All Chapters of Winner Takes All: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
646 Chapters
Chapter 481
Aldus?Austin was utterly shocked.At this moment, the entire hall seemed to fall silent.All the shouts, cries, and jeers vanished abruptly.Austin stood there dumbfounded. He stared in horror at Brian, who had already descended from the ring.He had been suspicious after seeing Brian's wrestling techniques earlier.After receiving confirmation from Brian, Austin felt like he was in a daze.Did Brian just say that the person who walked out of The Grave Prison 10 years ago was Aldus?How was Brian related to Aldus?He wondered why Brian and Aldus had the same wrestling techniques.Not to mention he was even more proficient and formidable than Aldus.One after another, these questions swarmed Austin's mind. Soon, Brian's voice rang out again. "Oh, by the way, today's the first!" Austin felt like lightning had struck him. Instantly, he snapped to his senses. The first?Did that mean there were only 14 days left until the 15th? At this moment, he suddenly felt a
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Chapter 482
They had to admit that Austin was indeed powerful.At least, none of the people in this cell could compare to him.In the law of the jungle, the weak ones could only bow down to the strong ones."Nashville."Austin, whose eyes were closed, suddenly opened his eyes.His sharp gaze made Nashville tremble. Nashville felt a sense of fear creeping into his heart. Terrified, he looked at Austin. "Mr. Campbell, h-how can I help you?"They began to address Austin with respect. "Come here," Austin said.A hint of panic flashed across Nashville's eyes, but he still cautiously approached Austin.He hadn't fully recovered from the injury that Austin had given him. Hence, he was struggling to walk. His mouth twitched with pain as he moved forward."Mr. Campbell."Nashville respectfully stood before Austin.Austin asked, "What's the way to leave The Grave Prison?"Nashville was utterly taken aback. The four prisoners, who were standing in front of the door, were dumbfounded too.
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Chapter 483
Austin's laughter echoed within the cell.Nashville and the other four prisoners were all stunned.They wondered if Austin had lost his mind.Nashville felt somewhat speechless.He thought Austin would back down after he made himself clear enough.He never expected this outcome!In the prison, the hierarchy of each cell was also related to the strength of the leader in the cell.The higher the ranking of the leader, the higher the status and resources they could share within the cell.Before Austin arrived, Nashville was the strongest individual in the cell. But he was nothing compared to all the other leaders.However, Austin's display of strength over the past three days had significantly boosted their cell's ranking.If Austin were to be killed, their cell's status would decline to what it was before.So, Nashville advised again, "Mr. Campbell, please think twice. All the 10 leaders are as strong as Brian."Austin furrowed his brow.But the determination in his eyes gre
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Chapter 484
Meanwhile, thunderous roars and cheers had filled the hall once again.Two figures stood on the spacious ring.The inmates' recreational time had passed.However, the position of the district leader was supreme within the prison. Even the management trod carefully around them. They were wary of their power and influence.With the leaders' support and prestige, they could incite a riot within the district at any time. Challenging the leaders to a deathmatch was no doubt a significant matter within the district. Everyone cheered, their faces flushed with excitement.No one had expected that a newcomer would repeatedly stir up waves of excitement within The Grave Prison. The once quiet and lifeless prison had suddenly come alive in just a few short days. "Barette, kill him! You must kill him!" "Barette, don't be like Brian. Act like a man and kill him directly!" "Hurry up and fight! I want to see you twist this bastard's head off and kick it like a ball!" …Compared to
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Chapter 485
Fresh red blood scattered across the arena like wine stains.Austin felt a wave of panic wash over him.He was taken aback by the gap between his and Barette's strength.He knew that Brian had been holding back during their fight. But he believed he had a chance of winning even if Brian went full out.Besides, according to what Brian and the others had said, Barette's strength was not far off from Brian's.He thought he might be able to defeat Barette.Austin didn't expect Brian to go so easy on him in their fight just now!Deafening cheers erupted in the cells.They turned this deathmatch into a long-lost raucous celebration.Barette stood his ground. He didn't press his advantage.His ferocious face was full of disdain. "You couldn't even withstand one punch. How are you going to defeat me?"Barette's confidence surged after he saw Austin waver from his attackHe turned to face the furious Brian, who was standing at the gate.Then, he shrugged and said calmly, "Brian, I'
