All Chapters of Winner Takes All: Chapter 621 - Chapter 630
642 Chapters
Chapter 621
"You've got some nerve, you bastard!"As soon as the call connected, angry cursing erupted from the other end.Austin wasn't surprised listening to Terry's tirade.The entire Emerson family believed he killed Itijah, so this reaction was normal.Compared to the bounty from the Shadow Web Syndicate, this anger was nothing.Austin spoke calmly, "His death had nothing to do with me.""Ha, nothing to do with you? Are you joking?"Terry's voice seethed with anger, "That night at the gate of the Heavensgate Residence, I heard exactly what you said! Do you think saying it had nothing to do with you will let my dad rest in peace? Hah, weren't you always so tough? So arrogant and domineering? Why are you saying this now?"There was suddenly a tone of superiority and disdain in his words.Terry continued, "Oh, I get it. You must've heard about the bounty from the Shadow Web Syndicate, right? Now you're scared? Finally realize the world isn't as small as you thought, huh?"Too late! Eve
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Chapter 622
"What about going out?" Austin asked.Aldus showed a hint of helplessness. "We'll have to rely on the team's coordination."He knew that feeling safe at home was only part of the equation. No one could stay indoors forever.Once you step outside, the risks become much greater and more unpredictable."I'll try to go out less," Austin said, feeling that the food had lost its taste. After a couple of bland bites, he put down his spoon."Sir, is my cooking bad?" Aldus asked."You didn't use any salt."Aldus was at a loss for words.He really couldn't cook but with just him and Austin in the house, he couldn't let Austin cook for him, right?"It's fine. With the assassination threat, I don't have much of an appetite anyway."Austin leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head. "Aldus, there's something I've been thinking about since we got back. Let's talk now.""Please, sir."Aldus continued eating as they talked.Austin rubbed his slightly swollen nose and said, "The Shadow
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Chapter 623
Lunch was tasteless.The old man's assassination attempt signaled the beginning of the hunt and indicated that the assassination contract posted by the Shadow Web Syndicate had become more complex.Austin could almost picture a zombie siege scenario.10 billion dollars!With such a massive bounty, it is hard to believe that many people would resist the temptation to turn into monsters.In the afternoon, the hundred-member team of bodyguards finally arrived.Dozens of helicopters roared as they flew into Heavensgate Residence. The scene was impressive, causing quite a stir in the neighborhood.Fortunately, Aldus had informed Jacob in advance, and the residence's management maintained order.One by one, security devices were unloaded from the helicopters.Looking at the mountains of security devices and the swarm of bodyguards, Austin felt like they were going to transform Heavensgate Residence completely.But in a way, this was good. The complex procedures brought a greater se
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Chapter 624
"Sir, just rest for a bit. Don't be too tense. Do what you normally do in your room, just like always," Aldus said, patting Austin on the shoulder and speaking softly.But his words turned heavy at the end, "Leave the rest to me and the guys outside.""Thank you for your hard work."Austin nodded and waited for the door to close before slowly walking to the window.The sun was setting, and the streetlights outside were coming on. Looking out, he saw an unusual stillness and emptiness in Heavensgate Residence.At this point, all he could do was trust Aldus and the others. There was nothing else he could do."This feeling is back. I really hate it," Austin muttered to himself, filled with frustration.He had worked so hard to avoid being powerless in the face of life's challenges, but he still couldn't escape the tides.His mother's death had changed him. Yet, despite his ruthless, decisive nature, he was still powerless. He even had to send his wife far away for safety.The tho
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Chapter 625
Aldus was cursing, but his tone, orders, and expression all conveyed the terror of this mercenary group.Austin took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.But damn it, how could he stay calm?An assassination attempt had dragged in a mercenary team. How could they defend against this?Gunfire echoed from the distance.The dozen bodyguards in the hallway turned and set up points to cover the retreating personnel.This was no longer an ordinary assassination and defense scenario. It had turned into a full-scale armed conflict.Aldus's face was grim, his eyes flickering as if deep in thought.Austin sat down on the hallway floor, the gunshots fraying his nerves. He knew that in such a battle, he had to fully trust Aldus and the team. Getting involved himself would only make things worse."Boss, they're pulling back!" a voice shouted from one of the rooms.Austin instinctively glanced toward the room facing the entrance of Heavensgate Residence, the direction from which the gunfire
