All Chapters of Thirty Days: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
138 Chapters
"After that, Richard changed tack, and rather than go after girls himself, he would wait for me to find a girl I liked and then would start inserting himself in there, just like at school. Being twins, I guess, is a bit of a novelty to most girls, and Richard can actually be quite charming when he wants to be. So he would end up either stealing the girl or pissing her off so badly she would dump me. I didn't end up having any proper relationships until I went off on my gap year and Richard went to university. And then I met Hannah." The overwhelming sadness that I see in Taylor's eyes rocks me to the core."I met her in Costa Rica, on a trek in the jungle. We just clicked and ended up spending most of the year together. When I decided to come back and start my business, she decided to come with me. There was just one problem…I never told her that I had a twin. When I got back, I stupidly thought I would be able to avoid Richard, but somehow he knew. At first, I didn't
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The buzzing of my phone wakes me and I grab it up quickly, trying not to disturb Taylor, who is still fast asleep. The caller ID shows it is my mother, which is strange as she never rings this early in the morning."Hey, Mum," I say in greeting."Morning, honey. Sorry if I woke you.""No, that's all right. How are you?""All good, sweetheart. Your dad and I had a call from Nonna's solicitor yesterday, and he asked if we can come in as soon as possible to discuss the contents of her will.""Oh, okay. I can ask to get some more time off. I don't think my boss will mind." In fact, I am sure I have plenty of holiday still available, so it shouldn't be an issue with Eddy, though I do need to give him a call to explain why I am not at work."Could you make Friday? It will be at the guy's office in Brighton.""Yeah, that's fine.""Excellent. I'll text you the time once I have it confirmed.""That's cool, Mum." Ther
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Once again we sneak into work, and I am forced to confront the reality of the situation. Having an affair with the boss is not smart, but I feel helpless in the face of my attraction. My inner musings keep me distracted from my work for most of the day, but I still manage to complete some of the tasks Eddy has assigned me. Fortunately, Eddy doesn't seem to notice that I am away with the fairies, so I am let off easy.It is not long after lunch when I get a call from reception letting me know that Detective Stanton is waiting for me. I pop through to the lobby, my body tense and filled with apprehension. When I greet her, her kind smile relaxes me a little, but I still find myself playing with my hair nervously."Hello, Abby," she says. "Do you have a couple of minutes to spare?""Sure." I motion to Janet that we are popping across to Starbucks and won't be long. I can see the mild curiosity in her eyes, but given that the office gossip has done the rounds about my so-called mugging, I
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The afternoon flies by and it is not long before Taylor and I are standing outside my front door as I fumble with my keys. Taking them off me gently, Taylor calmly unlocks the door and swings it open. Once again, I am shocked by the devastation. Added to this is the fingerprinting dust, which seems to cover pretty much every surface.With grim determination, I move forward, pulling out my cleaning supplies and black bags. "Taylor, you don't need to stay," I say to him, knowing that he has hours of work still to do this evening."I am not leaving you alone for a second." Taylor growls the words, and I can see the anger flashing in his eyes. I know it is not directed at me, but it stills scares me a little. Instead of arguing, though, I simply hand him a sack. "Anything broken, chuck in there. The bins are out the back." I set to work scrubbing down the kitchen area, tears coming to my eyes when I take in my broken mixer, an eighteenth-birthday gift from Nonna. Taylor works fast, stopp
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A large hand shakes me awake, and I swat at it ineffectually, mumbling incoherently. I hear Taylor's laugh. "Come on, sleepyhead. It's after eight." Shit! I am supposed to be on the train in an hour. I sit up, stretch, and look at Taylor through bleary eyes. He is already dressed in a sharp suit, and I remember that he has a meeting first thing.​Taylor shifts nervously on his feet and suddenly blurts out, "It's my grandmother's birthday on Sunday, and she is having a party. Would you like to come with me?" It thrills me that after all our sneaking around at work, Taylor wants to introduce me to his family. The idea of meeting them all scares me, but I love the fact that he feels ready to take this step.​"I would love to." I smile up him and he grins back. Swooping down, Taylor kisses me intensely, and immediately my body responds, my arousal building. I hook a leg around his, pulling him on top of me as my fingers fumble for the button on his trousers. Taylor