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Chapter 486
Austin threw a pitiful look at Barette, as if he were mocking him.Barette's expression sank for a second before monstrous anger appeared on his face.His eyes turned red, and veins could be seen popping out across his face.The muscles on his body were even making clicking sounds as they tensed up from intense anger.As the de-facto leader within the prison, his reputation was not built upon by the praises of others, but it was built upon by the death of his victims.Not a single soul within the prison could match Barette in terms of physical strength or speed.Even Brian had to be more careful than usual when dealing with him.And yet a newcomer was already making such snarky remarks after barely avoiding his attacks."You…! Wanna die?" shouted Barette.Barette rushed toward Austin like a human tank with terrifying speed. He raised his hands and started to strike with his palms.Austin was surprised, but he managed to maintain his composure. "That's like a sumo wrestler…"
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Chapter 487
Amidst the uproar, all the inmates were thinking of the same thing. They wondered if Austin had gone crazy.A double hammer fist from Barette was powerful enough to crush even the toughest skull.And yet, Austin would pounce forward and meet the attack head-on rather than defend himself in such a grave situation.Many of the inmates could not help but close their eyes or look away as they realized that Austin was going head-to-head against Barette's attack.They were already expecting that Austin's head would be crushed into pieces like a watermelon.At the entrance of the prison, Brian suddenly smiled. "What desperation… This actually reminds me a lot of Aldus."When Austin rushed toward Barette, a trace of surprise could be seen flashing within Barette's eyes.Neither Brian nor any of the leaders from the nine other prison districts would have dared to face his hammer fist head-on like Austin.This newcomer sure was arrogant! Barette's fists did not slow down despite his co
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Chapter 488
Austin's calm demeanor in the face of danger was enough to convince everyone of his victory.Brian, who was still at the prison's entrance, shouted, "Bring Barette to the doctors."One of his men was taken by surprise as he explained, "But sir, the inmates aren't allowed to be given access to the medical facilities!" Everyone involved with the prison had already gotten accustomed to seeing corpses being moved out of the prison on the daily.Inmates within the prison were locked up like wild beasts and were denied any basic rights, including the right to receive medical treatment.Not even the leader of the prison could regain such rights.Even if Barette were to die, he would just be tossed out of the prison as a cold corpse like any other.Brian's expression sank as he shouted, "Rules are made to be broken. Just do as I say!"The rest of his team was slightly frightened, and no longer tried to argue with Brian. They immediately ran into the ring and carried the unconscious Ba
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Chapter 489
The man was none other than Barette!Austin frowned as he immediately stood up.He wondered if Barette was let into his cell by the wardens.Upon closer look, he realized that the cell's iron bars were already twisted out of shape.It was apparent that Barette had torn apart the iron bars by brute force alone to force his way inside.Nashville was visibly horrified as he asked, "What do you want, Barette?"The other four inmates within the cell were already cowering in the corner.Even if he was no longer the alpha wolf of the prison now, Barette's presence was still very much traumatizing for the inmates.Suddenly, Barette knelt down on one knee and angrily exclaimed, "Thank you… For sparing me."Austin was startled. "You're not here for revenge?"Nashville and the other inmates were similarly surprised and confused.Barette shook his head and explained, "I've come to thank you. Nobody would have faulted you if you had killed me after our deathmatch… But you spared my life.
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Chapter 490
Barette's eyes lit up as he smiled. "I've been the leader of the 9th district for two years now… I consider myself at the very least knowledgeable about the other nine leaders of the other districts. I am aware of some of their weaknesses."Although it won't be enough to secure a victory for you, I'm sure knowing about their weaknesses would still increase your chances of winning, Austin. Besides, I'm also friends with the fifth and the tenth district's Fenrir and Fallen Angel respectively…"He finished his explanation and just stared at Austin with anticipation.Austin greeted him with a casual smile. "I see. I'll allow you to stay by my side from now on."Being able to learn about the weaknesses of his opponents in advance would indeed increase his chances of winning.At the very least, Austin would not have to test the waters with the risk of injury like his deathmatch with Barette today.He also understood the implications behind Barette's words.It meant that he could even
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