All Chapters of The Luna Queen's Revenge : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
101 Chapters
Castro's company
Brenda PovI pushed the door open and walked into the room briskly. Liam, Joshua and Zayn were seated across the room, playing chess with a cup of wine in their hands. Moving closer to them, I realised it was a cup of blood. "Did you guys have to kill a child to portray a message like that? Wasn't her room covered in blood good enough for you?!" I inquired angrily but they all had playful smirks on their faces. "Cheer up, we didn't kill the actual girl," Joshua replied, rolling his eyes and swinging the cup around the air. The smell of blood irked me, but I was in the vampire territory and there was not much to be done about it. They hated the taste of werewolf blood so the only reason they would go after a werewolf was if they had an actual intention to kill them. While I was younger, I had seen movies about vampires and werewolves, some of them were unreal but based on vampire diaries, I expected these vampires to be a little more modest and act like gentlemen. The fools I was
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Casting Shadow
Katherine pov Sonia would not stop talking, it had been over an hour since Grey placed me on duty to keep an eye on her. To think of having a better role as the Luna of the pack. She went on about different topics in a row, from being the ugly one in the friend group till she attained puberty. I answered her by saying that the majority of us were ugly before puberty and some still are even after puberty. I found myself unexpectedly immersed in the quirks of Sonia's pregnancy journey, particularly the peculiar cravings that were transforming our snack shelf into a bizarre food museum. Chuckling, I remarked to Sonia, "Have you noticed how your pregnancy cravings are turning our snack shelf into a peculiar assortment?"Sonia laughed, "Oh, absolutely. Pickles and ice cream, the classic masterpiece. Grey must be thrilled with my culinary choices."Amidst our laughter, a thought crossed my mind, "Speaking of Grey, why do you think he put me in charge of watching over you? Did he think my
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Lily PovThe air was cold and the room was constantly dark. It had been three days and these days were as scary as hell because the only time I received a visitor was to get a meal of the day. I remembered when I first got here, back at the pack, they tried to knock me out and when I didn't pass out from their attempts, they overpowered me and shoved me into a van they hid in the woods. Brenda had stared at me with so much to no emotions in her eyes. We trusted her and she sold us out to the pack, all because of some petty hatred and jealousy.“How could you?” I screamed out as the bars to the door closed with me behind it. “Shut up,” she replied scornfully. “You’re so envious that Katherine is around and you let that affect the love that the pack has for you? What exactly do you plan to gain from this kind of betrayal?!” I ignored her first demand and screamed out at her once again. She pulled me by my shirt and my body hit the iron bars that were between us really hard. I wince
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A while longer
Jude Pov "Where is she?" I asked impatiently to my brother. "She's on her way, she says she's almost here," he curtly replied, placing his phone into his pocket. It had been over an hour since we were expecting Dorcas, most times I wished she resided in the pack as one of us. Unless she conjured up some spell, it usually takes her over an hour to get to the pack house from her home. After Jade's response, the room went silent. We were the only ones in it. It was my father's old office. It had been almost a week since he stepped down from being alpha and for the time being, till a solution is made and everything around us is resolved, Jade acted as the head in charge. It only made sense because he was a few minutes older than I. I also never let it bother me much, I knew the stress that came with being alpha and it was not so attractive to be in control all the time. Jade on the other hand loved the job. During our last misunderstanding, mostly with me overthinking and jumping in
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Katherine Pov"Did you really think I wouldn't have found out about this plan all along?" I frowned, crossing my arms around my chest and tapping my feet on the ground. They were not happy to see me and I was sure of that, but with how suspicious Jude and Jade had been acting recently, I knew something was wrong somewhere. These three believed they could just sneak in and out of the vampire kingdom to take Lily. Risking the life of both alphas and the safety of every other pack member. It was the dumbest idea. Following them was also another dumb idea from me, but there was not much I could do at an abrupt time like that. Dorcas had said earlier on that it took ten seconds for the portal she created to finally close up. Jumping in at dire moments was the best option I had."Dorcas, we're sending her back. She cannot be here," Jude pointed out, grabbing me by my upper arm and leading me towards Dorcas. "We can't, I can only take us here and back once." She sighed. As I stepped t
