All Chapters of Claimed By The Romania Brothers: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
154 Chapters
MIAI came awake with a start to see Javier sitting by my bedside, a worried look in his eyes, the poor guy could never seem to get enough sleep.I am sweating seriously and breathing hard, glad that the horrible thing I experienced was just a dream and not reality.“Are you okay, Mia?” Javier asked, his voice soft and his eyes deeply worried.Before I could answer, the door creaked open and Ivan came in, he stood over me, yawning and stretching. “Another vision?” he asked.I nodded my head.“What was it this time?” Javier asked.“It was terrible,” I told them.I didn’t even want to remember such a horrible thing but I also knew they deserved to know. I had been nothing but trouble since the day I came into the brothers life and I was starting to hate myself for that.I took a deep breath then began, “It was just like any other vision, one minute, I was in the penthouse, it looked different so I could tell it was a vision, when I tried to leave my room and come outside and see what w
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Ignorance Is A Bliss
MIAWhere the hell was their uncle and why were Javier and Ivan passed out on the floor? A lot was running through my head and I was starting to panic, what the hell was going on?“Javier! Ivan!” I shook both of them but they just lay there like logs of wood, not moving, not responding to anything. I had to lean in close to see if they were still alive. Luckily, they were still breathing, and that at least calmed me down a little.Where the hell was Harold and what happened in the few minutes I was gone? I saw that the outside door was slightly ajar and I carefully walked over and peeped outside.I was about to call out to Harold when I saw that he was on the phone with someone and he was whispering. That was very suspicious. Who was he on the phone with and why was he whispering?I decided to eavesdrop on his conversation.“It’s not working, Rylee, something must be wrong with the potion you have me,” Harold whispered.My eyes widened with shock, Rylee? Did Harold know Rylee and wors
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The Farce Is Over
MIAI opened my eyes and my eyes suddenly and I was back to that same horrible vision, the one where I was trapped in a casket, as if this day could not get any worse.A sudden fear gripped me as I began pounding on the walls and roof of my very small and restrictive prison, screaming at the top of my lungs and scratching at the walls and roof too.It was a very powerful feat of panic so it took me a while to understand what was going on.This vision was different from the last one, in the last one, I couldn’t breathe, I was gasping for air while screaming and struggling to no avail but this time around.It felt as if it wasn’t quite me that was imprisoned, sure there was panic and the same tight space and lack of air but at the same time, it was as if the fear and frustration I was experiencing was not my own but in fact that of another person being channeled through me.I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, I had to get a better understanding of the situation.‘Looks like som
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My Mom?
MIA"What?" I asked my mouth ajar, I could not believe what I just heard."Wait, what exactly do you mean? How, how do you know?" I threw a load of questions at Bastien.Bastien sighed, he looked visibly tired, "I have to apologize to you all, I thought that by keeping quiet, I would protect you and keep you from getting hurt but it turns out the very danger I thought I was protecting you from seems to be out to get you regardless of my efforts.""Which dangers? What are you protecting us from?" Javier asked."For starters, the fact that Leo was your father, I didn't want to hurt you, Javier."Javier's eyes dimmed and he swallowed."Can't have been easy for you either, Dad, finding out that mom your mate cheated on you, you have had to carry that secret and betrayal for decades," Ivan said, his face showing his sympathy."I didn't find out until three years ago as your mom was about to breathe her last," Bastien corrected him. "What made it worse is the fact that Leo is my blood."A s
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Regrets & Visions
JAVIERThe longer the conversation went on, the worse I felt about myself, the things I had done, and how I had handled matters with Bastien.All along, he had been carrying all this on his shoulders alone, standing tall for all of us and at the same time, shielding us from an untold number of dangers that have been lurking around us all this while.I remembered the way I had treated him since he came back into our life and I was ashamed of myself.I should have known that the loving and caring father who raised me would not forget about me in a hurry and abandon me and Ivan. Grief and anger had a way of twisting things and blinding people to certain things and I fell victim to their influence.I let grief, anger, and Uncle Harold convince me that my dad – Bastien had somehow forgotten and left us when in reality he never did. How could I make this right? Even Ivan who was at the beginning angrier at Bastien than I had found a way to put it behind him and love him again, what was m
