All Chapters of A vow of hate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
171 Chapters
I felt my eyes blur a little. “Can you get me a tissue, please?” I asked, keeping my chin up and away from his gaze. He let go of me and got up to leave. “Wait, I have some in my—” He walked out of his office before I could tell him I had some more in my bag. I stood up. He came back with a pretty box of Kleenex and held it out for me. I pulled one out and, sniffling, held it under my nose. “Are you okay?” he asked again, looking straight into my eyes. I nodded and tilted my head back a little more to stop the flow a bit. Sometimes that helped. Now that I’d learned what it could be, the feeling of that warm trickle was freaking me out more than it had only hours earlier. Christian massaged his temple, walked a few steps away, and then came back to stand in front of me. “Okay. Okay, tell me what the doctor said. I’m assuming it’s not allergies from the look on your face.” “Nope. Turns out it’s probably not allergies or a cold. He wants to run some tests, wants to get a CT scan and
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His forehead creased. “What do you mean you didn’t schedule them?”“A CT scan, I can do, Christian. I googled it and it’s only a minute, plus only my head would go in. The MRI, which is what he said they needed to see if there is a hole and where it is—that one I can’t do.”He looked at me in confusion. “What are you talking about?”“I’m not okay with closed spaces.”“You’re claustrophobic? You never panic in an elevator.”“Elevators are fine, as long as I don’t get stuck in them. Plus, I can move. I don’t have to stay still. I talked to a nurse when I exited the doctor’s office and apparently the type of scan he wants takes over fifteen minutes, and I can’t move at all during it—as in I’m not allowed to move or twitch any part of my body. If I do, they’ll have to start all over again.” I could feel my eyes burning with tears. I felt so stupid. “Thinking about it is already giving me anxiety, and she said they will need to close a cage on my head “because apparently it needs to be sta
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I nodded and took a deep, deep breath, having gotten a better handle on my emotions thanks to his brand of tough love. “I’m not good with doctors,” I told him, repeating my earlier confession. “I’m not good with stuff like this, especially since I had to see my mom in that place for s-so long.” My voice broke and I hated it. “I’m not good with these things.”“I really couldn’t tell.” His beautiful and gentle smile was the last straw for me, and the tears just started to roll down my face.He must’ve misunderstood my tears, because he rushed to explain. “You have to stop crying. I can’t take it. We’ll deal with it together, if it comes to it, but we’re not going to worry about it before we know what it is exactly. It doesn’t make sense to do so. Agreed?”“Now you smile at me?” I blurted out, ignoring his support. His face was already blurring as my eyes started to fill with tears, but I managed to hit him on his chest once, lightly. “Now?” I didn’t even realize my voice was rising, but
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CHRISTIAN“Five million. Just as you wanted.”I dumped the black duffel bag of money at Mark’s foot, watching as it fell to the floor with a thud, causing dust to rise and stir around his feet before it settled. He let out a loud whistle as he crouched down and opened the bag, taking out a wad of cash and inhaling it before he stood up. I scrunched up my face, visibly irritated.“See, it's always nice doing business with you. Maybe in a more ideal situation, we could even be friends. We could be as tight as brothers,” Mark said, slapping me across the arm in a too personal and familiar manner.I landed my steely gaze on his face, making sure I was staring straight at him. “I’m not your friend. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go meet my wife." I turned away from him, dusting off imaginary dust from where his hand had been, only to stop in my tracks at the sound of his voice.“How is she doing anyway?”I turned so fast that I almost got whiplash. There was something almost sincere i
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Her eyes met mine and I gestured to the cup with my head. She dropped her head forward and the first few drops started coming. A few seconds later, her left hand curled around my wrist. At first I thought maybe she was trying to line up the cup right under her nose, but when I looked closely, she had her eyes tightly closed and was biting her lip. I cursed myself for not being better in a situation like this. My family hadn’t been any better than hers. Not as bad, but still not better. I had a family, but not really. My father messed up our family dynamics a long time ago, so it looked like we’re a tight knit circle, but we really weren’t. I didn’t know exactly how to be there for someone emotionally because I hadn’t seen anything like it in my family. And this situation wasn’t exactly the same as being there for my daughter. This felt much like trying to find my way in the dark. But it was Hazel. I didn’t mind if I crashed into everything as I tried to find my way, the only thing tha