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Lily povHuddled in a cold corner of the dungeon, feeling really hungry, I couldn’t escape the heavy silence that had been around me for more than 24 hours. The chilly air made me shiver, a cruel reminder that I was stuck here.I tried to catch a rat to ease my growling stomach, but I just got weaker, struggling against the hunger pains. My once lively spirit felt dimmed, and my attempts to keep some dignity were useless in this tough situation. My hair, usually tidy, now stuck to my forehead in a messy tangle, reflecting the disorder around me. The smell of my unwashed body lingered, a harsh reminder of how things had gotten.Loneliness pressed down on me like a heavy weight. The silence was only broken by the occasional sound of rodents scurrying around, my only buddies in this cold, lonely space. The wolf inside me seemed to share my hunger, a quiet partner in this tough time.Lying on the hard stone floor, time felt like it blurred. The rhythmic drip of water served as a haunting
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Lily PovDaryl, a boy of about twelve, had a face that radiated youthful innocence, with smooth skin and a sprinkling of freckles across his nose. His eyes, a shade of hazel, sparkled with a curiosity that seemed to reach beyond his age, holding a glimmer of understanding.His hair, a sandy blond, was neatly combed, falling in gentle waves around his face. Daryl’s features were rounded and friendly, with a smile that revealed a set of braces, adding a touch of endearing charm. Despite his neat appearance, there was an approachability about him, making him seem less like a sharply dressed figure and more like a kid you could easily strike up a conversation with.This combination of innocent features and well-groomed charm created a personable aura around Daryl, a nice vampire who appeared more interested in connecting than intimidating.I couldn't help but notice this nice scent surrounding Daryl, a far cry from the adventurous aroma lingering on my more laid-back outfit. His hair was
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Tears stung
Katherine PovA voice shattered the silence, sending a chill down my spine. "Well, would you look at that? Look what the trap caught this time."I froze, the color draining from my face. The realization hit me like a punch to the gut – I had been caught. The fear that had been lurking in the background now took center stage, and I clutched the stick tighter, my eyes darting around for any sign of Jude or an escape route. "Just wait till Lilith sees you."My heart raced as I realized the vampires had found me. The shadows that used to hide now closed in on me, and fear surged through me. I ran through the forest, trying to escape, but the vampires were too fast.The moon above made everything look strange, showing the twisted branches and tangled bushes. I knew I couldn’t outrun the supernatural beings chasing me, but I had to try to survive.In the dark, I missed the connection I had with the wolf inside me, the instinctive force I was absent because Frey was absent and I needed it a
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Lily pov"Lily,"I felt like breaking down, tears stinging my dry eyes and clouding my vision. An overly familiar voice called my name, and instinctively, I responded, "Jude."My voice was low and cracked, but it echoed in the dimly lit corridor. Suddenly, there he was – Jude, my older brother, a comforting presence in the darkness.Without thinking, I rushed into his arms. His familiar smell brought me comfort, and I felt safe knowing he had come to rescue me.Jude's arms held me close, like a shield against the scary things that haunted me. In that moment, it was just us, and the worries of the dungeon faded away. Time seemed to stand still as I clung to him, grateful for my brother's protection.As my sobs lessened, I pulled back to look into Jude's eyes. He looked worried, but there was also strength and determination. He promised, "Lily, we're getting you out of here."“We?” My brows furrowed. “Yeah, come on.” Jude insisted, pulling me through the exit door. He looked down at m
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Katherine povThey were waiting, we were all waiting. The so-called Lilith was in some meeting with important people, this was what one of the vampires who he captured me had said. Wherever it is they had taken me was big because every sound they made had an echo to back it up. Running away again was not the best idea so I just knelt down in my position, keeping my eyes open for the perfect opportunity to take action. “This better be good,” a feminine voice said. I heard footsteps from a distance, drawing closer with every step. It sounded like the female was on heels as with how fast the steps were, I could tell she was good with her shoes. She definitely had to be Lilith. “You’re going to love it my queen,” a man replied to her, following her steps as she briskly walked to me. Then the veil was removed from my head.The room finally came into view, along with everyone in it. There was a lady with a slander stature in front of me, I looked down at her legs to see she had red hee
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