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More Mystery
JAVIERI shook Mia hard and shook her again but she did not bulge. It was like she was in a coma, alive but unreachable, this scared me straight, I got out of bed and ran to Ivan’s room and woke him up with a shout.Ivan awoke frowning, “What is it this time again?” The look on his face told me he already knew it was Mia-related.By now, we are already used to this pattern, Mia has a hugely emotional moment, we try to console her, we end up making out, fall asleep, and then wake up to a shout.It was the way things were around the penthouse now, neither of us could go to sleep and hope to wake up blissfully in the morning.“Come, quick, it happened again, she woke up after thrashing around in bed, had a similar look to the one back at the warehouse, said some cryptic thing like ‘he’s coming,’ then fell back asleep, and now, she is refusing to wake up.” I gave him the cliff notes of everything that had happened.Ivan got out of bed and followed me back and had his turn trying to wake h
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Mind Games
MIAI was so shocked to hear the voice of Leo and I dropped the bottle of vintage wine and ran back into the living room.Everyone had the same puzzled look on their faces, "I'll make sure he was not followed," Ivan said before darting outside. He came back soon after and shook his head, "It's all good, he is alone." "That was the same thing that Mia said in her sleep," Javier admitted.I was shocked to hear that, "What do you mean, when did I say that?" When did I say such a thing? I had no memory of ever saying such. What was Javier talking about?Leo roused himself and managed to look up at us, "You need to help me, I have been bitten."Bastien's face grew dark with caution as he shook his head, "It's impossible Leo, there has not been a way to save a wolf who has been bitten in centuries.""I risked my life coming here because I know I can be healed here," Leo shot back. "Won't die without at least getting the help I came for.""What the hell is going on here?" Ivan asked, his ga
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Plans To Rescue Mia
JAVIER Watching Mia collapse in that ritual circle took my breath away, I could not breathe because I thought for a moment that she was dead.All the questions came rushing back, why didn't I stop her from carrying out this crazy plan? What was I thinking letting her go ahead with it? Was this the price of being a supportive mate? I should have been as stubborn as Ivan, if both of us had held out long enough, maybe we would have been able to convince her to back out but even as I thought so, I didn't buy it."Javier, snap out of it," Ivan said, perfectly reading my emotions and train of thought, "She is still alive, this is not the time to freeze up. This is the time for action.""It's not safe to enter into the ritual circle yet, stay out of it for now," Bastien warned, a worried look on his face. "This is all your fault, you talked her into doing this," I said, grabbing Bastien by his shirt collar. "Mia is a grown woman, I didn't talk her into anything, I presented her options a
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Mind Maze
MIAThe inside of Rylee's mind was not at all what I was expecting, it was just a long brightly lit narrow corridor with lots of doors, the corridor seemed to stretch on and on and on forever, endlessly, each door had a different color and no doubt held a different memory, this was worse than a maze. At least a maze had a starting point and an ending point, this was the opposite, an unending hall of memories. How the hell was I going to find what I was looking for here? Where did I even begin?'Lynn, are you still there?' I asked.'I am right here, Mia,' Lynn replied.'What next? How do I go about finding the right memory? There are a lot of doors,' I walked closer to one of the doors and looked over it carefully, 'there are no labels, no engravings, no nothing. How can I tell the right one?'The sheer number of doors was overwhelming but I tried my very best to maintain my cool and calm. I would take them one after the other if the need arose. I had gotten this far, and there was no
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New Powers
MIAWhy did it have to be a dead end of all possible places I had to run into? This was no doubt done by Rylee since as she had proudly boasted she was in complete control here.I had no other choice now, I had to fight. How exactly? I had no idea but I was not just going to stay there and allow myself to be mauled to death by this monster that was coming towards me with killer intent.Suddenly, the door directly opposite to the one I had entered was covered in a bright light and a woman stepped out of it moving faster than a speeding bullet, she got to the wolf just before it could use its claws on me, laid one hand on its back and it shattered into a million specks.Just like that, the big menacing monster was reduced to nothing in mere seconds. I had to blink to avoid getting eye damage from the brightness of the light that had just come out of nowhere, it was still shining and had only just begun to dim.I squinted and brought down my right hand that was guarding my face and took
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