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The next day we were sitting at the ENT’s office again as he gave us more information about Hazel’s sickness. He said everything the other doctor had said to Hazel before, and whenever I cast a quick glance her way where she was sitting next to me, her eyes were glazed over. I didn’t know how much of it she actually heard. Her hands were grasping the arms of the chair in a white-knuckled grip, so I didn’t think my touch would be welcome. Instead, I asked every single question that came to my mind about her upcoming unavoidable surgery.“After we see the results of your MRI and the CT scan, we’ll schedule your surgery.” Hazel cleared her throat and interrupted the doctor. “I’m sorry for interrupting you, but I’m claustrophobic—is there any way we can avoid the MRI scans if we already know from the samples that this is a CSF leak and I’m gonna have surgery anyway?” “I’m afraid not, Mrs. Walker. Since you didn’t have a head trauma or any other injuries that could cause a CSF l
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“Since you were worried about the leaking, we’ll put this paper down under your nose so hopefully it won’t distract you too much. Also, it’s going to be loud in there, so here are your ear plugs. The sounds are completely normal, so don’t let them panic you.”The technician offered another pair to me as Hazel took them without a word and placed them in her ears. “Ready?” the girl asked, her gaze moving between mine and Hazel's.Hazel cleared her throat. “Yes.” She secured her head in the contraption, and I helped her lie down on her stomach. Her eyes were already tightly closed. Before the technician could disappear behind the door, I got her attention. “Can I touch her?”“Yes, but try not to move her.”The door closed, and Hazel and I were alone—if you didn’t count everyone else on the other side of the glass, that is. A few seconds later, the technician’s voice filled the room as she spoke into a mic from the other side. “Okay, we’re about to start, Hazel. I’ll be talking and letti
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HAZELThey had scheduled my surgery for the following Tuesday after my eventful MRI. I'd moved up my date with Valerie because I felt so faint, and thankfully, my little girl was so sweet about it. I’d spent the next few days barely eating and rotting away in my room, but today was finally the day. I made my way over to Valerie’s room, lightly bouncing in my feet. Sunlight streamed through her windows, painting golden stripes across her face. She stretched as I entered the room, and my lips immediately lifted in a smile.“Morning sleepyhead.”“Mumeeee!” Valerie bounced onto the bed, a whirlwind of pink pyjamas and boundless energy. Her pigtails which had been braided by Tina just yesterday, already spotted a few rogue strands. “Mummy, are we going on our date today?”I scooped her up into a hug, the scent of strawberries and sunshine tickling my nose. “We sure are, are you ready?”“Yeah!” She exclaimed, super excited.I helped her make her bed quickly before we both went down to the k
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“Valerie?” My voice was a panicked strangled cry that was somehow still low that nobody paid me any mind. I looked around me again, she had just been there a second ago, so she couldn’t have wandered far, right? Wrong.As I scoured the general area of the truck, looking carefully into the faces of every little kid close by, much to the disapproval of their mothers, I was quickly starting to realize that I might have lost my daughter. The open bottle of water that I was holding fell from my hand,bouncing off the ground at my feet. I didn’t pay it any mind. I suddenly felt nauseous and lightheaded, like I had eaten something bad. My heart was starting to thud like crazy in my chest, like if I even moved the wrong way, it would come flying out and end up at my feet, right next to the discarded bottle of water.“Valerie,” I whispered, my eyes wide open like a deer caught in the headlights. I looked around the area rapidly again, before something clicked in my head. The driver! “Dennis…”
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The men that Christian had called scoured the amusement park once more, but there was nothing. The police came, took down statements from me and a reluctant Christian, but we still didn’t find Valerie. It was clear that she wasn’t within the gates of the amusement park anymore. Dennis drove me home, and I cried the entire time. Christian didn’t come home until the next day. And I’d spent the night in the living room with Mia and Olivia, barely moving, barely even breathing. Christian must have told them what had happened, but I didn’t want them. I didn’t want anyone. I just wanted my daughter. Morning came after the night dragged on forever, and they both had to leave for their respective jobs. I was alone again. And I thought it would bring me some kind of relief, but it didn’t. The only thing it did was highlight the fact that I still hadn’t found my daughter. Tina hovered around me, not coming close but not straying too far either. And by the time Christian finally came home at abo
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