All Chapters of The Alpha’s Auctioned Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
109 Chapters
Chapter 41
Alaric’s POV“Goddess!” I spluttered, shocked into consciousness by cold liquid.I took in the scene before me at once. Ava was standing over me, silhouetted by the light streaming in from the window behind her, a deadly smirk was playing on her lips as she tossed a bucket beside –Even more shocking I realized this wasn't my room as I turned to the bucket Ava had thrown. Alana was sitting up beside me as well, she'd received the brunt of the liquid assault and was completely drenched.She coughed dejectedly as she picked the bucket up from her lap and put it on the floor.“Ava what the hell is this?” I turned on her, shock, anger and confusion swimming in my body, I was almost unable to comprehend things through the splitting headache that was clouding my vision.“Alaric, what the hell is this?” Ava snarled, throwing my question back in my face.I felt water drip down my chin and anger rise above all the other emotions.“Ava I asked you a question! How dare you pour cold water all ov
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Chapter 42
Alaric’s POVI walked briskly towards my room, my form rigid with barely contained anger.But I should have known that Ava wouldn't stop dogging me.“Alaric you will NOT walk out on me like that! After how many years together how can you do this to me!” She screamed.And all the way to my room she kept screaming.I felt a growl build up in my throat as I walked the last few steps to my room door.What sort of a nagger was this? Was this how I was going to live the rest of my life if I married her?“Alaric! I'm talking to you!”I pushed my door open and stepped in quickly. I attempted to lock the door behind me but Ava was right there, she pushed against the door with such strength I resigned to my fate and decided it wasn't worth hurting her.I moved to the bathroom, taking off my shirt as I went. But she rushed to stand in front of me.“Alaric! Is this how you now act towards me!” Her voice came down an octave but it was lost on me, I still heard the shrieking that I'd been hearing f
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Chapter 43
Alana’s POVMy whole body was shaking uncontrollably. I slid down from the bed to the floor and drew my knees up to my chest.My mind was roaming all over the place. What had just happened? What was this going to mean? Why didn't they let me explain? All of this could have been avoided!I felt very hopeless. What was going to befall me?I rocked back and forth, hugging my soaked self as I felt cold to my bones.I didn't know when tears started streaming down my face. When I felt the extra wetness on my face I became confused.Why was I crying? What had happened wasn't enough to provoke tears… or wasn't it?A knock suddenly sounded on my door and I jumped up in shock.Oh no.I wiped my face hurriedly.“Wh – who is it?” My voice was irritatingly tiny and shaky.I cleared my throat. It couldn't be Ava. If it was her she wouldn't have bothered knocking. With that knowledge in mind I stepped forward more boldly“Who is it?” My voice was still shaky.“It's Maryann, I came to find out if I c
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Chapter 44
Ava’s POVI felt my heart sink.I looked into Alaric's eyes which were just a few inches from mine.I saw something flicker in his eyes for a second but then it was gone and the cold hard darkness within was exposed as proof that he meant every word he'd said.No…He stepped back and his hands stopped holding me still.“Alaric how can you say that?” My voice came out in a ragged whisper.My head was spinning.So this subtle seed that'd surfaced last night was real? Alaric really had thoughts of breaking up with me? “Ava, I'm sorry but…” his face turned earnest and his palms came together in a pleading gesture and then opened palm up, “... You have to meet me halfway here. A relationship shouldn't be the way ours has been for the past few days. If I say something, you should trust me enough to believe me.”I moved dizzily to his desk which was a few feet from the bathroom door and sat in the chair. How could I contain myself after what he'd just said? “You keep talking about how long
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Chapter 45
Jay's POV“It's Jay guys.” I muttered into the intercom as I arrived at the palace gate.The gate buzzed open and I entered.I'd decided to come and see if Alaric had slept in the bushes as Mike had predicted last night.I looked over the rose bushes and sure enough he wasn't there.I chuckled, wondering what had become of him. But then I caught myself and stifled my laughter. I couldn't be deriving pleasure in anything that brought mockery to the future alpha. "Focus, Jay." I made a mental reminder.I quickened my steps. I had to find him quickly incase he'd ended up in a compromising situation.I decided to go to the maids’ station first. They always had all the latest gossip. And they would have gone to serve him breakfast by that time so if he wasn't in his room they would tell me. And most importantly, if there was anything suspicious I was sure I'd definitely hear about it.“Excuse me.” I bellowed as I arrived at the door into the kitchen. Everyone paused what they were doing a
