All Chapters of Tempted By My Jilted Groom: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
130 Chapters
Chapter 121: Friendship.
Wendy's POV. I withdraw my hand slowly away from his grasp and look at him with surprise, I don't know what confession he was talking about. I don't wanna hear any confession, if he wanna do some confession, he can simply go to the church and do it there, I'm the wrong person to confess to. "Um, I don't really know what to say..." I stammered, my voice betraying a hint of nervousness as I tried to maintain composure. The last thing I wanted was to be the recipient of some dramatic revelation, especially not in the bustling cafeteria where prying eyes stared at us. "What are you talking about, did anything happen during your holiday?" I pressed, hoping to steer the conversation away from whatever confession he has in mind. My mind raced with possibilities, each one more daunting than the last.If Stan harbored romantic feelings for me, it would only complicate our friendship and disrupt the delicate balance of my life. If the professor sees this now, he's gonna be mad at me and I do
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Chapter 122: Aliyah.
Wendy's POV. I dropped on the bench near the school football pitch and stared at some of the students playing some games. I longed to join but I never gathered that courage to get involved in any sporting activities or maybe I was just too busy with studies to engage in anything. School had been good to me, life had been good except for my best friend's behavior that was really off key. I tried to sort things out despite not knowing what I did to deserve her cold shoulders again but she seems hell bent on not wanting to solve the problem so I've let the issue rest, though I'm not giving up on our friendship but it really hurts when she does that to me. It really does hurt. May's squad stayed away from me except for Anna of course, she doesn't seem to care about anything, she was always there for me. According to what I heard, May asked them to cut it off with me and if none of them comply, the person would be off her group of friends but I don't think May would do such a thing but
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Chapter 123: From The Past.
Wendy's POV. Stepping out of Kira's car, a grateful smile spread across my face as I turned to thank her. "Thank you so much, Kira, but I really shouldn't accept rides from you anymore. You have the restaurants to run."Kira waved off my protest with a grin. "Oh, come on! How could I not give my lucky star a ride to school? Besides, I don't mind being your personal chauffeur," she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.I chuckled, genuinely happy for her newfound convenience now that she had a car. Transportation wouldn't be a hassle for her and her family anymore... Especially the kids. "Alright, alright, stop spoiling me and get going. The boss can't be absent from work," I joked, playfully shooing her away before closing the car door."I wouldn't have to bother had your stupid friend not start acting up again, I don't know who gets angry at some without a valid reason, she's just stupid and I doubt if she's even your friend at all, if I have a friend like that, I would prepare
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Chapter 124: Messed Up Emotions.
Wendy's POV. As the class ended, I bolted out of the room like a bat out of hell, my mind spinning in different possibilities of how things can go awfully wrong."What the hell?!" I muttered, barely able to comprehend the situation. "How? What was he doing here and... Good Lord!" I pleaded internally, feeling utterly overwhelmed. "Please help me, I beg you. I can't handle this shit right now. How the fuck do I cope with this?""Wendy!" A voice called out, but I refused to acknowledge it. All I wanted was to find a quiet corner to think about the latest messy development in my life. I need to think and I have to think of solutions too. He had the audacity to show his face after what he'd done. The nerve of him to spew garbage at me. He should have had the decency to stay far away from me, to hide in shame. But no, he dared to confront me! I don't get it, what was he doing here anyway?! Fuck him and everything he stands for."Wendy!" The voice persisted, joined by others, but I didn'
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Chapter 125: Come Back To Me.
Wendy's POV. As the taxi rolled closer to the school, a surge of frustration twisted in my gut, the bitter taste of resentment flooding my senses. "Why does it have to be like this?" I muttered to myself, feeling the weight of every bitter memory pressing down on me.The taxi driver sometimes peeped at me through the rear mirror and I understand, he might probably be worried that he had picked up a psycho because of the way I had been muttering in his taxi. "My life is like a bad soap opera," I grumbled, clenching my fists as I stared out the window. "I'm just tired of it all, you know?" My life is the worst!Right now, I hate it, I mean I hate my life!A life where I have to see Aaron everyday and be reminded of how I had destroyed my life because of some love.I never thought I would not be looking forward to going to school, attending lectures... Everything at school annoys me now. All I wanted to do was stop going to school. I wanted to stay at home and have some peace of mind.