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Chapter 626
Without any pause, another deafening gunshot rang out.The sudden noise made Austin's eardrums ache.Immediately after, he saw two fingers emerge from the room, signaling to the bodyguards nearby."One shot, one kill. That's our boss!" the bodyguards exclaimed with joy and excitement.Austin also let out a sigh of relief.He had always known Aldus was skilled in hand-to-hand combat.But upon reflection, it would be absurd for a legendary soldier to dominate battlefields with just hand-to-hand combat. Firearms were likely Aldus's true expertise!In the distance, following the two sniper shots, the barrage of gunfire abruptly paused. But Aldus didn't give the enemy any chance to recover.Bang!Bang!Bang!…The sniper shots came like a barrage of cannon fire, with very short intervals between them.But Austin clearly saw the hand in the room repeatedly raising and bending fingers, signaling each successful shot.One shot, one kill! Every bullet hit its mark.Meanwhile, foo
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Chapter 627
"Boss, they're advancing! Approximately 50 men with heavy weapons!"The report from a bodyguard downstairs sent a chill through Austin and Aldus.Aldus's earlier flawless shots had significantly depleted the Grim Guard Mercenaries. Even if there were around 50 left, the bodyguard team still had a numerical advantage.What truly alarmed them was the mention of "heavy weapons"!This was supposed to be just an assassination mission!No one had anticipated it would escalate into an assault by a transnational mercenary force.Even Aldus's initial preparations had focused on defensive and detection devices. While they had light weapons, they hadn't prepared any heavy weaponry!For a typical assassination, even the best assassins could be handled with numbers, equipment, and an array of light arms.But against mercenaries equipped with heavy weapons, only heavy weapons could counter them!"We need to retreat!" Aldus decided swiftly."Sir, where is this place you mentioned?""The Te
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Chapter 628
In his sight, the helicopter was getting closer and closer.Whoosh!Suddenly, a burst of fire, wrapped in thick smoke, flew across the night sky."Get down!"Aldus shouted as he forcefully pushed Austin to the ground.Boom!The helicopter ahead exploded into a massive ball of flames, a mushroom cloud rising into the sky."Damn it, fall back!"Aldus cursed, getting up first and helping Austin to his feet. But this movement made Aldus rise faster than everyone else.Bang!A deafening sound rang in Austin's ear, causing sharp pain in his eardrums.His half-crouched body jolted violently, and his vision was instantly blurred by blood. Yet he felt Aldus beside him shudder violently and then go still.Austin's mind exploded with a loud boom, his eyes widening as he slowly looked up.At that moment, time seemed to slow down. Everything moved at a crawl.In his vision, Aldus was still standing, but his chest was soaked with blood, a small stream gushing out.From beginning to en
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Chapter 629
"Sir!"The bodyguards around him turned pale with fear.Bullets flew. The air roared with the sound of gunfire.Yet, in that moment, it was as if time stood still.Aldus knelt in defeat, feeling the blood draining from his body.He knew that he would die today. But he didn't care. Walter had saved his life, and if he had to give it up now for Austin, so be it."At least… at least I've bought some time," Aldus thought with a bitter smile.His hands holding the gun began to tremble, and even pulling the trigger became a slow, labored task.This was a sign of severe blood loss.But even with his last breath, he would stop the Grim Guard Mercenaries with his men.Walter had said it!Anyone could die. But Austin must not die!At that moment, a shout came from behind."Cover me!"It was Austin's voice.Aldus's body jolted, and his foggy consciousness snapped back to clarity.He turned abruptly and saw Austin breaking out of the bodyguard protection circle, charging toward him
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Chapter 630
At that moment, a bodyguard had already started up the helicopter, the rotor blades whirring and kicking up a fierce wind.Whoosh!An ear-piercing whistle overhead. Thick smoke, trailing flames.Boom!A rocket-propelled grenade struck the helicopter.In a deafening explosion, the helicopter turned into a massive mushroom cloud of flames, debris flying everywhere."Damn it!" Austin cursed angrily.Seeing another helicopter further away, he furrowed his brow deeply.Starting up a helicopter took time, making it an easy target for the Grim Guard Mercenaries.In an instant, Austin gritted his teeth and changed direction, charging into the villa with Aldus on his back.Bullets flew everywhere. People keep falling. Finally, Austin reached the garage.A Porsche 911, its front end still showing signs of collision damage, was parked inside.Austin shoved Aldus into the passenger seat, then quickly climbed into the driver's seat.Vroom!With the engine roaring to life, Austin floor
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