Semua Bab His Rejected Queen: Bab 81 - Bab 88
88 Bab
Chapter 81.:
“Is everything okay?” Daniel asked the next morning when Ariana got out of bed. She couldn’t sleep yesterday. The celebrations lasted well into the night and Ariana didn’t feel like going back to the hall. She had a lot to think about. Most of all, she wanted to be with her daughter, whom she had not seen for more than half a day. Daniel didn’t join her until around 2am yesterday when he found her sitting in a chair with a sleeping baby in her arms. Ariana looked out the window at the full moon and pondered everything Atalante had told her. There was really a lot. “Not really. I don’t even know. Everything seems so surreal. A few months ago, I was slowly being chased. Marcus chased me around like a game, and now I’m the most wanted person in the world.” Ariana complained quietly to herself. Daniel got off the bed and walked a few steps toward Ariana. He wrapped her against his chest and gently stroked her hair. “Well, it’s a good thing I took you for myself. I don’t know what I’d d
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Chapter 82.:
Marcus arrived back at his castle. Although he rarely visited the North Wing since taking the throne, he headed straight there today. He looked for his father in the library, but to his surprise; he did not find him there. Marcus’s father sat in the garden attached to their very north wing. It was a private part of the castle belonging to Marcus’ parents only. The servants serving his parents did not go to his part of the castle, and likewise, Marcus’s servants did not interfere with the goings-on in the northern part. It’s almost like two separate houses. “What are you doing here?” Marcus’ father pointed at him. Ever since Marcus forcibly took over the throne from his father, his father had not spoken to him. They did not interfere in his government, although they knew about the situation in the country. Marcus’ father had his loyal servants in the castle and in the capital. “I came for answers. My mate and my child are in the hands of Daniel Colton of Edeirland. I wanted to take h
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Chapter 83.:
“Can I?” Atalante leaned closer to Ariana, stretching her arms as she wanted to carry little Aaliyah. Ariana looked at her cooing baby before she lifted her eyes and gently handed her daughter to the Lycan Queen. In the morning, she sent Daniel to take care of the guests but currently she would be grateful to have him here. She felt vulnerable against Atalante for some unknown reason. “She’s beautiful and I can tell she’s going to be strong. I’m glad she inherited more from you than the Allus Sierra bloodline.” Atalante looked meaningfully at Ariana. She compared the baby girl to her mother, but mainly she tried to recall the features of her long-lost friend and her teacher and searched for those features in these two. “Why are you so set on Marcus and his family?” Ariana asked boldly. Atalante didn’t want to talk about them too much before, but Ariana wanted to know the truth. “Because of their guilt they bear and for which they were banished from my kingdom.” Atalante cradled
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Chapter 84.:
“Are you leaving already?” Atalante stayed in Edeirland for two more days before finally coming to say goodbye. She had been away from her country longer than necessary and it was time to return to her duties. Ariana could no longer find out exactly how old Atalante was. Atalante kept the exact number a secret and always nonchalantly avoided the question of her age. “Yes, it’s time to go home.” Atalante replied. They all sat at breakfast as Atalante announced her departure for the day. She wanted to leave immediately after breakfast to get as far as possible during the day. The borders of her country were about a week’s journey on horseback. Even if she transformed and ran in her animal form, she wouldn’t be able to keep up the pace all day. The journey would take her perhaps even longer. She could at least switch to a rested horse that was prepared in the taverns along the way. “Of course I understand that. We are very honored to have you stay with us and I think I speak to both o
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Chapter 85.:
Daniel carried Ariana straight to their shared bedroom. He had no responsibilities to attend to today. His adviser or his ministers could do everything that needed to be done. Ariana was blushing all over. She was sure of what would follow. The time had finally come when they could truly just be together. No guests, no relatives, no one to constantly disturb them. “Are you feeling hot?” Daniel asked, seeing how red she was. “I feel great,” Ariana answered him, though her voice was shaking. She wanted to remember this moment until she died. Their first intimate moment together. “Can you wait just a little while?” Ariana asked him with uncertainty in her voice. She wasn’t quite sure about what she wanted to do, but since she and Maria had already bought it, she wanted to take advantage of it. “Of course.” Daniel answered her before placing her back on her feet in the bedroom. Ariana immediately ran to the closet from where she took a small cloth bag and ran to the bathroom with it.
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Chapter 86.:
“Aren’t you hungry? Or thirsty? How are you? Do you feel any pain?” Daniel asked as soon as Ariana opened her eyes. She didn’t remember when she went to sleep. They spent the whole day and night in bed. She couldn’t even remember how many times he took her yesterday. They only had one slight break during the whole day when Daniel ordered the maid to bring some food and drinks in the evening. Ariana gobbled it up as she was famished after the day’s exertions. “I’m fine.” Ariana answered but when she wanted to move, she felt her whole body betraying her. She felt sore all over her body. Her muscles refused to move. Ariana needed to function. Yesterday she did not see her daughter all day. Daniel wouldn’t let her leave the room. He kept her for himself. Ariana missed her daughter and Daniel knew a child could not stay away from its mother for so long. Especially if Ariana was still breastfeeding. “Are you sure? I’m sorry about yesterday. I know I probably overdid it a bit.” Daniel fe
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Chapter 87.:
“Where is the king?” Carlos Sellim, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, asked when he came to Marcus’ office and found only his chief advisor sitting behind a desk and signing papers. “I don’t know.” Alli Wael, the king’s chief adviser, lied. He knew exactly where the king was, but there was no point in telling anyone. Marcus left about a week ago. After his rift with his father, he came straight into his study, turned it upside down, broke half the furniture, and left again. He wreaked havoc all over the castle before heading out of town. He only told Alli if he needed anything, he should kindly turn to his father, to whom he had just given back his cursed kingdom. “How do you not know? After all, you are his chief adviser.” Carlos was getting angry. About a week ago, Marcus was supposed to go through the documents regarding the opening of a new trade route that Allus Sierra needed. Their economy was dying, and without a new trade route to bring income to the country, bankruptcy was i
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Chapter 88.:
“Repeat that to me?” Daniel rose from his chair with such agility that the chair fell to the ground, leaving an echo throughout the room. “Marcus has crossed our borders with about ten thousand of his men. He’s heading straight for the capital. Apparently, they’ve passed all the other cities by now as if they didn’t care about anything else,” Trenton reported to his king once more. It made no sense. According to Atalante, Marcus should not be able to return for several months, or at least several weeks. Still, less than two weeks had passed, and he was back in Edeirland, and what’s more, he had his army with him. Daniel knew this won’t end well. Marcus had quite half of the army with him. Although that number was only about half of their army, it was still enough. Daniel was not ready for open war. He did not expect Marcus to go to open war. Either he had to go against his advisers, or the ministers believed in their victory enough to want to heal themselves in Edeirland. “How many
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