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I am a few minutes late arriving at the solicitor's office, having missed my train, causing me to feel flustered. I am shown into his office to find my parents waiting for me, looking a bit stern, but Mr Thompson's demeanour immediately puts me at ease. We get the formalities out of the way first, and then Mr Thompson begins."I have known Mrs Albertelli—Clara—a great many years as a friend, but she only instructed me on her behalf six months ago when she was given her diagnosis. She has written you each a letter," he says, holding up three fat envelopes, "which she requests you take away and read on your own when we are finished."Her will was very simple, having already disposed of most of her possessions." We look at each other in surprise as Mr Thompson continues, "To Gina, she leaves her jewellery, the contents of the attic box…" He looks over his glasses at my mother. "She said you would know which one she means." My mother nods in
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"You didn't answer my calls." Taylor's voice startles me, and I turn to see him standing beside me. I didn't even hear him walk up, but it is clear from the expression in his eyes he is worried."I'm…I'm sorry. I didn't hear my phone ring. Truthfully, I have been kind of on another planet." With a sigh, he comes and sits down next to me. I can tell from his body language he is angry but trying to suppress it. Wordlessly I pass him over Nonna's letter. He sits still for several minutes as he reads, and then he turns to me. "She left you a bakery?" Taylor asks, the incredulity apparent in his voice."Um, yup." I start to giggle. The giggle turns to laughter, which turns to great, big hiccupping sobs. I am a mess. I miss my Nonna so much, and the thought that she has the confidence in me to have done something so crazy—yes, crazy—enough as buy me a bakery means that I am torn between excitement and terror. Taylor enfolds me in his arms.
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The daylight filtering through the skylights wakes me, and I scrabble around for my phone on the bedside table in an attempt to see what time it is. A heavy arm traps me and pulls me back as Taylor buries his face in my neck, nibbling on my ear. I can feel Taylor's erection pushing into my back as his fingers trace a lazy pattern along my inner thighs. I push my hips back, grinding into Taylor's crotch, and I hear him chuckle softly. He pulls my leg back across his thigh, giving him access to run his fingers through my wet folds. He dips his fingers inside of me, pulling and stretching me open. I moan quietly, clutching at the sheets with tight fists. I hear the rip of foil, and then he is pushing inside of me, filling me to the hilt. The angle of Taylor's cock rubs persistently, sending sparks through my abdomen. I feel my orgasm building, a slow-burning fire in my belly. The waves of pleasure are drawn out as Taylor continues to rock his hips gently, his dexterous fingers keeping me
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It is dark when we finally slump onto the sofa, and I grumble to Taylor that I am never going to take a walk around London again if that is his idea of a gentle stroll. He throws a cushion at me in retaliation, and soon we are wrestling each other, finding each other's ticklish spots."Enough. Truce!" I finally gasp when I can no longer take any more. With a grin, knowing he has won, Taylor offers a hand to help me up. I take it cautiously, expecting another round of tickling, but instead, he pulls me into his arms and lowers his mouth to mine. His teasing nips pull at my lower lip, and when I open up, he slides his tongue in. I moan into his mouth as he caresses me, his hands mirroring those actions of his tongue. He cups my butt with his hands and pulls me in tight, and I can feel the ridge of his erection growing through his jeans, as he lets out a low growl.It gives me a thrill to know that I can affect Taylor like this. All my life I have felt dowdy and, while not ugly, not beau
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I am standing in the beautiful orangery that is the focal point of Taylor’s grandmother’s house, feeling like a complete outsider. Granted, everyone has been perfectly charming, but I can feel the question marks in their eyes burning holes into my back. “Ignore them. They are a complete waste of space.” A charming voice startles me as a slim arm slips through mine. I turn my head to find myself staring into a pair of dark chocolate eyes so similar to Taylor’s that I can only conclude that they belong to his little sister. “Nicola?” I ask, the tremble in my voice evident. Taylor went off to get a drink five minutes ago, and I have been feeling exposed ever since. Just having Nicola by my side instantly relaxes me, and I offer her a grateful smile for rescuing me. “Yup, the baby sister. And you are Abby.” The last bit is not a question, but a statement. “I am so glad to finally meet you. Taylor has told me so much about you.” My curiosity is piqued at the excitement in Nicola’s voice
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