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Chapter 46
Ava’s POV I sniffled as I let Alaric carry me onto his lap.“I'm sorry.” He murmured, wrapping me in his arms.Warmth filled up my skin as I cuddled up to him and kept up the act by sniffing at intervals. I felt euphoric, having succeeded in my plan. Alaric was mine forever now.“I'm so sorry babe.” He kept muttering as he patted my head and rubbed my back.I nodded, holding him with my eyes. “I– it's okay.” I hiccuped. “Just– don't ever leave me. I – I love you so much.” My voice sounded tiny. Yet it was truth, every single word I said.“Are you okay?” Alaric murmured, bending his head to look into my face.I glanced at him and nodded, tracing a line down his bare chest. His eyes glazed and I felt at ease knowing I still had that level of control over him.“Yeah I'm fine.” I said in the tiny voice again and hiccuped. There was no way I would ever let him go again. Every single moment in his presence from now on, I would use my charm to make him more attached to me. Either by my word
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Chapter 47
Alaric’s POVI rolled my eyes as I stepped onto the palace grounds. Ava was always having mini emergencies like this.Because of lipgloss, or mascara or lipliner or foundation brush or some such thing.She must consider it an immediate emergency that she'd ruined her makeup with crying and that was why she ran all the way down here to beg me to help her. I sighed. What could man do when he had a woman overwhelmingly so delicate?I waved at a guard doing rounds and took a shortcut to the section of shrubs beneath my room window.The flowers reminded me of Jay. He loved walking in the garden. I wondered what he was up to now. My mind went back to the events of this ever so pure morning…I shut my eyes and stood for a moment so the scent of the flowers could calm me a bit.That feeling of rabid fear as Ava had held the knife over her head, aiming perfectly for her stomach, suddenly revisited me and I felt a tremor move through my body. That was a very delicate situation, should have bee
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Chapter 48
Ava’s POVI giggled with glee as I saw Alaric look at Alana again, his brow creased.Was it just me or had he looked uncomfortable during he and Jay's conversation?I put my hand over my mouth so they wouldn't hear me giggling and watched as Alaric hightailed it out of there.I shut the window carefully, deciding not to bother myself with whatever Jay and Alana decided to be up to. It was none of my business. As long as they were keeping each other busy away from my Allie, I was perfectly fine.I couldn't help being giddy, I tried to contain my excitement knowing that Alaric was on his way up but it was hard! This was the first real breakthrough I was having where Alana was concerned, and it made me feel like I was on cloud nine.I let out another giggle as I settled myself on Alaric's desk chair, facing the door and crossing my legs. I sipped my tea gently, grateful that I hadn't spilled all of it on my way up. Ohh life could be quite enjoyable when the trash took itself out. Alana
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Chapter 49
Alana’s POV“Well I have to go inside now and get ready for the rest of my lectures, I can't just miss the whole day.” I smiled up at Jordan.He nodded.“That's a great idea. See you later then. It's been really nice talking to you.”“Same here. See you around.” I waved at him as I turned to leave.He gave his usual small smile and waved back at me.I bounced giddily back to the palace and to my room. It'd been really great chatting with Jordan. He was chill and had a deep understanding about life. He seemed like he was a bit reserved and I was glad he'd come out of his shell for me. He'd really made me feel better about the Alaric and Ava situation. I hoped I'd get a lot more chances to spend time with him.I stopped by the kitchen.As I stood in the doorway, I felt a little nervous. I still hadn't gotten used to the fact that I was no longer a member of the servant category and someone of my current station didn't have to participate in menial kitchen tasks. Everytime I saw them wor
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Chapter 50
Alana’s POVWe both turned around to see the intruder. It was Josephine.Her eyes widened as she realised she'd interrupted something.“G– good morning my Prince. I – I – uh – miss Alana – br– breakfast –”“Urgh!” Alaric growled and pushed away the one of the sofas we were closest to and stormed out of the room.I blinked rapidly and swallowed, frozen in place by confusion and shock.Josephine looked to me, then out the door, then back to me again.I moved slowly to the bed-sofa and sat down dazedly. What the heck had just happened?I heard Josephine move towards me and felt the sofa dip beside me as she sat down.“Ma'am?” She whispered.But it didn't register in my head. I was too occupied trying to decipher what had just happened.“Miss Alana?” She called again.What did he mean by I would've listened to Jay over him? Was this some sort of competition? But Jay and I had just met…“Miss Alana?” Josephine continued to whisper desperately.Was he in a bad mood and that had just been tr
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