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Chapter 126: An Old Wendy.
Wendy's POV. "You... Uncluttered swine. How dare you!" I huffed, looking at the man in front of me with nothing but disdain, he dares to say shit in front of me?!"What the fuck has gotten into you any way?!" I snapped, my voice laced with frustration and disgust. How could he have the audacity to pull a stunt like this?"What the hell is wrong with you Mr. Aaron?" I heard a deep masculine voice seethed and I turned to see Stan heading towards us; Tess, Anna and Aliyah were right behind him. I swallowed, thinking of a way to avoid the trouble that was clouding, "Are you alright Wendy?" Stan asked with a concerned look and I just forced a smile, thinking of different ways to stop the disaster waiting to happen."And who are you?" Aaron's voice penetrated into the air and I turned around to look at him with some kind of pure disdain."Look who's talking.... You know I saw you putting those cheap petals there, I never knew it was for Wendy, had I known, I would have had you arrested fo
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Chapter 127: Blessings.
Wendy's POV. Few weeks later. "May! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I demanded, grabbing her wrist as we left the classroom. The anger and frustration boiled over, my need for answers consuming me whole because I've been too patient for long. She yanked her hand away from my hold, glaring at me with eyes full of resentment. "Stop being childish, Wendy! I told you, I need space from you. Is that too much to ask for?" Her voice was sharp, cutting through the air. I sighed heavily, glancing around at the small crowd that had gathered to watch our confrontation. My head spun with the weight of their stares and the pressure of the situation. May had become so unbearable over the past few weeks, and this seemed like my only chance to get through to her. She avoids me at home and acts like I don't even exist whenever she sees me. "Please, May, what's wrong?" I pleaded, desperation creeping into my voice. "I need to know what I did so I can make amends. You're like a sister to me. Tell
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Chapter 128: Her...
George's POV. "I've missed you, so much babe..." Wendy mumbled as we walked into the bedroom.She had just come in and I am holding myself… trying not to jump on her immediately she came into my house. I smiled and drew her closer to me, my heart beating fast and furious but I tried to keep my cool. The urge to just carry her, strip her and fuck her was driving me insane but I kept my hunger for her in... Just a little more time and I would have her, I've been patient for almost two weeks, I can remain patient. "You have no idea how much I've missed you too princess and not been able to talk to you whenever I want was just another form of torture, I think you should consider moving in with me, I don't mind." I suggested and she just chuckled before dropping on the bed. "You know I can't move in with you, that's really dangerous." "Um, how about I rent an apartment for you huh? I can see you whenever I want, how does that sound?" I asked despite knowing the answer."Thank you but
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Chapter 129: Threat.
Wendy's POV. I stepped out of the taxi, feeling a mix of happiness and nervousness. Last night was incredible... Super hot and spicy...but now I was sore and my legs felt like jelly. Still, it had definitely been worth it.A knot of worry twisted in my stomach. He hadn't used protection again. He seemed to dislike it more and more, preferring the raw feel of us. I enjoyed it too but it made me anxious. I took precautions, but nothing was ever 100% effective.I walked slowly toward school, my mind reeling with thoughts. I'd spent the night at his place since Aunt Linda was away on a business trip and May hadn't stayed home. She never did unless Aunt Linda was around.Checking the time, I saw there was still over an hour before my next class. I decided to head to my usual quiet spot. It was a place few students visited, and the natural scent there always calmed me.My phone buzzed, and I glanced at the screen to see a message from Aliyah: *"You okay? Where are you?"* I quickly replied
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Chapter 130: Videos
George's POVWendy has finally turned me into the monster I didn't want to be. It's been a week yet, I cannot get my mind off the fact that her body is the medicine I needed to cure every sickness I was facing. Every time I see her, every time I watch her walk, and talk with her friends, it only makes me more confused as to why I hadn't made her mine just yet. Deep down, I know the reason but I was beyond reasoning when it comes to that girl. She was a distraction I don't mind getting distracted by but how do I go about it? What do I do with her? I don't know what to do with my feelings for her. Should I go for it or should I let her go? The mission I had come to the school for was the most pressing thing on my mind right now. It just has to be. With all these thoughts in my head, my shoes clicked against the tiled floor as I continued to make my way to the school's control room. This was one of the chances I could get as everyone was still home and it was still too early for anybo
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