to press the issue, sensing Xander's reluctance to share more. Instead, I offered to wait until he felt more comfortable before leaving.“Well, I'm not that eager,” I assured him, forcing a smile. “We can leave whenever you think it's okay.”He chuckles sadly and mutters under his breath if it were up to me, you wouldn't leave at all, but it's not.He thinks I don't hear him, but I do hear him. Xander's response only deepened my confusi
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Chapter One hundred and Seventy Four
Allegra’s PovAs Xander held me in his arms, his words washed over me like a soothing balm, reassuring and yet tinged with an undercurrent of sadness. “Allegra, you mean everything to me,” he murmured, his voice husky with emotion. “I would never do anything that I know isn't for your benefit. Every decision I've ever made, every action I've taken, has been to keep you safe.”His declaration filled me with a sense of warmth and security, but beneath the surface, a nagging doubt lingered, fueled by the melancholy in his voice. “Xander, are you sure you're okay?” I asked softly, searching his eyes for any sign of turmoil. “You seem… troubled.”He hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering away before returning to meet mine. “I'm fine, Allegra,” he replied, his voice tinged with forced reassurance. “As long as I have you by my side, I'll always be fine.”But his words rang hollow, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling me. “Xander, please,” I pressed
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Chapter One hundred and Seventy Five
Xander’s PovAs the realization dawned on me that the strangers were from Allegra's former pack, my heart plummeted, a sense of dread washing over me like a tidal wave. Memories of our life together flashed before my eyes, each moment etched in vivid detail, reminding me of the bond we shared and the trials we had overcome.I found myself seated in the living room, engaged in hushed conversation with the strangers, my mind racing with a thousand questions and fears. I couldn't bear the thought of Allegra leaving our pack, our home, our life together, to return to a past that held nothing but pain and uncertainty.“Why now?” I demanded, my voice low and tinged with anger. “Why does the Greenwood Pack need her now? Allegra can't help you, and I won't let her leave my pack and my life.”One of the strangers bristled at my words, their frustration palpable. “We're not asking you to let her stay at Greenwood Pack permanently,” they explained, their tone pleading. “We just require her to he
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Chaptet One hundred and Seventy Six
Xander’s PovAs I descended the stairs, my mind was preoccupied with how Allegra is feeling concerning my strange behavior, but I know I can't tell her the reason I'm behaving like this. Richard, and Silver were already gathered, and I acknowledged them with a nod, though my focus remained distant, especially on Allegra. There was a weight on my shoulders as I began the meeting.“I've brought you three here because you're the pillars of this pack,” I started, my voice reflecting the gravity of the situation. “The visitors we received are from Greenwood Park.”The mention of Greenwood Park seemed to stir curiosity, especially from Richard. Richard gives me a surprised look asking if they were perfect to the greenwood pack. With a heavy heart I sigh, “Yes, they're from Greenwood Park,” I confirmed, my tone somber. “Their pack is in turmoil. Their alpha is teetering on the edge of losing control after the death of his mate.”I saw empathy flash in Allegra's eyes as she absorbed the news
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Chapter One hundred and Seventy Seven
Xander’s PovImmediately the sharp reply leaves my mouth, I regret it instantly.The hurt in her eyes pierced through me, a painful reminder of the distance that had grown between us. I wanted to reach out, to pull her close and tell her everything, but fear held me back. So, I sat in silence, drowning in the weight of my secrets, longing for the courage to let her in.Allegra leaves the room, probably to prepare dinner. I lay in the bed wishing I could take back the way I spoke to her and wishing I could tell her why I'm behaving like this, but the fear of not knowing how she'll respond and if she'll be too angry and want to leave me, keeps me tongue-tied.When I finally emerged from the living room, the tension between us weighed heavily on my shoulders. We ate in silence, each bite feeling like a heavy burden, knowing that my earlier actions had only served to push Allegra further away. As the night dragged on, guilt gnawed at me, keeping sleep at bay and leaving me restless and un
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Chapter One hundred and Seventy Eight
Allegra’s PovOne afternoon, as I provided guidance to the pack member starting her business venture, my thoughts kept drifting back to the strangers who sought our help. Can I truly make a difference in saving their alpha? Doubt gnaws at me, fueled by the fear of failure, making me hesitate to share with Xander the opportunity to aid the Greenwood Pack. But I'm brought back to the present when the woman greets me.Apologizing for my momentary distraction, I focus entirely on her. After our conversation, I couldn't resist asking her what gave her the courage to embark on such a risky endeavor. Her response strikes a chord within me. She confesses to feeling afraid initially, allowing fear to hold her back. Yet, she realized that pursuing her dream was worth the risk, and she took the leap because she knew she'd never forgive herself if she didn't try.Her words resonate deeply within me, stirring something dormant. If she could find the courage to chase her dreams despite her fears, t
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Chapter One hundred and Seventy Nine
Allegra’s PovAs we step into the heart of the Greenwood Pack, the atmosphere is heavy with despair and suffering. It's as if the darkness that has consumed their alpha has seeped into every corner of the community, leaving behind a sense of hopelessness that hangs in the air like a shroud. My heart aches at the sight of the pack members, their spirits broken, and their faces etched with pain.As we approach the alpha's house, the dilapidated state of the building is a stark reminder of the chaos that has engulfed the pack. It's difficult to believe that anyone could live in such squalor, and I can't help but wonder what horrors await us inside.The strangers accompanying us signalled their guards to stay close, a silent indication of the danger that lies ahead. “This is where we leave you,” one of them says solemnly, their voice heavy with warning. “But you must be cautious. The alpha is powerful and unpredictable. He has injured many who have tried to confront him.”Xander scoffs at
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Chapter One hundred and Eighty
Xander’s PovI'm getting sick and tired of fighting, and the alpha is proving to be stronger than I thought.I feel frustration and anger bubble within me. I feel a surge of power building deep within my core. It's like the tempest brewing beneath the surface, threatening to erupt at any moment. I know that if I lose control, it could spell disaster for us all.Desperate to regain my composure, I try to focus, but the chaos of battle surrounds me, making it difficult to concentrate. Allegra's voice breaks through the din, her words barely audible over the clamor.“Xander, you need to calm down!” she shouts, her concern evident in her voice. “We need him alive!”Her words jolt me back to reality, and I realize that I can't let my emotions get the better of me. With a deep breath, I summon all of my strength and willpower, channeling it into a single, focused intention.And then, in a sudden burst of raw energy, I unleash my power, not to harm the Alpha but to hold him down with an unse
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